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Post 28 Jun 2018, 8:41 pm

Trigger option in effect! Early adjudication ensues with not much fanfare other than officially being in lap 2.

Important: I am on vacation for the next six weeks and adjudications will not be on a regular schedule. Both delays and quick turnarounds are possible. I will be using the trigger option - if all plots are in, I will adjudicate early, if possible, to help make up for inevitable delays. Getting plots in early would be helpful as we try to maintain the pace.I will always allow for 48 hours before the next deadline and will try my best to send out reminders. Your patience and understanding is appreciated over the next month and a half.

For the curious, we (wife and 10/12 year old daughters) are dragging our camper to Acadia NP, then to Montreal, a quick stop at Niagara, about 10 days with the in-laws in Chicago, a week at the World Boardgaming Championships in PA, then home. We'll spend a week at home before the beach trip finale in Ocean City, MD. I will be ready to go back to work after all that!

Turn 12 Results

Galullo drops down to a reasonable 140 as he crosses the S/F line and prepares for the Senna 'S'. Harley cranks the engine to 160 and makes up a bit of track on the leader.

Ingraham has the initiative and thrills the crowds as he drops the hammer to 180. Burnett, at 160, grabs the tailpipe on the big engine of the #78 car.

Bauska drops 2 tires on the Junction line at 140 and works his way around the big bend. Harrington conserves wear at 80 on the inside rail of the Junction.

Hoyt gets the initiative at 120 and clips a tire on the Junction line. Scarpino, at 100, runs the Junction line for free.

Snouffer burns a wear on the Junction line at 120. Lind readies his car for the Junction line at 80.

Francis recovers from his spin at 40. Simmerman decides to use up some tire, scraping 2 wear at 80 through the Duck Bill.

Turn 13 Deadline: Monday, July 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Trigger option - if all plots in, I may be able to adjudicate early.
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Post 03 Jul 2018, 7:05 pm

Thanks for your patience on this fairly uneventful turn...

Turn 13 Results

Galullo drops 2 wear on the first Senna S line at 100. Harley runs up to the Senna on the line at 160.

Ingraham trots up to the S/F line at 140. Burnett pulls even at 140 and the bonus.

Bauska drops the hammer to 180 with 2s (modified 7). Harrington rolls through Dos Boxes at 140.

Hoyt, at 160, pulls even with the #32. Scarpino takes to the dice with 2s to get up to his top speed of 180 (modified 2). It's 3-wide but Scarpino will have to take the long route next turn.

Snouffer finishes out Junction at 120. Lind, at 140, clips 2 tires before grabbing the tailpipe on the red racer.

Simmerman burns a wear on the Junction line at 120. Francis, at 80 and with the bonus, pulls up to Junction on the line.

Turn 14 Deadline: Thursday, June 5th @ 9 p.m. EST (1 a.m., July 6th GMT).

Happy 4th of July to our U.S drivers! I'll be watching the fireworks at Bar Harbor, ME tomorrow night.
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Post 04 Jul 2018, 4:30 am

Galullo fastest again by over 10mph
Sao Paulo C4 summary.png
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Post 05 Jul 2018, 7:00 pm

Lots of high speed action and several position changes on the long straightaway.

Turn 14 Summary

Galullo runs S2 at 100 for free. Harley clips 2 tires in the S1 60's then takes the S2 line for free.

Ingraham and Burnett both pull up to the Senna S at 120 while flipping positions with Ingraham on the line.

Bauska grabs the tailpipe on the #78 at 140. Scarpino has the initiative at 180 coming out of the 3-wide.

Harrington and Hoyt, both at 160, set up the 3-wide again.

Snouffer pushes to 180 w/ 2s (modified 8). Lind does the same, also with 2s (modified 8), and with the big double slip passes the #1 car.

Simmerman drops the hammer and takes off out of the Junction at 180. Francis burns 2 tires on the Junction line after passing an ACC test w/ 2s (modified 6).

Turn 15 Deadline: Saturday, July 7th @ 10 p.m. EST (July 8th @ 2 a.m. GMT)


Acadia N.P.
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Post 10 Jul 2018, 1:17 pm

Thanks for your patience!

Over the next 10 days, please try to get your plots in ASAP - I would like to get some quick turnarounds to both catch up and to prepare for another slowdown while the WBC's are going on. Regardless, you will always be given a minimum of 48 hours between turns.

Turn 15 Summary

Galullo races down Reta Oposta at 140. Harley, at 160, catches the leader.

Burnett takes the Senna 1 60's for a wear then sits on the Senna 2 line. Ingraham clips a tire in the Senna 1 line and gets pushed out to the Senna 2 100's.

Bauska, at 80, burns a wear in the Senna 1 line and gets hung up in Senna 2 on the outer rail.

All cars in the 3-wide post 100. Scarpino uses a wear for his over-braking then takes the line. Harrington slots to the inside. Hoyt is left hanging and brakes down for a wear before taking the line.

At 140, Lind has nowhere to place his car. He drops a wear on the late brake to 120. Snouffer, at 140, finds a spot for his car in the middle.

Simmerman slows to 160 as he crosses the S/F line. Francis brings up the rear at 160.

Turn 16 Deadline: Thursday, July 12th @ 3 p.m. EST (7 p.m. GMT)
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Post 13 Jul 2018, 7:55 am

Please note the weekend deadline. Trigger option in effect if all plots are in early.

Reminder: In league races, RM's cannot ask for corrections, clarifications, or give plot advice. If personal defaults are not in place, Redscape defaults are used. Even if you had personal defaults for last race, you must re-submit them for the new season. Only four drivers currently have them in place. Here's the link:

Turn 16 Summary

Galullo flies into the Lake Descent at 140 and burns 2 tires on the outer rail. Harley pulls up to the Lake Descent at 140 in the middle lane.

Burnett & Ingraham trade paint as they accelerate out of the Senna's at 140 each. Bauska could have increased speed to 100 but only plots 80 to finish the Senna's.

Harrington clips 2 tires in the first Senna 60's before taking the Senna 2 line for free. At 80, Scarpino runs the Senna 1 line for free then asks for the 100's in Senna 2.

Liind plots 140 then late brakes down to 100 with 2 wear. He runs the outer rail in Senna 1 for 2 wear before finding the open line in Senna 2.

Hoyt scrapes off 2 tires on the Senna 1 line at 100. Feeling bold, he then punches past the #11 car with 2s for a forced pass (modified 4). Another wear drops off for the corner but 3 spots are gained.

Snouffer over-brakes to 60 for a wear and runs Senna 1 on the outside for free.

Simmerman pulls up to the Senna's at 100 but with no lane designation, the car is placed on the inner rail. Francis, at 140, grabs the Senna line.

Turn 17 Deadline: Sunday, July 15th @ 10 a.m. EST (2 p.m. GMT)
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Post 16 Jul 2018, 7:32 am

The track stays orderly with a spread field...

Turn 17 Summary

Galullo finishes out the Lake Descent at 140 and approaches Little Orange with a healthy lead. Harley conserves wear at 80 in the Lake Descent.

Burnett and Ingraham continue to trade paint down the back straight at 160.

Bauska pushes to 160 with 2s (modified 2) and has plenty of space to work with.

Hoyt and Harrington each accelerate out of the Senna's at 160 and maintain relative position.

Lind pushes his engine to 160 with 1s (modified 4) and with the bonus makes it a 3-wide along the back stretch. Scarpino, at 140 (and no slip request), falls behind.

Snouffer runs the Senna 2 line for free at 100. At 100, Simmerman clips 2 tires in the Senna 1 60's before taking the 2nd line for free.

Francis runs Senna 1 at 100 in the 60's for 2 wear and sets up the Senna 2 line.

Turn 18 Deadline: Wednesday, July 18th @ 9 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 18 Jul 2018, 8:20 am

Lind makes a big move in the back...

Turn 18 Summary

Galullo pulls up to Esse at 100. Harley runs Little Orange for free at 120.

Burnett, at 140, burns 2 wear in the Lake Descent. Ingraham scrapes off 1 wear in the Lake Descent at 120 before tucking in behind his running mate.

Bauska races into Lake Descent at 120 on the outer rail for a wear.

Lind puts 1sp into a Top Speed test at 180 (modified 4) for the initiative. He then late brakes before the corner with a wear and 1s on the brake roll (modified 8). With more speed left, the rookie driver rolls into the Lake Descent 80 for 2 wear and 2s on the chance table (modified 4). The #11 car moves up 3 spots on the track while we learn more about Michael's driving tendencies.

Hoyt drops 2 wear in the Lake Descent 100's at 140. Harrington pulls up to the corner at 120 in the middle lane.

Snouffer rolls down the back stretch at 160. Simmerman takes 2s to the Top Speed table as he drops the hammer to 180 (modified 7) before grabbing the tailpipe on the red racer.

Francis enters the back stretch after paying 2 wear on the Senna 2 line at 140.

Turn 19 Deadline: Friday, July 20th @ 9 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 20 Jul 2018, 7:44 am

Not much changes with the spread out field (if only C1 were this stretched out - it's like racing on a go-kart track over there).

Turn 19 Summary

Galullo saves a bit of wear at 60. He drops one in the Esse before taking the inner rail in Small Pine Tree for free. Harley clips a tire in Esse at 60, maintaining his distance to the leader.

Burnett rolls through Little Orange at 120. Ingraham follows the green racer at 120 and with the bonus pulls even with his track buddy.

Bauska gains the initiative at 160. He burns off some speed in the kink and settles on the rail in front of Little Orange. Lind, at 140, pulls alongside the #23. Hoyt finishes out his corner at 140 before pulling in behind the Dr. Pepper car.

Harrington conserves wear at 80 through the Lake Descent. Scarpino, at 100, burns a wear in the 80's and sits on the side panel of the #32.

Snouffer scrapes off a tire in the Lake Descent 80 spot at 100. Simmerman, at 120, chips in a tire on the Lake Descent 100's.

Francis has the back stretch to himself at 160.

Turn 20 Deadline: Monday, July 30th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
We are taking a break for WBC week. However, if plots are in and I have time, the trigger option shall remain in effect.
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Post 20 Jul 2018, 3:13 pm

Somehow I missed finishing your lap 1 numbers, oops! Here's lap 2, sector 1 with the lap 1 numbers (obviously).
Sao Paulo C4 summary.png
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Post 30 Jul 2018, 5:48 pm

The WBC break is over and we're back on the track. This turn brings a successful chance roll, a rookie mistake, and several position changes.

Turn 20 Summary

Galullo finishes out the Pine Tree corner at 60. Harley enters Pine Tree for free at 60.

Ingraham gets initiative at 80. He clips 2 tires in the Esse 40 before rolling into the Pine Tree 80's for free. Burnett, at 60, burns a wear in the Esse 40 then grabs Harley's tailpipe in the Pine Tree 60's.

Bauska plots 120, rolls around the outer rail of Little Orange for free before late braking with 1s (modified 8). Lots of effort to hold his position but a moot point given what Lind did. Lind runs Little Orange at 100 then dives into the Esse 40 for 2 wear and a chance roll with his big -3 chip (modified 5). He manages to keep his racer on the pavement and gains a position.

Hoyt pulls up next to the Dr. Pepper car at 100. Scarpino runs Little Orange at 140 for a wear. Harrington, at 120, rolls through the inside of Little Orange for free.

Snouffer pulls into Little Orange at 160 and antes up a wear for the privilege. Simmerman finishes out Lake Descent at 120. Francis over decelerates to 100 for a wear (mis-plot?) then runs the Lake Descent on the outer rail for free.

Turn 21 Deadline: Wednesday, August 1st @ 8 p.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 01 Aug 2018, 3:54 pm

The infield of Interlagos continues to take it's toll on tires...

Turn 21 Summary

Galullo clips a tire at 80 through the Duck Bill 60's. Harley knocks down a wear in the Duck Bill 40 at 60.

Ingraham continues at 80 and runs into the Duck Bill 60's for a wear. Burnett pulls up to Duck Bill at 60.

Lind continues his rampage through the infield and burns a tire in the Pine Tree 80's at 100.

Hoyt gets initiative at 60. He drops a wear in the Esse 40 before pulling into the Pine Tree 60's for free. Bauska runs the Esse for free at 40 then inexplicably asks for the outside lane.

Scarpino overbrakes to 60 for a wear then scrapes off another in Esse. Harrington eases into the Esse 40 spot at 60 for a wear.

Snouffer races into Esse on the outer rail at 100. He coughs up 2 wear and uses his big chip (-3) on a chance roll (modified 5). The McDonald's car stays on the pavement!

Simmerman underspeeds through Little Orange at 100. Francis pulls into Little Orange at 120.

Turn 22 Deadline: Friday, August 3rd @ 8 p.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 03 Aug 2018, 5:53 pm

The infield tightens up again while the leader makes his escape.

Turn 22 Summary

Galullo runs the Junction for a wear on the line at 120. Harley pulls up to the Junction on the line at 120.

Ingraham finishes out Duck Bill at 80. Burnett burns a wear in the Duck 60's at 80 before tucking in behind the #78.

Lind clears the Duck Bill 60's at 60. Hoyt finishes Pine Tree at 60.

Bauska has initiative at 100 and clips a tire in the Pine Tree 80's. Scarpino settles for the outer rail in Pine Tree for free at 80.

Harrington rolls around the Pine Tree 80's at 100 for a wear. Snouffer takes the same route at 80 for free.

Simmerman clips a tire in the Esse at 60. Francis clears the Esse for 2 wear at 80.

Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, August 6th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 06 Aug 2018, 8:07 am

Turn 23 Summary

Galullo extends his lead, traveling 160 through Subido dos Boxes (Up to the Pits). Harley falls behind the leader as he runs the Junction at 100 for free.

Ingraham hits his exit row in Junction after using the line for free at 100. Burnett burns a wear and gets hung in the Junction at 120 on the outer rail.

Lind pulls up short to the Junction at 100.

Hoyt gets the initiative at 100 and clips 2 tires in the Duck Bill 60's. Bauska drops a wear in the Duck Bill 60's at 80 before grabbing the tailpipe on the blue NAPA racer.

Harrington has the initiative at 80. He runs the outer rail of Duck Bill for a wear then tucks in behind the #23 Toyota. Scarpino, at 60, scrapes a tire in the Duck Bill 60's.

Snouffer, at 60, drops a wear in the Duck Bill 40. Simmerman nicks a tire in the Pine Tree 60's at 80. Francis does the same to keep the pace with the Pennzoil Ford.

Turn 24 Deadline: Wednesday, August 8th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 07 Aug 2018, 8:23 pm

The LordCo Auto Parts Toyota gets the white flag as she enters the final lap!

T24 Summary

Galullo races up to the S/F line at 160 and is now in lap 3. Harley maintains his distance to the leader, also at 160.

Ingraham jumps out of the Junction and up through Subido Dos Boxes at 160. Burnett finishes out the Junction at 120 and begins the climb to the pits. Lind is through the Junction at 100 on the line for free.

Hoyt runs the Junction line at 100 for free and hits the escape row. Bauska, at 120, finds himself hung on the outer rail for a wear.

Harrington clips a tire on the Junction line at 120. Scarpino pulls up to the Junction on the line at 100. Snouffer hits the gas pedal and at 120 runs to the inside of the Miller Lite racer.

Simmerman burns a wear at 60 through the Duck Bill 40. Francis cuts the engine back to 40 to save some rubber on the tires.

Turn 25 Deadline: Friday, August 10th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)