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Post 21 Aug 2018, 9:01 am

Have some corrections due to missinterpreted NPR

1. Rob as per NPR can only accel to 100, putting him to the outside of Pepe(and loosing the position)
2. With Rob now on Pepe's outside Bruce Rae is forced to run wide though the kink and falls back to the inside behind Pepe.
3. Joshua now ends up running wide and ends up outside of Bruce Rae.
4. Sean with no option to go 120 anymore, Sean has to LB and spend his last wear(he cannot go slower in the corner due to late breaking requires at least moving 1 space)
5. Chris goes 120 for 1 outside(due to only having a 40 decel), leading him to move through the inside at the kink before ending outside of Sean.

Corrected graphic is below. Wendesday's deadline is now soft. Hard deadline is Thursday.
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Post 23 Aug 2018, 10:02 pm

Hey all, short summery tonight as I have to get to bed.

Turn 33 is due Saturday at 9pm Eastern.

Leader: Franklin

Bruce Munies runs through the ins 40 at 60 for 1 Wear
Joshua NPRs, running Laranjina though the outside 140s at 140
Chris spends 1W to Late Break from 140 to 120 due to track blocked.
Jack gets a slip off of Tony.
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 9:34 am

Alright so. As was corrected by the other RMs, I miss processed Joshua's NPR. By the rule it states: "This is subject to the car being able to safely decelerate to a safe speed in the event a corner is coming up in the following turn." The Following Turn by that means the next corner to come at the end of the turn, not the turn currently on. So for Josh's NPR, the corner determined by this is Turn 5, not Laranjina. Due to this, Safe Decel for him is 60, which means he decelerates to 80, instead of Maintaining Speed. I hope everyone keeps this in mind and doesn't chance NPRs in the future.

Corrected graphic is below. Saturday's deadline is now soft.
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 2:41 pm

Ok, so as noted MORE corrections. I humbiling apologize in all this.

So in all
1. With Joshua not in the way, Bruce Rae take the slip off Pepe and slots himself in beside pepe on the short shoot twoards Turn 5.
2. With Bruce Rae not blocking the inside, instead of Chris stopping behind Sean, he instead runs inside, late breaking to 120 before the corner since all 140 spaces are blocked.

Graphic attached. Saturday is soft, Sunday is hard.
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Post 26 Aug 2018, 7:17 pm

Choas entering turn 5 as the leader breezes off into the distance.

Turn 34 is due Tuesday at 9pm Eastern

Franklin works his tires a little as he runs though Bico, at 60 through the inside.

Bruce Munies eases through Pinheirno at 60 through the inside.

Justin pads his breaks and slides through Turn 5 at 40, pulling to the inside in the setup for Pinheirno.

Rob attempts to pad his breaks and follow him through, but unfortnently he hears a crunch and the car spins around on him! (HB R 10, Fail, spin in place due to no wear, -20 Dec, Start 20)

Pepe lays on his breaks slowing to 60 with a bit of excellent manuvering(R 3), he then slides up to the corner and slams the breaks agian, pulling inside. (RM Note: You cannot roll for breaks twice, and Hard Breaking, and Late Breaking are the same instance, so the LB Cost you 1W)

Bruce Rae dodges past the spinning rob as he slows himself to 60 and rolls his way around the outside.

Chris rolls up to the corner at 80 as he reaches the edge, he slams the breaks (R Mod 9!) and forces the car to though, sliding but keeping it in control! (R 1)

Sean races up to the corner at 80(60 is Illegal due to no wear to spend on top of the LB Roll), unfortunately he finds the corner full, and slams the breaks hard, causing him to spin out! (Cannot Late Brake -40 due to no Wear! Automatic Spin Out! Start 60)

Joshua rolls up to the corner at 80, but finds the two cars spun. He slams the breaks to 60(R 5)

Tony slows to 80 and uses the outside of the corner to work his way to the outside of Joshua.

Jack tries to follow Tony through at 80, but with the space blocked he has to slow down in Laranjina to 60. Unfortunately he also hears a crunch as smoke comes off his tries! (R mod 11, Fail, 1W, -20 Dec)
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Post 28 Aug 2018, 9:39 pm

Hey all, Simplified tonight as its late and my brain is blegh. THough even for simplified its a bit of a mess XP. Though I am also going to read out mroe

Turn Due Thursday at 9pm

Leader: Franklin

Franklin stops on the Red Arrow for Juncao
Bruce Munies enters Bico de Pato around the outside at 60 for Nil.
Justin run the inside of Pinheirno at 60 for Nil.
Pepe NPRs for the 4th time. This puts him above the race limit and thus out of the race.
Bruce Rae runs the inside of Pinheirno at 80 for 1W.
Chris enters the inside of Pinheirno at 60 for Nil.
Sean Restarts at 40 and runs Turn 5 at 40 for NIl.
Rob Restarts at 20 and enters Turn 5 at 20 for Nil.
Joshua starts at 100. He attempts a late break to 80 and fails with a 12. He looses 20 Decel and 1W.
Joshua attempts a force pass on Rob in Turn 5, spending 2 Skill. He rolls an 8 modified to 6 and succeeds.
Joshua passes though Turn 5 thought the inside at 80 for 2W.
Joshua enters Pinheirno at 80 for Nil.
Tony attempts a force pass on Rob in Turn 5, spending 2 Skill. He rolls a 7 modified to a 5 and succeeds.
Tony Passes through Turn 5 through the inside at 60 for 1W
Jack enters Turn 4 through the outside at 60 for 1W.
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Post 30 Aug 2018, 9:32 pm

Simplified agian, probably back to normal stuff as we close on the finish Saturday

Turn 35 is due Saturday on 9PM

Leader: Franklin

Franklin runs Juncao on the line at 100 for Nil
Bruce Rae runs Bico de Pato around the outside at 80 for 1W
Justin runs Bico de Pato around the outside at 60 for Nil.
Tony runs Pinheirno around the inside at 100 for 2W
Tony attempts to force pass Chris, and rolling a 12 fails! He must late break to 60 from 100, bruning 2 Wear.
Sean runs Pinheirno around the outside at 80 for Nil
Rob runs Pinheirno around the oustside at 80 for Nil.
Jack runs Pinheirno aroundht inside at 60 for Nil.
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Post 01 Sep 2018, 7:43 pm

Franklin sees the line approaching, his victory at hand!

Turn 35 is due Monday at 9PM. After that we will be back to our regularly scheduled time.

Rolling out of Juncao, Franklin blasts down the fast corner at 160, the finish line within reach!

Bruce Munies runs down to Juncoa at 100, pulling inside from the apex.

Bruce Rae follows him up to the corner at 100, picking up the apex as well.

Justin blasts out of Pico at 120, tucking inside of Bruce Rae at the entry to Juncao.

Joshua out dashes Chris through Pico de Bato at 100, and pulls inside on the turn as he sets for Juncao.

Chris having no tires left, decides to run Pico around the outside at 60 and settles to the inside.

Tony with tires left, blasts ahead of Sean and runs the outside at 100, before tucking in in front of Chris.

Sean, seems to have a bit of a hiccup, but is able to slowly run the outsdie of Pico at 60(NPR)

Rob runs the outside of Pico at 60, pulling in behind Sean.

Jack finishes Pinheirno at 60, pulling up Pico.
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Post 03 Sep 2018, 9:11 pm

The Crowd Cheers as Franklin crosses the line, your winner for RRL C3 Race 1! Meanwhile behind him, the battle for 2nd heats up!

Franklin blitzes accross the line at 180, the checkered flag waving as he completes his Victory!

Bruce Munies rolls out of Juncao at 100 and begins to roll down the fast corner.

Justin darts ahead Bruce Rae entering Juncao as he runs outside before pulling back inside.

Bruce Rae follws Justin though on the inside before using the extra speed from it to pull back ahead at 100 and tuck himself in between the two Bruces.

Joshua burns whats left of his tires as he rolls though Juncao along the apex at 120 and pulls to the center of the straight

Tony goes 100 and uses the slip off Joshua to pull up to the edge of the corner on the Apex.

Chris Hancock goes 100 and pulls up to the Apex of Juncao.

Rob exits Pico and runs the inside of the bend at 60.

Sean unfortunately does not regather himself in time and enters Pico too deep, before sliding off the track into the kitty little, stuck and out of the race(4th NPR, Out of the Race)

Jack finishes scrubs what wear is left of his tires as he goes 80 though the inside of Pico, passing Rob as he sets himself outside.
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Post 05 Sep 2018, 10:01 pm

As Franklin listens to the crowd and begins upcoming victory lap, the race for 2nd is heating up as drivers power down the straight!

Bruce Munies rolls though the end of the turn at 160, the finish line in sight.

Seeing the crowd behind him, Bruce Rae decides to play conservative. Going 140, he sits himself in the final kink, putting himself in the way.

Justin and Joshua however are having none of that. Pushing their engines successfully to 180 and 200(Acc R 7, Top R 6, Acc R 5, Top R 2), they blaze up to Bruce Rae at the second kink. Blasting inside running along the curb, they duck past Bruce and pull ahead, Justin slotting to the middle lane and Joshua tucking himself inside between the two Bruces.(FP R 8, FP R 3)

Tony pulls down the straight at 140, electing not to keep in slipstream of Joshua.

Chris, Jack and Rob run the line of Juncao at 100 and round the bend.
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Post 06 Sep 2018, 4:04 am

A fast sector compared to other circuits
Sao Paulo C3 summary.png
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Post 07 Sep 2018, 9:54 pm

Engine rev and a final mad dash is seen as the podium positions are determined!

RM Note: As the remaining drivers are fairly spread out, I am going to note this as last turn. Monday I will sent out a note for Builds for Indy, which will be due the 17th. Thanks everyone for racing with me!

Bruce Munies, Joshua, Justin and Bruce Rae all push their engines to their max and succeed (7,5,5,6), and blast to the line reaching for the finish. Reaching the line, Bruce Munies at 180 beats Joshua at 200 by a nose for second, with Bruce Rae a quarter car behind them for fourth on the outside, thanks for Joshua's slip. Justin who also goes 180 pulls in behind the group fifth.

Tony, Chris and Jack each work their way towards the finish at 160.

Rob clears Juncao at 100.
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Post 11 Sep 2018, 3:45 am

Haskell over 12 seconds ahead of second place!
Sao Paulo C3 summary.png