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Post 06 Aug 2018, 3:43 pm

Trouble in the esses as two cars spin!!

Turn 26 summary:
Kennington gets the initiative and runs the 60s at 80 for one wear followed by the racing line. Kellison slows to 60 and finishes the racing line then jumps out to the outer lane with Kennington sitting on the inside. Orlandi plots 100 and looks for the outside followed by the racing line but Kennington has that move blocked. He's willing to pass but the only option to do that is to run the first line and pass Kellison in the outside lane. A zero skill roll of 7 (3, 4) means Orlandi must use his remaining wear to brake to 60 (two wear). With both he and Kellison out of wear, the 3, 4 roll means both of them spin, unable to pay the required wear. (Both can plot 60 next turn) Brown gets down to 80 and approaches the esses on the racing line.

Blizzard runs up to the corner at 120 on the inside. Ales and Mossman both plot 160, Ales grabbing the racing line while Mossman keeps to the inside. Collins maxes at 160 and sees the white flag.

Incorpora also does 160. A slip from Collins lets him pull even. Miller makes his engine work for a 200 move with two skill (modified 5) and catches Collins. Bauska tops out at 160 but that's good enough for the double slip to keep him on the wing of the orange race car. Brandt stomps it to 140 out of Juncao.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Wednesday, Aug 8 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 08 Aug 2018, 3:09 pm

So far the pack is working through the esses safely.

Turn 27 summary:
Kennington uses all his acceleration to get to 140 into the back straight. Kellison and Orlandi both restart at 60, Kellison getting the inside since he moved first. Blizzard gets the initiative into the esses at 80 shedding one wear in the 60s then grabbing the 80 space.

Brown plots 60 around the first line for free and has to jump to the outside with Blizzard on the inside. Ales plots 120 to get the jump on Mossman. He then brakes to 100 (one wear) and runs the 60s (two wear) finishing on the second racing line. Mossman, at 100, takes the 60s (two wear) and ducks inside Ales to maintain P6 for now. Collins reaches the corner at 120 and chooses to approach on the inside.

Incorpora also does 120 and starts the racing line. Miller plots 140 but the two cars in front have the corner entrance blocked so a one skill roll (modified 6) drops him to 120. He takes the line behind the black car. Bauska slows slightly to 140 finishing inside of Miller for the position. Brandt keeps the pedal down at 140 and prepares to take the white flag.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Friday, Aug 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 10 Aug 2018, 4:58 pm

A little jostling in the back of the pack but everyone will clear the esses next turn.

Turn 28 summary:
Kennington chooses to hold at 140 as he eyes the upcoming corner. Kellison and Orlandi remain side-by-side at 120 as they come back up to speed. Blizzard finishes the esses and grabs the wing of the silver car.

Brown comes off the corner at 100 and stays inside. Ales drops one wear on the racing line at 120 and beats Brown to the end of Curva do Sol to take P5. Mossman conserves his tires at 100 around the 100s. Collins gets the initiative going into the esses at 100 shedding two wear in the 60s and choosing the 100s in the second half.

Incorpora takes the first line at 100 for two wear and is forced around the inside lane in the second half of the esses for one more wear. Bauska slides outside around the 60s at 80 scrubbing off one wear. This leaves the line blocked for Miller who then must also use the 60s at 80 for one wear. Brandt keeps it at 140 and starts the line into the Senna S.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Monday, Aug 13 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 10 Aug 2018, 5:25 pm

Top three fairly tight this sector
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Post 13 Aug 2018, 3:36 pm

3-wide into the 2-wide corner with a line not far behind as tires are wearing out.

Turn 29 summary:
Kennington rides the 100s at speed for free. Kellison and Orlandi plot matching 140s with both shunning the inside lane. Blizzard's 140 with a slip from the silver machine brings him to the corner on the inside and P2.

Ales runs Reta Oposta at 160 remaining inside. Brown follows on with a 140 and a slip. Mossman plots 160 and stays on Brown's wing. Incorpora does 140 and gets a slip from Mossman to keep the queue intact.

Collins exits the esses at 140 and keeps the line in front of him in sight. Bauska gets the initiative and hits the second half of the esses in the 80 at 120 shedding two wear. Miller accelerates slightly to 100 and takes the racing line for free staying on Bauska's tail. Brandt attacks the esses at 100 dropping two wear in the 60s and another one in the 80.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Wednesday, Aug 15 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 15 Aug 2018, 3:49 pm

A fairly quiet turn. Two position changes but no surprises.

Turn 30 summary:
Kennington runs into Curva Do Laranjinha at 120 on the inside for free. Blizzard cuts his remaining wear in half through the 80 at 100. Kellison and Orlandi both plot 100 around the 100s.

Ales slows to 100 (1w for over-decelerating) and takes the 100, dropping back to the inside after the corner. Brown wants to stay with Ales at 100 but there's no way he can do that with his 100 plot so he settles for the outside lane, preserving his tires. Mossman plots 120 and want the 100s but Brown has the exit tied up so he hits the brakes (1s, modified 5) and shoots the inside for one wear, picking up P6. Incorpora is NPR, his 100 move getting him to the corner on the outside.

Collins shoots the straightaway at 160 and reaches the corner on the inside taking P8 from Incorpora. Bauska hits his top speed of 160 and holds the inside. Miller lets his big engine loose at 180 to pull even with the yellow car. Brandt gets back up to 140 and chooses the middle lane.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Friday, Aug 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 17 Aug 2018, 3:21 pm

A spin in the rear. The rest of the pack prepares for the technical section for the last time.

Turn 31 summary:
Kennington slows to 80 finishing Laranjinha on the outside and diving back to the inside. Blizzard clears the corner at 100 on the inside. Kellison uses his inside position to move 120. Blizzard forces him to the outside. Orlandi also wanted a 120 but with the corner now blocked he brakes (naked 3) and follows Kellison into the corner.

Ales approaches the corner on the inside at 120. Mossman covers the entire straightaway at 140 catching Ales. Brown comes off the corner at 140 but has to stay outside through the kink. Collins drops two wear in the 80 at 120 and grabs the green car's wing.

Incorpora slides around the 100s at speed for free. Miller gets the initiative at 140 around the 100s shedding two wear. Bauska hits the 80 at 120 scrubbing off one wear and making a chance roll (naked 8). The corner wins this time as around goes the yellow race car. Brandt approaches the corner in the middle lane at 140, keeping a close eye on the spinning car in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Monday, Aug 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 20 Aug 2018, 3:02 pm

The pack congeals.

Turn 32 summary:
Kennington scrubs off the remaining rubber on his tires at 60 around the inner 40 finishing in the Pinheirnho 60. Blizzard, likewise, knocks off the last of his wear in the inner 40 at 60. Kellison hits the approach to the corner at 60. Orlandi follows on at 80 taking the outside of the silver car.

Ales and Mossman both run the outside of Laranjinha at 80 to remain locked together. Brown uses all his brakes to also get to 80 around the outside. Collins plots 120 but there's nowhere to go. He uses two wear to get down to 80 and sneaks inside of Brown to take the position.

Incorpora enters the corner at 120 on the outside for free. Miller also starts at 120 but with the field stacked up in front of him to spends one wear to lock up the tires and drop inside. Bauska recovers from his spin at 40 due to his damaged engine. Brandt leaves two wear points in the 100s at 140 and moves easily into 11th.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Wednesday, Aug 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 22 Aug 2018, 3:55 pm

A lot of heavy braking as the field remains packed.

Turn 33 summary:
Kennington holds 60 and a two length lead. Blizzard rounds the 80s at speed, keeping the leader in sight. Kellison and Orlandi remain tidally locked as they both do 40 through the inner 40.

Mossman plots 60 and then (purposely) late brakes into the inner 40. However his brakes have had enough (naked 11) costing him his last wear. Ales slows to 40 and starts the outside lane. Collins tries for a 60 move but there's nowhere to go. He drops one wear to get to 40 and holds the inside lane. Brown anticipates the back-up, slowing to 40.

Incorpora can only brake to 80 so he tries it. Seeing the back-up as he exits the corner he's hard on the brakes, shaking two wear out as the tires lock up but slow him to 40. Miller comes down to 60 and shifts to the outside to finish the corner and tuck in beside the black car. Brandt wants 140 but he catches the pack and has to leave one wear on the asphalt to get down to 120. Bauska uses his last skill to get his damaged engine up to 100 as he recovers from his spin.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Friday, Aug 24 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 4:20 pm

A bold move results in a spin.

Turn 34 summary:
Kennington moves around Bico De Pato at 40 on the inside. Blizzard tries to make a big move running into the 60s at 80 with a two skill chance roll (modified 8) but his bald tires break loose and around he goes! Kellison and Orlandi continue their side-by-side battle both running the Pinheirnho 80s at speed.

Mossman runs the inner lane at 60 for free. Ales is locked at 40. He keeps to the inside. Collins sheds one wear on the inside 40 at 60 and has enough to slide into the corner in front of Ales. Brown maintains 40 around the inside.

Incorpora slows to 40 and also takes the inner lane around the corner. Miller scrubs off one wear in the outer 40s at 60 to clear the corner and remain even with the black car. Brandt maxes his deceleration to 60 and drops one wear in the outer lane behind Miller. Bauska brakes to 80 and sits at the entrance to the corner.

Next deadline: turn 35 due Monday, Aug 27 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 27 Aug 2018, 3:22 pm

Kennington prepares to take the final corner. The question is, can Blizzard hold 2nd after the spin?

Turn 35 summary:
Kennington approaches Juncao on the racing line. Blizzard gets pointed in the right direction and speeds off at 60 with his eyes on the mirror. Kellison runs into Bico De Pato at 60 on the outside. Orlandi pulls a neat crossover move with a 40 plot to the inside to get P3.

Mossman at 60 hits the 60s right behind Kellison. Collins also maintains 60 finishing on the inside. Ales coaxes his power plant up to 100 (naked 5) and sheds one wear in the 80s. Brown accelerates to 80 around the outside for free.

Incorpora slides around the inside of Pinheirnho at 60 hoping to catch Miller napping. It doesn't happen as Miller plots 80, running the outside for free and staying even with the black race car. Brandt holds steady at 60 for already paid wear and enters the Pinheirnho 60s for free. Bauska brakes to 40 around the inside, keeping in contact with Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 36 due Wednesday, Aug 29 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 29 Aug 2018, 3:03 pm

Only two side-by-side battles remain as the track finally strings out the pack.

Turn 36 summary:
Kennington is hearing every little sound his car is making as he clears the final corner and heads for the checkers. Blizzard gets pointed in the right direction and hits the racing line at 100. Kellison comes off of Bico De Pato at 120 and grabs the line behind Blizzard. Orlandi maxes his acceleration to 100 and stays on the silver car's wing.

Mossman finishes the duckbill 60s at speed and holds the inside. Ales attacks the corner at 100 through the 60s shedding two wear and picking up two positions. Collins rounds the 60s at speed to stay locked on the tail of Mossman. Brown scrubs off one wear in the 40 at 60 and pulls even with Collins.

Incorpora exits Pinhiernho at 60 and leaves his last wear point on the Pato 40. Miller also does 60. He's forced to the outside lane for free. Brandt finishes the 60s at speed. Bauska runs the 60s also at 60 to keep pace with Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 37 due Friday, Aug 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Note: Monday, Sep 3 is a holiday in the US (and possibly other places). The plan is to have turn 38 due Monday. If anyone will be away or otherwise unable to make that deadline, please let me know.
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Post 31 Aug 2018, 3:53 pm

Still plenty of battles to be decided, but P1 is not one of them.

Turn 37 summary:
Kennington's car is running like it's possessed as he takes it towards the s/f line. Blizzard finishes Juncao at 100 and keeps inside. Kellison takes the same racing line and keeps hooked to the purple car's wing. Orlandi, after a long, hard fight with Kellison, is NPR. He runs the Juncao 100s at speed and finishes outside.

Ales drops his final wear on the racing line at 120 and prepares to drag race Orlandi to the finish. Mossman runs into the corner on the line at 100 for free. Collins grabs the line right behind Mossman. Brown asks his engine for a little extra acceleration and it responds (naked 8). He weaves around Collins and into the 100s for his final wear.

Incorpora comes off the duckbill at 100 a car length behind Collins. Miller maintains 60 around the outside and keeps on the curb. Brandt blows through the tight corner at 80 scrubbing off two wear and into the final points position. Bauska also sheds two wear, his in the 60s at 100, bringing him even with Miller. Will he have enough car left to make the pass?

Next deadline: turn 38 due Monday, Sep 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 04 Sep 2018, 3:59 am

We have a winner! But there are still positions being fought for.

Turn 38 summary:
Kennington celebrates as he takes the checkered flag! Blizzard maxes his acceleraton to 160. Kellison also at 160 takes a slip to pull even with the purple car. Orlandi pushes his engine to reach 180 in a hurry (naked 7).

Ales comes up to 160 and sits on Orlandi's wing. Mossman finishes the final corner at 100 and keeps to the inside. Brown continues the 100s at 120 for already paid wear. Collins holds at 100 around the racing line for free.

Incorpora does the same, keeping pace. Brandt attackes the racing line at 140 shedding two wear and catching the black car. Miller clears the corner on the line at 120 for his final wear. Bauska is steady at 100 on the line behind Miller.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Wednesday, Sep 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 04 Sep 2018, 2:58 pm

87.74mph was good enough to fastest. Rubber went away early in this circuit.
Sao Paulo C2 summary.png