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Post 04 Jul 2018, 2:28 pm

A jam up entering Senna S while Miller treats the front stretch fans to a big move.

Turn 14 summary:
Kellison runs out at 160, stretching his lead. Kennington scrubs off two wear on the first Senna racing line, finishing around the 100s and dropping inside. Orlandi runs the 60s at 100 knocking off two wear then grabbing the second line to finish behind the dark blue racecar. Blizzard slows to 120 and approaches the esses on the racing line.

Ales runs up to the corner at 140 taking the inside position on Blizzard. Mossman taps the brakes to 140 and finishes inside. Incorpora keeps the pedal down at 160 and takes up on Mossman's side skirt. Brown comes down from that 180 move to 160 and grabs the line, making it three-wide.

Collins anticipates the jam up and slows to 140 on the inside. Bauska holds his 160 top speed and crosses the start/finish line on the inside. Brandt curses his car chief for missing the set-up completely and maxes his underpowered car at 140. Miller brings the front stretch fans out of their seats with his one-skill push to 200 (modified 4).

Next deadline: turn 15 due Friday, Jul 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 14.png
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Post 06 Jul 2018, 3:02 pm

Lots of brakes and wear in the Esses but everyone is safe.

Turn 15 summary:
Kellison runs up to the corner at 120 taking the middle lane to keep his options open for next turn. Kennington hits his maximum speed and stays on the inside. Orlandi also reaches 160 and gets a slip from Kennington to finish even with him. Ales gets the initiative at 100, scrubbing off two wear in the 80s and taking the second racing line.

Blizzard slows to 80 and knocks off one wear on the first line and the inside of the second half of the esses at speed to grab P4. Mossman starts at 120 and late brakes to 100 (one skill, modified 8), jumping out to the 60s for two wear and then the racing line at speed. Incorpora also starts at 120 and spends one wear to get to 100. He, too, sheds two wear in the 60s but with Mossman on the line he's forced to the outside. Brown tries to be cautious with a 100 move but he's still forced to brake to 80 with the black and red cars blocking the entrance to the second corner (one skill, modified 9, phew!). He takes the 60s for one wear.

Collins also plots cautiously, running the 60s at 80 leaving one wear behind. Bauska slows to 100 at starts the racing line into the esses. Miller counts on his big brakes as he catches Bauska at 160. Brandt continues at 140 hoping the corners will hold up the two in front of him enough to let him catch a draft.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Monday, Jul 9 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2018, 7:02 am

No surprises, Miller fastest in the sector, Kellison fastest for the lap.
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Post 09 Jul 2018, 3:23 pm

Several small battles shaping up this turn.

Turn 16 summary:
Kellison takes the outside of the corner at 100 for free. Kennington plots 160 followed by a naked late brake (7) into the outside of the corner shedding two wear. Orlandi uses a more cautious approach at 120 keeping in the middle to keep his options open for next turn. Blizzard uses all his acceleration to get to 140 and keeps on the inside.

Ales does the same and is able to keep on Blizzard's outside. Mossman comes out of the esses at 160 and makes it three wide down the backstretch. Incorpora is locked at 100 to finish the esses. Brown makes a naked acceleration roll (9) and his engine delivers him to 140 and P7.

Collins takes the second racing line in the esses and takes a position in line behind Incorpora. Miller hits the esses first in the 60s scrubbing off two wear and then around the racing line. Bauska considers his move and decides on 80 for one wear through the first half and the 80 in the second half for free, keeping pace with Miller at a cost of one less wear. Brandt slows to 100 and knocks off two wear on the racing line.

Next deadline: turn 17 due Wednesday, Jul 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 11 Jul 2018, 3:19 pm

Blizzard makes a bold move.

Turn 17 summary:
Kellison slows to 120 and successfully negotiates the corner for free. Kennington has paid for +40 so he keeps at 140, making up one length on the leader. Orlandi takes the fastest way around at 100. Blizzard runs hard into the corner 100s at 160 with a three skill roll (modified 1) and two wear. (Fans along the backstretch just might have heard a faint "LeeeeeRooyyyy Jenkins! as he entered the corner.)

Ales and Mossman match 140 moves keeping side-by-side at the corner entrance. Brown keeps the crowd on their feet and he blazes down the straightaway at 180. (Heard on Brown's radio, "Tell Giuseppe I said 'you're welcome'") Incorpora can only manage a 140 move but Brown's wake allows him to keep up with the green racecar.

Collins gets a slip from Incorpora but loses a length. Miller's awesome acceleration gets him to 180 in one move. Bauska uses two skill as he asks his engine for a bit more oomph to get to 140 and it responds to his request (modified 4). Brandt finishes the esses at 80 through the 80 and sets hits sights on the upcoming straight.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Friday, Jul 13 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 13 Jul 2018, 3:28 pm

Things tighten up at the front and stretch out the rest of the pack.

Turn 18 summary:
Kellison gets down to 60 around the inside 40 for one wear. Kennington takes the inside of Laranjinha for free at 100 and sits one length behind the leader. Two lengths behind him comes Orlandi at 120 for free around the inside. Blizzard keeps the pedal down at 160 for already paid wear and is now cleanly in P4.

Ales gets the initiative and sheds two wear in the 80 at 120. Mossman drops to 120 also and takes the outside for one wear. Brown brakes to 120 and scrubs off two wear in the 80, pulling even with Mossman. Incorpora gets another slip from Brown and runs the outside of the corner at 100 for free.

Collins hits the 80 at 100 for one wear and clears the corner. Miller plots 120 and looks for the inside but is forced to the outside nicking one wear. Bauska keeps a steady 140 as he approaches the corner. Brandt maxes his acceleration to 140 down the straight.

Next deadline: turn 19 due Monday, Jul 16 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 16 Jul 2018, 2:44 pm

The field begins to work through the tight section for the second time.

Turn 19 summary:
Kellison holds 60, clearing Pinheirnho on the inside. Kennington scrubs off one wear around the inside 40 at 60, keeping one length back from the leader. Orlandi also drops one wear in the 40 at 60 and keeps the blue car in sight. Blizzard takes the outside of Laranjinha at 120 then brakes hard before the next corner (one skill, modified 4).

Ales slows to 100 around the inside of the corner and makes up a length on Blizzard. Brown gets the initiative at 140 and runs the outside for free. Mossman slows to 120 and, with the corner exit blocked, is forced around the outside. Incorpora saves some rubber by hitting the inside of Laranjinha at 120.

Collins hits 140 and sits at the entrance to the corner. Miller has already paid for 120 and he drops a length back. Bauska slows to 80 around the inside for free. Brandt nicks a wear off his relatively healthy tires to take the outside of the corner at 120.

Next deadline: turn 20 due Wednesday, Jul 18 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Reminder: following turn 20 the "official" deadline will be Aug 3. However, if I get all moves for a turn I will adjudicate (trigger mode).
turn 19.png
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Post 17 Jul 2018, 3:52 am

Second sector in a row Miller is fastest.
Sao Paulo C2 summary.png
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Post 18 Jul 2018, 2:36 pm

Our leader is out of tires.

Turn 20 summary:
Kellison hits Bico De Pato on the inside at 60, burning his last wear. Kennington finishes Pinheirnho at 60. Orlandi rounds the inside 60s for free. Blizzard slows to 60 scrubbing off one wear in the inner 40 and keeping inside in Pinheirnho.

Brown follows around the inner 40 at 80 shedding two wear. Ales comes down to 60 and spends one wear in the inner 40. Mossman follows Ales into the inside at 60 for one wear. Incorpora brakes to 80 and knocks down two wear in the outer 40s.

Collins takes the Laranjinha inside lane at 100 and approaches the corner. Miller is able to take the same route at 120 to finish even with Collins. Bauska runs the inside of the corner at 120 for free. Brandt finishes his 100s at 120, wear already paid.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Friday, Aug 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Trigger mode in effect.
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Post 20 Jul 2018, 2:56 pm

Once again the technical section of the course bunches up the field.

Turn 21 summary:
Kellison comes off of Bico De Pato at 120 and grabs the Juncao racing line. Kennington scrubs off one wear in the 40 at 60. Orlandi does the same. Blizzard is locked at 60 so keeps on Orlandi's wing.

Brown holds at 80 around the Pinheirnho 80s and finishes beside the purple machine. Ales runs the 80s for free grabbing Blizzard's wing. Mossman maintains 60 around Pinheirnho on the inside and clears the corner. Incorpora holds his 80 speed into the outer lane at no cost.

Collins sheds one wear in the inner 40 at 60 and starts the inside lane behind Mossman. Miller also drops one wear in the inner 40, finishing in the only open spot available. Bauska pulls back to 60 and takes the inside 40 for one wear. Brandt does 120 around the inside of Laranjinha for free and gets caught back up to Bauska for now.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Fri, Aug 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Trigger mode in effect
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Post 23 Jul 2018, 3:13 pm

No position changes as the mid-pack continues to wind around the tight section.

Turn 22 summary:
Kellison slows to 100 around the Juncao racing line. Kennington jumps out to 120 around the line shedding one wear, clearing the corner and making up a car length on the leader. Orlandi all alone in third for now approaches the corner on the line. Blizzard scrubs off two wear in the Bico De Pato 60s at 100.

Brown matches Blizzard's 100 move also for two wear keeping the pair locked together. Ales knocks off one wear in the 40 at 60. Mossman does likewise also at a cost of one wear. Incopora comes off Pinheirnho locked at 80 and has to take the outside of Pato for one wear.

Collins is locked at 60, he finishes inside. Miller is similarly locked at 80, finishing outside of Collins. Bauska keeps it in second gear at 60 around the inside of Pinheirnho. Brandt slows to 80 leaving two wear behind on the 40 space but he's forced into the outer lane of Pinheirnho.

Next deadline: turn 23 due Friday, Aug 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Trigger mode in effect
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Post 25 Jul 2018, 3:22 pm

The front five are spread wide. The rest of the pack struggles to stay intact.

Turn 23 summary:
Kellison maintains 160 and prepares to take the white flag. Kennington runs off Juncao at 160 and keeps the leader in sight. Orlandi drops one wear on the racing line at 120. Brown gets the initiative by driving into the corner at 140 around the line scrubbing off two wear.

Blizzard clears the corner on the line at 100 for free. Ales approaches at 100, starting the racing line. Mossman shoots off of Bico De Pato at 120 and ducks inside of Ales for P6. Incorpora holds at 80 for already paid wear.

Collins and Miller again seem connected at the side pods as both run the duckbill at 80 around the outside shedding one wear. Bauska feathers the brakes into the corner at 60 on the inside for one wear. Brandt keeps a steady 80 and looks inside but is forced outside by Bauska.

Next deadline: turn 24 due Friday, Aug 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Trigger mode in effect
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Post 30 Jul 2018, 3:38 pm

Things tighten up just a bit up front as the leader takes the white flag.

Turn 24 summary:
Kellison slows to 140 in anticipation of negotiating the esses on bald tires. Kennington makes up a length at 160. Orlandi maxes his engine with a 180 move and picks up a length on Kennington. Brown is also able to hit 180 and keeps the leaders in sight.

Blizzard comes off of Juncao at 160 now solidly in 5th. Ales rounds the racing line at 120 scrubbing off one wear and finishing in the middle to try to shake Mossman. Mossman, however, runs the 80s at 100 also dropping one wear and finishes on Ales' tail. Incorpora takes a comfortable ride around the line at 100 for free.

Collins reaches 140 with three skill to acceleration (automatic) and blasts into the Juncao 100s sacrificing two wear. Miller also wants to run into the corner at 140 but there's no room so he spends one wear to get down to 120 and another in the 100s behind Collins. Bauska asks his already damaged engine to get him to 120 (naked 7) and starts the line. Brandt is locked at 80 to finish the duck bill.

Next deadline: turn 25 due Friday, Aug 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Trigger mode in effect
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Post 03 Aug 2018, 2:45 pm

Kennington in P1!

Turn 25 summary:
Kellison slows to 80 before entering Senna S with no wear left. Kennington runs 120 to the corner on the inside to become only the second driver to lead the race. Orlandi relies on his big brakes for next turn as he does 160 and starts the line behind Kellison. Brown has to come down to 140 to prepare for the esses.

Blizzard, likewise, holds 160 instead of his top of 180 realizing he needs to get slowed down for the upcoming combination. Ales grabs high gear, doing 160. Mossman is also at 160 and with a slip finishes beside Ales. Collins hits his max speed, choosing to finish in the middle lane to shake Incorpora.

But Incorpora doesn't bite as his 140 move keeps him in the draft of the light blue car. Miller finishes Juncao at 120 for already paid wear. Bauska rounds the racing line at 120 shedding one wear and ducking into the draft from Miller. Brandt slows to 100 and clears the corner on the racing line.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Monday, Aug 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 04 Aug 2018, 9:34 am

Brown crushed the slow sector
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