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Post 07 Sep 2018, 9:20 pm

The next pack crosses the line! Angry Dice!

John pushes his top speed w/ 2S and gets a 5 and safely crosses the line at 160
Tim pushes his engine to 160 also, but a 11 pops up! He slows to 140
Jeff also tests his speed to 160 and makes it w/ a 7, passing Tim!
Dave takes his big dog engine to 180 still with a 9!
Chris tries to keep pace with a 180 also, but the angry dice show a 10 and it is back to 160
Fabio gets a slip with his 140
Will has 160 looking safe for 8th
Rando tests his ACC to 160 w/ 1S with a 6, making it
Doug tests his ACC but comes up with an 11, killing his engine, and he coasts off the track!
Jim uses his 3 chip and flies up to 180

Last turn adjudicates when I get the last 3 orders
Autodromo-Turn 38.png
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Posts: 7423
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Post 08 Sep 2018, 12:36 pm

Turn 39

The last pack crosses!
Will 160
Rando 180 1S roll = 8
Jim 180 2S roll = 6

Indy is the next track, Schedule to be determined shortly...
Autodromo-Turn 39.png
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Post 08 Sep 2018, 1:41 pm

The final numbers. What a margin of victory!!
Sao Paulo C1 summary.png