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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 26 Mar 2018, 11:29 am

The trade 12 hours after the auction brought up a lot of potential issues. Most of those are related the keeper system and how much 'dynasty' we want in our league. Please use that thread for those lines of discussion.

However, part of the complaint about the trade was how fast it occurred after the auction. It could smack of collusion whereby auction dollars are effectively being traded. Nick & Frank put that to rest but the thought did cross my mind to the point where I flat out asked if the trade was pre-planned.

I think (only think at this point) that a 'cooling-off' period might be advisable after the auction. Something along the lines of one week must pass before trading can begin.

1. It would allow all the owners to really digest their own rosters as well of their competitors. Protecting us from ourselves, essentially. I'm generally not a nanny-state advocate but I don't think a week is unreasonable.

2. It would remove some of the perception that trades were planned prior to the auction.

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Post 26 Mar 2018, 12:10 pm

I think part of the reason we can have a free-wheeling ability to handle our own roster is through social disapproval. I have heard all of the arguments but allowing a top owner to immediately after the auction add an additional 50+ salary to his team does not feel right. But I am not sure a week restriction will change things really. I think the basic expectation thus far in this league is that you try to compete and when it's clear around June or July that you can't, then you try to improve your team for next year by picking up prospects and making trades that help your team better for next year.

If we want to do something that would have some teeth we would probably need to go with a max salary cap until the end of the first half or something like that. Maybe like 10% above $260. That would make early tanking and collusion much more difficult.
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Post 29 Mar 2018, 5:12 am

SLOTerp wrote:The trade 12 hours after the auction brought up a lot of potential issues. Most of those are related the keeper system and how much 'dynasty' we want in our league. Please use that thread for those lines of discussion.

However, part of the complaint about the trade was how fast it occurred after the auction. It could smack of collusion whereby auction dollars are effectively being traded. Nick & Frank put that to rest but the thought did cross my mind to the point where I flat out asked if the trade was pre-planned.

I think (only think at this point) that a 'cooling-off' period might be advisable after the auction. Something along the lines of one week must pass before trading can begin.

1. It would allow all the owners to really digest their own rosters as well of their competitors. Protecting us from ourselves, essentially. I'm generally not a nanny-state advocate but I don't think a week is unreasonable.

2. It would remove some of the perception that trades were planned prior to the auction.


That's very reasonable.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 14 Jan 2019, 1:17 pm

Update: Failed 8-8

Amendment #2: Trading will recommence one week after the auction.

Note: This changes it from immediately after the auction.
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Post 08 Apr 2019, 1:26 pm

FWIW I think people wanted change here, but the proposed change was not the right one. I think a cap would be the better way to go. A scaling cap would be best so that as the season goes on teams can continue to build off of the other teams bailing out.