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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 09 May 2018, 7:57 am

Please post your thoughts about the race and/or the track here. I'm sure Doug would appreciate track comments on this recent creation.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 11 May 2018, 9:19 am

via email from Franklin:

Good racing guys! 

I must say -- and I mean this quite sincerely -- anybody could have won this race.  I mis-shifted in last place on the starting grid and I can point to more than one turn in the race where a little more or less speed on the part of somebody including me could have put me out.  I did hit the dice cup more than usual but mostly after I had determined that was the only way to win -- which was necessary for my promotion.  Looking back through the turns, I spent wear in what turned-out to be good places.  I could call this skill but I will only claim  luck.  Even if I came close to predicting what other folks would do, it wasn't perfect, and often there was a missed turn or spin-out that worked for me.  If you want a good CFR-develop-your-skills exercise look at the Lap 2 turns leading into and out of the straight between Curva VIP and Parabolica Interior.  And, no, I didn't get it right, though I did plot my last move into the PI though it was my third possibility.  The "take-away" from this message is merely to persevere.  Those tiny numbers of points from bad finishes can be the difference.

I am looking forward to being back in The States for WBC in 2020 and seeing you guys in person.  I am volunteering at the world center of my faith in Haifa, Israel, for a little while, which is why I am flying the flag of Israel, even though I am true-blue American.

-Franklin "The Rocketman"
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Post 11 May 2018, 8:42 pm

Excellent racing by all. Great job by Franklin at the win. I agree with his assessment as to the multiple winner possibilities. This track is much more nuanced than I had initially thought. I had expected to win myself, but thought I had a better chance of doing well if I saved wear on Lap 2. At the same spot where Franklin took a chance to clear VIP (I did not see that coming!), I chose to go slow expecting to save a wear on that corner, then get a slip the next turn, then clear PI corner on 1W instead of the 2W it would have cost to go faster. Instead, Hoyt and Franklin both passed me and I got squeezed out before the next corner and never was able to catch up again. Looking forward to more racing next season!
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Post 15 May 2018, 7:59 am

Best of wishes to the new C3 Racers! :wink:
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Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Post 15 May 2018, 10:48 am

This one was exciting. I really thought I had it in the bag after the first lap. Burning it through the esses and parabolica, ensuring you're launching into the straight as fast as possible seemed like the key to the track.

However, as I would learn from Haskell, if you can clear both Curva 3 and Curva VIP in one turn, you gain a LOT of ground. The only way to do that is burn the 4 wear and risk the dice cups. So the chance becomes the key.

This might make me rethink my build if I were to do it again by adding a -3 chip (or maybe 2). Overall, an interesting track.

Anyways, it's a bittersweet move up to C3, as I'm really going to miss the Michael's commentary, and (of course) the Nascars!
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Dirt Track Racer (Pro I)
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Post 15 May 2018, 2:02 pm

A tremendous amount of fun even for a backmarker like me. Tip of the Hat to Michael for doing such a great job again.

There's excitement to be had and I am glad I picked up CFR and found this group. I doubt I would be having the same gaming experience otherwise. That said, while I generally have the rules down a strategy or best way to play hasn't clicked yet. Sure, I've had a few unfortunate rolls in three races but otherwise I don't think I am making competitive choices.

I'm sure it will come, but if anyone wants to throw some ideas my way, I'm all ears.

Either way, I'll see folks next season!