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Post 09 Apr 2018, 8:59 pm

A pass in the back as the field largely navigates Parabolica

Rob finishes Parabolica at 120 and leads the field onto the straight.

Mario maintains his speed of 100 and runs down the inside of Parabolica.

Claudio goes 140 and races down the middle of the big corner, pulling to the outside of Mario.

Joshua goes 120 and cuts down the inside with a little wear on his tires, pulling in behind Claudio.

Jack takes the line through the Esses at 100 and pulls onto the start of the inside of Parabolica.

Pepe and Chris Brown follow Jack through at 100 following the same path.

Unfortunently it seems Christina has a minor loss of thought, and pulls to the middle of the striaght at 100(NPR)

Sean pulls through the inside of Orhela at 100, burning tire, before taking Tanque tight.

Tony, forced to the outside line, elects to run Orhela at 80 and pulls onto the straight inside.

Chris Brandt goes 100 through the inside of Orhela, passing Tony and pocketing himself inside between Tony and Sean.
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Post 10 Apr 2018, 4:00 am

Speeds generally up from lap 1
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Post 11 Apr 2018, 10:41 pm

The crowd gasps as a car careens off the track as the leaders line up for Lap 3!

RM: So, I'm sorry I have to do this, but the rules are the rules. Pepe, with your fourth NPR of the race, you are disqualified. Please keep that in mind for any races for next season.

Turn 25 is Due Friday April 14th at 11pm Eastern,

Rob barrels down the main straight at 140 and crosses the line to start the third and final lap!

Claudio out races Mario onto the front straight at 160, taking over 2nd as he chases after the leader.

Mario content to watch Claudio go, pulling in behind him to set for slip at 140.

Joshua follows Mario out of Parabolica at 140 and sets up behind him.

Jack gently slides through the inside of Parabolica at 100, staying tucked to the inside.

Pepe, bobbles agian, and this time isn't able to recover, spinning out, the Renault slides into the inside grass, and slams the barrier, knocking him out of the race(4th NPR, DSQ)

Chris Brown shoots past Pepe as he looses it and pounds into Parabolica at 140 running the inside and ending to the outside of Jack.

Christina doesn't seem to still have full control of her car and runs outside of both the Esses and Parabolica at 100 (NPR)

Sean presses his way through the Esses on the apex at 120, before pulling to Chirstina's inside.

Chris Brandt picks up Sean's slip as he runs through the Esses at 100, and cuts his way inside of Parabolica, just a half length behind Sean

Tony runs the Esses at 100, following Chris through.
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Post 12 Apr 2018, 10:23 pm

So I miss read Josh's move somehow. Here is the corrected graphic.
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Post 14 Apr 2018, 9:24 pm

Drivers fight neck and night through turn 1 as the field slowly works its way onto Lap 3!

Turn 26 is Due Monday April 16th at 11pm Eastern.

Rob continues to hold the lead as he runs the apex through Curva 1 at 140.

Claudio follows Rob into turn 1 at 140, also following the Apex.

Mario takes a slip off Claudio at 140 pulling to his outside in Curva 1, burning a little tire.

Joshua seems to loose track of whats going on for the moment, and pulls off line on the run up to the corner at 120 (NPR)

Chris Brown blasts by Jack as he gets everything he can out of his car at 180(R Top Mod 6)

Jack follows after as he pushes his car to its limits at 160(R Top Mod 5)

Sean and Christina exit Parabolica Interior side by side at 120.

Chris Brandt runs the inside of Parabolica Interior at 100 before pulling behind Christina mid lane.

Tony scrubs off some tire as he cuts down the inside of Parabolica Interior at 120, and pulls in behind Chris Brandt.
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Post 16 Apr 2018, 8:27 pm

As the chase pack bunches up in Curva 2, there is a roar from the crowd as the rear cars cross the line 3 wide!

Rob carries himself out of Curva 1 and through Curva 2 at 140.

Claudio and Mario clear Curva 1 at 140. The two enter Curva 2 side by side, and Claudio having the inside advantage allows him to pull ahead!

Joshua regains his composure and slams down the throttle rolling through the outside of Curva 1 at 160, catching up with the pair and pulling behind Claudio.

Chris Brown pushes his way though the Apex of Curva 1 at 160, wearing on his tires.

Jack attempts to keep up with him at 160, but his car will not let him, as he hears a grinding sound and can see his car hitting the rev limiter.(Top R Mod 11, FAIL) Only able to get 140, he uses the slip to stay behind Chris Brown in the corner.

Sean and Christina blaze down the front stretch side by side(Sea Top R Mod 5) at 160. They are met on the outside by Chris Brandt who also went 160 and sets up for a three wide duel into Curva 1!

Tony exits Parabolica Interior at 140 and sprints down the front stretch.
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Post 18 Apr 2018, 9:59 pm

Rob does his best to keep his lead as there is loads of tire smoke entering Curva 3.

Minor RM Note: Please remember when entering a corner to list wear spending. No announced spending will lead to low balling wear movement due to defaults. While in this case doing so may have actually been a benefit to the driver, please keep in mind.

Rob pounds his way through the outside of Curva 3 at 100.

Claudio exits Curva 2 at 100, before pulling to the outside of Curva 3.

Mario pushes it to 120 as he out muscles Joshua out of Curva 2, he races up to Curva 3 hoping to get an edge, but finds Claudio blocking the outer line. Slamming on the Brakes, he slows to 100 before pulling inside as he wrenches his car through the corner.

Joshua follows after Mario at 120, and finds himself in even more trouble as Claudio and mario block him out. Slamming on the breaks as well, he slows to 100 and pulls in behind Claudio.

Chris Brown rolls out of Curva 1 at 140 and darts through Curva 2.

Jack follows Chris Brown out at his engine best 120 and works through Curva 2.

Chris Brandt pushes his engine for all it's got at 180 and the Engine answers (TOP R Mod 6), as he blasts ahead of Christina and Sean, and wrenches it through the Apex of Curva 1.

Sean is able to get more out of his beliegard car as he pushes 160(TOP R 7) as he follows Claudio into Curva 1 along the Apex.

Christina having been denined the line by Sean runs outside, and keeps to his outside as they exit the turn.
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Post 19 Apr 2018, 4:03 am

Brandt from slowest lap to fastest lap
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Post 19 Apr 2018, 4:38 pm

Ok, with apologies to Claudio, I missinterpreted the rules and have now moved him as requested, inside for 2W. With that in mind:

Mario goes the full 120 for 2W, ending mid-corner.

Joshua goes 120, late breaking to 100 for 1W and then going into in the 60s for 2W.

Updated Graphic is attached. Deadline is now Saturday, though if everyone gets in I will run late friday.
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Post 21 Apr 2018, 11:32 pm

The circuit championship heats up a bit as the race does as drivers bunch up for positions.

Rob wears his tires down to near nothing as he wrestles it through Curva Vip at 100.

Claudio clears Curva 3 at 80 before he dives through the inside of Curva VIP and pulls inside, edging up to Rob's behind.

Mario follows Claudio through at 80 and sticks it inside.

Joshua takes the outer lines through Curva VIP at 100, and gets a minor edge on Mario as he exits the corner.

Chris Brown lays down the rubber as he slides inside and then outside at 100.

Jack runs the inside of Curva 3 at 100.

Chris Brandt Races up to Curva 3 at 140 and riskily dives inside/

Sean keeps getting help from his engine(Top Mod 6) and pushing agian to 160, pulling outside of Chris.

Christina also goes 160, and is forces to take Curva 2 wide as she pulls short of the corner and behind Chris Brant.

Tony lays down some of his own rubber as he runs the apex at 160.
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Post 24 Apr 2018, 3:18 pm

Major apologies for everyone. I completely spaced doing the turn last night and am only able to get it together now. Deadline for next turn is moved to Thurday, and then Saturday for the turn after.

This however doesn't excuse people from missing turns...and penalties from that will be doled out as listed

Turn 30 is due Thursday April 26th at 11pm Eastern

Rob pushes his car for all it's got and gets the answer as he bombs down the backstretch at 160!(Acc R 9, Top R 5)

Claudio does his best to keep up collecting a slip off Rob and stays to his rear at 140.

Joshua works some shifting magic to get his car up to top speed at 160 and pulls in behind Claudio.(Top R Mod 2)

Mario gets his own slip off Claudio and races down the straight at 140, pulling to Joshua's outside.

Chris Brown clears Curva VIP at 100 and pulls to the inside.

Jack follows Chris through Curva VIP around the outside at 100.

Chris Brandt decides it's time to press his luck. Powering through Curva 3 around the inside at 100, he heaves his car into Curva VIP down the inside and is able to muscle it around the corner! (Chance R Mod 6. LUCKY!)

Sean seems to loose track of whats happenning as he approaches the corner. Trying to regather he slams the breaks going into the Curva 3 and does his best to control it as he runs outside. (NPR)

Christina attempts to enter the corner, but seems to have lost track of where she was, and before she can react it's too late, as with a sudden wrenching the car spins down and sides outside, getting stuck in the kitty litter and out of the race (4th NPR, DSQ).

Tony watchs Christina loose it and blows by at 100 as he runs outside of Curva 3.
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Post 24 Apr 2018, 3:37 pm

Well I derped and didn't move Sean's NPR correct. Corrected Graphic attached!
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Post 26 Apr 2018, 11:46 pm

Cheers can be heard from the crowd as the field races into Parabolica Interior with the leaders 2 abreast!

Rob slams the brakes as he tries to slow down for the Parabolica Interior on his worn tires. Luckily he gets what he asked, as she slows to 100 and runs the corner wide, before diving inside as he clears it. (HB R 4)

Claudio tries to follow him in at 100 and had hoped to undercut him, but with the inside blocked, he settles to run outside.

Joshua tries to outrun Mario to the corner at 120, unfortunenly as he closes he can see there won't be enough room, so he does his best to pad the breaks to slow to 100(LB R Mod 9!!!) and pulls to the inside, pulling inside of Claudio.

Mario watches Joshua take off, and simply settles to slide outside, behind Claudio at 100.

Chris Brown blasts down the main straightaway at 160 and sets himself up for the turn.

Jack clear shis way out of Curva VIP at 120 and rumbles down the straight.

Chris Brandt lays on the gas after his powerslide of a turn and powers down the back straight at 160. He passes Jack as part of this and pulls in in front of him.

Sean finishes Curva VIP at 100, regaining his composure.

Tony runs Curva VIP around the outside at 80.
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Post 27 Apr 2018, 3:48 am

The fastest sector 1 this race
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Post 28 Apr 2018, 8:16 pm

The field tightens up as a the top 5 pull within a second or each other as they go down the straight.

RM Note: Back to normal schedule after this one. So move is due Monday at 11pm!

Turn 31 Results

Rob blasts down the straight twoards Orelha and tucks inside on the coming corner at 120.

Joshua outblasts Claudio out of Parabolica Interior pulling wide before shooting down the straight and up behind Rob at 120.

Claudio maintains his speed of 100 and pulls in behind Joshua.

Mario, stuck at speed in the corner, follows Claudio out at 100.

Chris Brown powers through the outside of Parabolica Interior at 120 and pulls in behind Mario.

Chris Brandt plows his way through the inside of Parabolica Interior at 100.

Jack pulls outside, nipping the start of the corner as he rolls through at 100.

Sean races down the backstraight and sets up for Parabolica Interior on the inside at 140.

Tony accelerates to 120 and he clears Curva VIP
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