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Post 30 Apr 2018, 4:52 am

RROC update as of turn 30

Circuit Leaders:
Baker - 49
Tatum - 61
Brandt - 48
Munies - 47

Wild Card:
Ling - 60
Ales - 48
Brown - 47
Rae - 46
Haskell - 45
Swaine - 44
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Post 30 Apr 2018, 8:59 pm

Wheel Squeal and Breaks smoke as the field navigates Orelha

RM Note: Promotion/Relegation colors have been updated for DSQ/Dropouts.

Turn 33 is Due Wendesday May 2nd, at 11pm Eastern

Turn 32 Results

Rob slams on his breaks to go to 60 as he navigates Orelha. His car answers (R 8) and he is able to swing through easier.

Joshua on the other hand, takes a riskier approach as he slings his car though the inside with powerful control, forcing it through at 80 as it slides and pulling outside of Rob to challenge for the lead (Chance R Mod 4)

Claudio decides to casually take the inside line at 60.

With the inside line blocked by Claudio, Mario runs outside at Orelha at 100, pulling to his outside.

Chris brown decides to be conservative and pulls up to Orelha on the inside at 80.

Chris Brandt on the other hand, puts the pedal to the metal and slinging himself strongly out of Parabolica Interior before pulling to the outside of Orelha at 140, outside of Chris Brown.

Jack Clears Parabolica Interior at 100 and pulls down the straight.

Sean using some fancy sliding to power his way through Parabolica Interior at 100, and is able to do it easily (Chance R Mod 3)

Tony pounds his way up to Parabolica Interior at 120, going outside.
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Post 02 May 2018, 8:28 pm

The crowd roars as with a roaring of engine and a squealing of wheels there is a change to the lead!

Turn 34 is due Friday, May 4th at 11pm Eastern

Having clear Orhela at a faster clip than Rob, Joshua pushes his car to 140 and succeeds (Acc R 5). He powers his way up to the Esses before slamming the breaks to slow to 120(LB R 4) and slides his way though the apex as he takes the lead!

Rob does his best to keep up, but with only being able to push to 120, which he pulls off(Acc R 9) he watches as Joshua pulls ahead, before slamming his own breaks (LB R 9) to cleaning make the apex of the Esses.

Mario out sprints Claudio out of Orelha at 140, running Tanque through the middle, before running outside to setup for the apex of the Esses.

Claudio accelerates out of the inside of the corner at 120, as running through the inside of Tanque, pulls inside of Mario on the way into the Esses, but cut off from the line.

Chris Brown cuts his way through the inside of Orelha at 80 and runs inside on the run up to Tanque.

Chris Brandt runs the outside line through Orelha at 100, and pulls alongside Chris Brandt on the straight.

Jack powers himself into the inside of Orelha at 100, setting to catch the two Chris' in the next turn.

Sean races up to Orelha at 120.

Tony finishes Parabolica Interior at 120.
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Post 05 May 2018, 7:25 pm

William Swiftfoot <>
Attachments10:24 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Tony, Tony, Mario, Chris, Claudio, Chris, Jack, Robert, Joshua, Sean
As Joshua rounds Parabolica its looks more than likely that the illustrious run from Last to First will happen!

RM Note: Apologies for the delay. Turn is due Monday, I will likely next season move my deadline back to 9pm to note, for myself to make sure I get the turn done more than anything.

Joshua Eases his way through the inside of Parabolica at 100, the finish line starting to come into sight! Behind him Rob also follows through the inside at 100 and pulls to his tail.

Claudio cuts through the inside of the Esses at 120 and keeps his advantage on Mario as he moves through the middle of Parabolica.

Mario follows Claudio in using the Apex at 120 and pulls to his outside.

With lots of tire wear left, Chris Brandt initiated his last ditch effort to reach the podium! Flying out of Tanque at 160, he slams his breaks to slow to 140 as he hits the esses, running the apex before diving inside!

Chris Brown watches Chris Brandt go, as he goes 140 as he runs the esses and pulls into the middle of the orner, ended up a half car length back of Chris Brandt on the outside.

Jack rolls out of Orelha at 120 and picks up the apex for the Esses.

Sean and Tony spend rubber as they crank through the inside of Orelha at 100.
Attachments area
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Post 06 May 2018, 4:36 am

Brandt the class of the field
Estoril C3 summary.png
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Post 07 May 2018, 9:53 pm

Joshua rounds the Bend for home, the finish like in sights as he pulls a lead. Behind him there is a 3 wide drag race for third!

RM Note: Looking at it, I think the last required turn will be Wendesday as most of the pack will have finished. In case though if I could get drivers from Jack on back to send me 2 turns that would be helpful!

Turn 36 is due 11pm Eastern on Wendesday May 9th.

Turn 35 Results

Joshua clears Parabolica at 140 as the curve starts to lessen in sharpness and barrels down the front straight for the line!

Rob watches the gap stretch as he can only go 120, but is still in good shape for 2nd.

Behind them, it's 3 wide as Chris at 140 joins Claudio(who pulls in behind Rob) and Mario for a final drag race for the podium at the line.

Chris Brown follows Chris Brandt out of the corner and pulls in behind Claudio on the straight.

Jack works his way into the Parabolica at 100 and prepares to roll onto the straight.

Sean seems to loose track of his position and ends up sliding outside through the Esses at 100.

Tony with tons of rubber left on his tires powers into the Esses and Parabolica at 140, passing Sean.
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Post 09 May 2018, 8:33 pm

The crowd roars as Joshua crosses the line for the win! Behind them there is a drag race for several spots!

RM Note: I didn't get the 2 turn notes, and the back pack is still up for grabs, so one more turn Friday!

Congrats on Joshua from the from the back win, and to Chris Brandt for winning the C3 champsionship with 52 points!

Turn 37 is due 11pm Eastern on Friday May 11th

Turn 36 Results

Joshua powers down the line at 160 and crosses it for the win!

Rob follows Joshua accross the line at 160 to finish 2nd, keeping ahead of the approaching pack!

Claudio and Chris Brandt blast accross the line at 180 pushing their engines (Top R 7, Top R 6)and edge close to Rob, but he beats them there by a nose, with Claudio Finishing 3rd and Chris Brandt 4th.

Mario looses the drag race as he can only go 160 pressuring his engine (Top R 6) and finishes 5th

Chris Brown pushes 180(Top R 7) and tries to slip stream past the field at the line, but find the area in front blocked, and has to break slip, causing him to slow down and loose to Mario at the line, finishing 6th

Jack and Tony clear Parabolica at 120 and 140 respectively and line up nose to tail on the main straight.

Sean pushes his engine(Top R Mod 6) and wheels his car through Parabolica at 160, pulling in Behind Tony for the final stint!
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Post 10 May 2018, 5:12 am

So as Rob pointed out to me, I forgot to roll for his top...well I rolled it, sending the mail to thoes who would be affected...and he failed with a 10. Sooo...

Rob Falls back a space putting himself instead inside Mario, finishing 5th.
Chris Brown, with the line now unimpeded sprints past Claudio and Chris Brandt for 2nd.

With the second...the Championship will shift, as Chris Brown will finish the year with a final point total of 55 in comparison to Chris Brandt's 52.

I apologize for missing that Top roll people, didn't expect him to blow it too XP. Updated graphic is attached.
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Post 12 May 2018, 4:55 am

Jack, Sean and Tony all rev their engines with Jack(R 7) and Sean (R 9) pushing them as they sprinted for the line at 140, 160, and 160 respectivly. With pushes successful, Jack is able to hold off Tony and Tony is able to hold off Sean and the three cross the line within noses of each other.

That concludes the Race! Thanks all for joining me and I will see you next season if you are in C3. For drivers who are, I am giving you first priority on your car color, but if you wish to change car, let me know and I will adjust.
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Post 12 May 2018, 5:21 am

Nearly 2 second victory for Coyle
Estoril C3 summary.png
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Post 15 May 2018, 3:10 pm

The full 44 car field based on time and the final points based on the full field.
full field.png
full field points.png