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Post 02 May 2018, 4:33 pm

Turn 33

2 cars pointed the wrong way!

Chris enters the last corner at 100 in the inside lane
Jeff takes the Esses R/L at 100
Will also takes the Esses R/L at 100
Mike is forced to the outside lane of the Esses for 1W taken off his tires with the 120mph
Tim pushes his acceleration easily with his naked 3, and sits on the R/L
Jim continues his 100 around the outside of Orelha
Fabio rolls around the outside of Orelha at 100, spending the 2W and taking position behind Jim
Cody tries to keep up with the faster drivers with an ordered 80, but with no tire wear, he spins (Naked 8)
Doug makes a flashy move at 120 mph for 2W and a chance table roll w/ 2S applied and almost keeps the wheels pointed right, but he spins in the outer lane (Mod 7)
Marshall sees no path through Orelha, and slams on his brakes for 1W and a Emergency brake roll of 3slowing to 20 mph
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Post 04 May 2018, 4:45 pm

Turn 34

Stalled cars start and a trailing pack is forming for a huge finish!

Chris speeds to 120
Jeff comes around Parabolica at 140, spending 1W in the 120s
Will finishes the R/L and sits on the inside of the curve at 100
Mike spends 1W and cuts into lane 2 after the inside at 120
Tim follows along the line at 100 and makes at along the inside at 100 behind Will
Jim spends 3W in the Esses and Parabolica with the R/L and the 120 lane by going 140
Fabio spends 4W through the Esses and then the 100s by going 140
Cody restarts at 60
Doug restarts ar 40
Marshall passes Doug slowly at 60mph

Fabio's wear was at 4, not the listed 2. I double charged him last turn.

Turn 35 due Monday at 4PM Pacific

There is a new race opening soon at this link on Redscape
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Post 06 May 2018, 5:47 am

Except for the 3 fastest speeds are way down
Estoril C1 summary.png
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Post 07 May 2018, 4:20 pm

Turn 35

The attention turns from the S/F line to the Esses as a car flips in the air!!!

Chris crosses the Finish line at 160 for the checkers!
Jeff also crosses the line at 160
Mike accelerates to 140 and takes the front of the next pack
Will also accelerates to 120 and tucks behind Mike
Tim speeds up to 120 and tucks behind Will
Jim continues his 140 around Parabolica and pulls next to Tim
Fabio rolls along at 140 also and is forced 3-wide next to Jim

Cody AKA "Press my luck" pushes his car into the Esses at 120 and is just going too fast to make the R/L and he clips the inner barrier, snapping the front axle from the frame, and flipping the rear of the vehicle one complete turn. The landing bends the left rear wheel completely off!

Marshall at 100 tries to snake past the carnage and locks up the wheels spinning on the inside lane!

Doug takes the outside lane at 100 and avoids the chaos
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Post 08 May 2018, 3:11 pm

Turn 36

A flurry of cars cross the line, and the two stragglers finish moments later

Mike finishes at 160
Will also takes advantage of the slip and pulls alongside Mike at 160
Fabio pushes his top speed to 180 (naked 6), getting the initiative over Tim and Jim for 5th place
Tim and Jim make the top speed rolls, but can only make 160 for 6th and 7th respectively
Marshall clears his head, guns it to 60 on the inside of Parabolica
Doug punches it to 140, flies past Marshall, spending 2W on the Esses, and 1W on Parabolica

Turn 37
Doug continues 140, exiting Parabolica
Marshall speeds to 100, also exiting Parabolica

Turn 38
Doug finishes the race at 160
Marshall crosses the line at 140

I am creating a race analysis and comment forum on Redscape. Good racing! I will see Marshall and Cody on the track at C2 next season.
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Post 08 May 2018, 3:33 pm

A comfortable 3+ second victory for Chris.
Estoril C1 summary.png
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Post 15 May 2018, 3:11 pm

The full 44 car field based on time and the final points based on the full field.
full field.png
full field points.png