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Posts: 3509
Joined: 02 Oct 2000, 9:01 am

Post 20 Nov 2017, 8:16 am

There were two retreats. Each retreat had only one option, so I took the liberty of retreating them. If you would rather retreat OTB, please let me know ASAP, no later than 9pm Eastern tonight. Need your adjustments by 9pm Sunday. Spring '05 orders are due on Friday November 24 at 9pm. That is the day after Thanksgiving. If anyone needs a delay due to holiday/travel plans, just ask.

A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Galicia - Silesia
A Rumania - Ukraine
A Silesia - Munich
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich

F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Holland
F Norwegian Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
A St Petersburg Supports A Edinburgh - Norway (*Dislodged*) (retreated to Finland)
A Yorkshire - Holland (*Bounce*)

F Belgium Supports A Yorkshire - Holland
A Burgundy Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
A Edinburgh - Norway (*Bounce*)
A Gascony Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
A Liverpool - Yorkshire (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon (*Dislodged*) (retreated to North Africa)

F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Prussia - Berlin
A Ruhr - Holland (*Bounce*)
F Sweden - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Black Sea - Ankara
A Constantinople - Smyrna
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Disbanded*)
A Piedmont Supports A Marseilles
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Warsaw Hold

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Munich, Rumania, Serbia,
Sevastopol, Trieste, Tunis, Vienna.
England: Holland, Norway.
France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London,
Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden.
Italy: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Rome,
Smyrna, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.

Austria: Supp 9 Unit 7 Build 2
England: Supp 2 Unit 4 Remove 2
France: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 7 Unit 5 Build 2
Russia: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
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Posts: 3509
Joined: 02 Oct 2000, 9:01 am

Post 20 Nov 2017, 8:18 am

I did not get a disband from Germany and so used the default disband rules from Redscape. Please let me know that you're still out there and in the game. If I just misplaced your disband order, which is very possible, please let me know and I will roll back.

Can you get me your spring orders by Friday Nov 24 at 9pm?

Build Army Paris

Build Fleet Rome
Build Fleet Naples

remove A fin
Remove A yor

remove A Ruhr (NDR, default from Redscape house rules)

Build A Vie
Build A Bud