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Post 20 Nov 2017, 6:28 am

The field snakes through a slow part of the track.

Turn 12 Summary

Harley pulls up to the Virage du Pont at 120.

Munies, Swaine, & Hoyt stay in formation at 100 as they finish Bendor. Snouffer maintains speed on the outer rail but falls one space behind the conga line.

Bauska runs the Bendor 80's at 100 for a wear and moves up one position. Rae, at 80, slides in behind the Dr. Pepper Toyota.

Harrington clips a tire in the Bendor 80's at 100. Burnett saves his wear at 100 on the outer rail.

Haskell cuts to the Beausset 80's mid-corner for a wear before running up on the bumper of the green Chevy. Scarpino burns a wear in the Beausset 80's at 100.

Turn 13 Deadline: Wednesday, November 22nd @ 8 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 6:40 am

Four cars are ready to sprint into lap 2 next turn.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turn 13 Summary

Harley saves some precious wear at 80 through the du Pont 80's. Munies, at 80, runs the outer rail of du Pont for free but loses 2 positions.

Swaine clips 2 tires in the du Pont 60 at 100 before picking up the wing of the #27. Hoyt, also at 100, burns 2 wear in the du Pont 60 and has the tail of the #16.

Snouffer gets the initiative at 140. He burns off speed on the outer rail of Tours before pulling up to du Pont on the inner rail. Bauska, at 120, slides in next to the #22.

Rae finishes Bendor at 80. Harrington runs out of Bendor at 100 and drops in next to the #1.

Burnett stays on the outer rail of Bendor at 100. Haskell slows to 80, taking the Bendor 80's for free.

Scarpino sits in front of Bendor after finishing the previous corner at 100.

Turn 14 hard deadline: Monday, November 27th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by this Friday, turn 14 may get triggered early.
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Post 27 Nov 2017, 6:30 am

The lead pack jumps into lap 2!

Turn 14 Summary

Harley takes the Verriere line at 160. Swaine keeps up at 160 and, with the bonus, foregoes the line to take the top position.

Hoyt stays clamped onto the bumper of the #16 at 160 and the bonus. Munies pushes his engine to 160 with 1sp (modified 3) and is able to grab the tailpipe on the #24.

Bauska gets the initiative at 120 and clips 2 tires in the Virage du Pont. Snouffer, at 100, runs the du Pont 120's for a wear before tucking in behind the #23.

Harrington has the initiative at 120 and burns 2 tires in du Pont on the outer rail. Rae, at 100, follows the orange car for a wear.

Haskell and Burnett trade paint through the Village and Tour corners at 120 each and maintain their respective positions.

Scarpino continues to save his tires at 80 through the Bendor 80's.

Turn 15 Deadline: Wednesday, November 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Nov 2017, 6:31 am

Better get some film crews to the garage area after the race. We might see some fists flying...

Turn 15 Summary

Harley has initiative at 140 and takes the Verriere line for free. Swaine drops to 120 to take the slow route through Verriere then sits on the line. He trades off three positions to knock off wear from a few other cars.

Hoyt, at 140, runs into Verriere on the line but has to jump off to skirt the Roush Ford. He burns up 2 tires with the maneuver. Munies, also at 140, drops 2 wear in the Verriere 100's. He tucks in behind the #27 with the bonus.

Bauska pulls up to Verriere on the line at 140. Snouffer, at 120 and the bonus, stays attached to the bumper of the #23 Toyota.

Harrington drops the hammer to 180 and, with the line occupied, settles for an inside position. Rae storms out of du Pont at 180 and grabs the tailpipe on the Whataburger car.

Haskell saves wear at 80 on the outer rail of du Pont. Burnett, also at 80, clips a tire in the du Pont 60 before sliding in front of the Dewalt Toyota.

Scarpino pulls up to du Pont at 120.

Turn 16 Deadline: Friday, December 1st @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Trigger option - if all plots are in tomorrow morning, we'll get an early adjudication.
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Post 30 Nov 2017, 11:13 am

The Chicane is compacting the field. With Scarpino's nose across the S/F line, all cars are in lap 2.

Turn 16 Summary

Harley drops a precious wear at 100 in the Chicane 80's. Hoyt, also at 100, follows the Richmond Chevy into the Chicane for a wear.

Munies pulls up short on the Chicane at 80. Swaine comes alongside the M&M's Toyota at 120.

Bauska runs the green Verriere line at 140.

Harrington burns 2 tires through the Verriere 100's before tucking in behind the #23. Snouffer gets the Verriere line for free at 140 and, with the bonus, sits on the side panel of the Dr. Pepper Toyota.

Rae takes his red machine through the Verriere line at 120. The bonus allows him to grab the tailpipe on the #99.

Burnett pulls up to Verriere on the line at 160. Haskell stays attached to his bumper, also at 160.

Scarpino decides to use up some wear at 100 through the 60's. He's still the wear boss!

Turn 17 Deadline: Saturday, December 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT
Trigger option in effect if all plots are in early.
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Post 02 Dec 2017, 7:27 am

An unusual NPR from Swaine results in a track so crowded with cars you might need a crowbar to separate them.

Turn 17 Summary
Harley runs the inner rail on the hairpin at 100. He's on bald tires with a lap and a half to go! Hoyt eases up on the gas to 80 and pulls in front of St. B. on the inside.

Munies clips a tire in the Chicane 80's at 100. He's pushed to the outer rail in front of the hairpin. Swaine takes an RM plot: He swerves through the Chicane on the outer rail at 80.

Bauska runs into the Chicane at 100 and, with the #16 blocking the 80's, is forced through the 60 spot for 2 wear. Snouffer, also at 100, follows the #23 through the Chicane 60 at a cost of 2 tires.

Harrington, at 100, is happy to see some space in the Chicane as he parks his orange machine in the 60 for 2 wear. Rae burns a tire in the Chicane 80's at 100.

Burnett scrapes off a tire on the Verriere line at 160. Haskell stays clamped to the #19's bumper at 140 and the bonus.

Scarpino takes one chip from his prodigious pile of wear to enter Verriere on the line at 160.

Turn 18 Deadline: Monday, December 4th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 02 Dec 2017, 2:43 pm

Pretty tight at the front, top lap speeds close too.
Castellet C4 summary.png
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Post 04 Dec 2017, 6:39 am

Harley jumps out to a big lead. Five cars in the primary chase pack clear the hairpin with 2 others hung up.

Note: You can't see the speed limits in the hairpin so you may wish to visit the race thread at Redscape to see the track clearly from previous turns. Not only do the speed limits go up but there are lane change opportunities in the middle. Perhaps I should shrink the cars some.

Turn 18 Summary

Harley drops the hammer to 180 down the Mistral Straight for a sizable lead.

Hoyt runs the inner rail of St. B. at 80 for a wear. Munies clips a tire in the hairpin on the 80's at 100.

Snouffer gets the initiative at 100 then burns a wear in the St. B. 80's. Bauska follows the #22 for free at 80, representing the last car to clear the hairpin this turn.

Swaine drops into the 60 on the hairpin before getting pushed to the outer rail. Harrington eases into the hairpin at 80 for free.

Rae continues through the Chicane at 100 on the 80's before diving into the St. B. 60 spot for 2 wear.

Burnett races into the Chicane at 100, scraping off a tire in the 80's. Haskell doesn't let go of the #19, also at 100 for a wear.

Scarpino closes in on the field at 160.

Turn 19 Hard Deadline: Wednesday, December 6th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Trigger option in effect. Early adjudication possible.
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Post 06 Dec 2017, 6:40 am

The dice gods giveth and the dice gods taketh away...

Strangely enough, there will be no slips next turn on the Mistral.

Turn 19 Summary

Harley continues his high speed jaunt down the Mistral at 180.

Munies gets the initiative at 180 with a push on his engine (naked 6). Hoyt eases out onto the Mistral at 140.

Snouffer plots 180 and goes to the dice cup with 2s but the dice gods are in a punishing mood (modified 10 - ouch). He pulls alongside the #24 at 160. Swaine pushes to 180 as well (naked 8) making it three-wide on the long straight.

Bauska, with his already compromised engine, pulls out of the hairpin at 120. Rae slams the gas pedal to 140, sliding his car to the outer rail to finish out the hairpin.

Harrington increases speed to 100 in the corner, taking the 100's with wear deposited last turn.

Burnett, at 100, clips a tire in the St. B. 80's but continues on the outer rail instead of dropping to the inside at the row alignment (the plot is very specific). Haskell burns 2 tires in the 80's on the hairpin and passes the #19 on the inside.

Scarpino scrapes a tire in the Chicane 80's at 100.

Turn 20 Deadline: Friday, December 8th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Trigger option in effect - if all plots are in, we go tomorrow.
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Post 06 Dec 2017, 4:19 pm

Scarpino makes up a little time this sector.
Castellet C4 summary.png
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Post 08 Dec 2017, 8:04 am

The fans are thrilled as over half the field pushes their speedometers to 200 (and one at 220)!

Turn 20 Summary

Harley continues at 180, setting up for the Signes line.

Munies pushes to 200 with 2s (modified 3) to maintain a gap between the chasers.

Snouffer and Swaine both go to the dice cup, getting initiative on the #24. Snouffer tosses in 2s (modified 2) while Swaine sends a prayer to the dice gods (naked 6). They rumble down the Mistral at 200 each.

Hoyt's relatively small engine can't keep up with the speedsters at 160.

Bauska continues to baby his Camry's engine, maxing out accel to 160. Rae drops the hammer with 2s (modified 4), hitting 220 down the Mistral. He stays off the rail in lane 2.

Harrington uses all of his torque to hit 160.

Haskell, with his oversized power plant, turns on the speed at 200 to come alongside the #99. Burnett rolls the dice twice with 1s on the Acc & 2s on the Top (modified 3 & 5 respectively), pushing his engine to 200. He opts to sit on the wing of the #20.

Scarpino dumps 2 wear on the inner rail of the hairpin at 100. Can he make up some ground?

Turn 21 Deadline: Monday, December 11th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 11 Dec 2017, 10:08 am

Some position shuffling on the Mistral and damage to yet another engine.

Turn 21 Summary

Harley drops to 120, enabling him to take the Signes line for free. Munies sets up the line on Signes at 180.

Snouffer grabs the Signes line at 180. Swaine drops to 160 and tucks in behind the #22.

Hoyt continues to roll down the Mistral at 160. Rae pushes to 220 again with 1s (modified 5). He's sitting on the inside of the #16 and moves up 2 positions on the leader board.

Bauska hits his top speed of 180 and grabs the tailpipe on the #24.

Haskell gains the initiative at 200, blasting down the Mistral straight. Harrington, at 180, sits on the wing of the #20.

Burnett goes to the dice cup with 1s to exceed top speed (modified 6). With the double slip, he moves up 2 spots on the board.

Scarpino uses a skill chip to push his engine to 180 (modified 10). He comes up short and eases his car to 160 after seeing smoke pour from his engine block.

Turn 22 Deadline: Wednesday, December 13th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
Trigger option for tomorrow if all plots are in.
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Post 13 Dec 2017, 10:32 am

Signes takes its toll on some tires as cars come in from Mistral. For those cars directly in front of Signes, please note that you are locked into your lanes.

Turn 22 Summary

Harley pulls up to Beausset at 120.

Munies burns a wear on the Signes line at 140. Snouffer drops a tire on the Signes line at 140, as well.

Rae, with the line blocked, rolls through the Signes 120's at 160 for 2 wear. Upon exit, he sits on the line. Swaine takes the Signes line for free at 120 then bails to the inside to use the bonus (personal defaults). The move costs a wear.

Hoyt pulls into Signes on the line at 140 for a wear. Bauska, also at 140, stays attached to the bumper of the #24.

Burnett, at 180, slots in next to the #23 in front of Signes.

Haskell grabs the Signes line at 180. Harrington, at 180, takes the double slip and is parked on the outer rail going into Signes.

Scarpino tests fate again with 1s to blast down the Mistral at 200 (modified 6).

Turn 23 Hard Deadline: Friday, December 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Trigger option for tomorrow if all plots are in early.
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Post 15 Dec 2017, 6:36 am

A blown engine leaves ten on the Paul Ricard Circuit. We'll see you in Portugal*, Federico.

* Estoril has been posted at Redscape if you wish to plan ahead. It looks like a polar opposite of Castellet.

Turn 23 Summary

Harley takes the Beausset 80's at 80 for free. Munies dives into Beausset at 100 and takes the inner rail for a wear.

Snouffer clips a tire in the Beausset 80's at 100.

Swaine races towards Beausset at 140, taking the 100's for 2 wear. Rae drops a wear as he follows the #16 into the Beausset 100's at 120.

Hoyt finishes out Signes at 140 with wear already paid. Bauska burns 2 wear on the Signes line at 160, pulling alongside the #24.

Burnett, at 140, scrapes off a tire in the Signes 120's. Harrington tosses in a wear chip on the outer rail of Signes at 160.

Haskell runs the Signes line for free at 120 and, with the slip, makes for a three-wide race amongst the back markers.

Scarpino goes to the well one too many times. His attempt at 200 with 1 skill fails (modified 10) and he red lines his engine. The Italian pulls into the kitty litter as he ponders what could of been with his relatively fresh tires.

Turn 24 Deadline: Sunday, December 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)

Yes, a Sunday deadline. We pack up the minivan with kids & presents on Monday as we head to Chicago for the holidays. Deadlines will be a little fluid over the next several weeks.
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Post 16 Dec 2017, 12:54 pm

Some fast speeds through sector 2.
Castellet C4 summary.png