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Post 23 Oct 2017, 9:37 am

Builds are in.

Rae and Haskell are running the same car w/ 200 TS. Swaine, Harrington, & Bauska opt for identical setups. Munies & Snouffer are trotting out the same car. All others are unique. Nobody invested in Start Speed - interesting.

Grid position bid deadline: Wednesday, October 25th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 25 Oct 2017, 5:32 am

The grid is set!

All the 60's in front of all the 20's. Should be a smooth start.

Turn 1 Deadline: Friday, October 27th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 27 Oct 2017, 5:46 am

There was one NPR in the entire Rouen race. We already have two on the first turn at Castellet. Get it together Federico & Gatlin. Three NPR's in the race will result in removal.

The green flag drops and five cars pushed the start, all successful.

Turn 1 Summary

Both Swaine and Hoyt use 2s to push to 80 (modified 6 for both).

Snouffer pushes to 80 with 1s (modified 2) and tucks in behind the #16. Harley plots 60 to grab the wing on the #22 Ford.

Bauska takes an RM plot at 60. His distracted driving puts him in the dis-advantaged middle lane. At 60, Munies requests the inside lane instead of setting up the slip (note the shift on the grey marker past the S/F line).

Harrington, at 60, sits on the bumper of the M&M's Chevy. Gallulo grabs the dice cup with 2s (modified 2) and, at 40, tucks in behind the orange car.

Burnett pushes to 40 with 1s (modified 4) and adds another car to the procession. Rae plots a responsible 20 and moves towards the inside rail.

Haskell, at 20, sits on the inside lane. Scarpino takes an RM plot at 20 to stay on the outer rail.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, October 30th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 30 Oct 2017, 5:32 am

The missing drivers have re-established radio contact with their crews.

A friendly reminder that we are in league play and I will not ask for clarifications or suggestions on your plots. Half of you have submitted personal defaults, recommended for all drivers: Otherwise, missing plot elements will defer to Redscape defaults as described in the PBEM rules.

Turn 2 Summary

Swaine runs Verriere at 140 on the green line. Hoyt stays abreast of the #16, also at 140 on the line.

Snouffer takes the same path as the leaders and with the slip, makes it three-wide approaching the Chicane. Harley keeps up with lead pack, also at 140 and the slip.

Munies goes to the dice cup with 1s to wrangle his engine up to 140 (modified 4). He runs the Verriere green line for free. Bauska, at 120, enters Verriere on the line.

Harrington, with no specifics on where to go, pulls up to Verriere on the inside rail. Gallulo, also at 120, grabs the green line.

Burnett stays on the bumper of the #96 at 120. Rae uses his big engine to bring his speed up to 100.

Haskell's engine also allows for 100, settling onto the inside rail. Scarpino, at 80, tucks in behind the DeWalt Ford.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, November 1st @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 31 Oct 2017, 10:30 am

All plots were in so I'm taking the opportunity to gain some ground on the other circuits. Let's see if we can eke out 2 more turns this week.

Harley attempts a bold move to pass a cluster of cars and grab the lead but can't squeeze past a blocker. Rae causes a bit of a pile-up in the rear by under-speeding the green line.

Turn 3 Summary

Hoyt grabs the initiative at 140. He brakes down to 120 before the corner (1 wear) and dumps 2 more wear in the Chicane 80's. Swaine runs into the Chicane 100's at 120 for a wear.

Snouffer has no place to use his 120 and must brake down to 100 (1 wear). He sheds another wear in the 80's.

Harley, at 120 and the slip, attempts a forced pass on the #22, who happens to be blocking. A roll of 5+4 is not good enough and to add insult to injury, Harley takes some damage to his Chevy (1 wear). He expends 1 wear and a dice roll to brake down to 100 (naked 8).

Munies pulls up to the Chicane at 140. Bauska continues through Verriere at 120*.

Harrington clips a tire in the 100's at 120 and tucks in behind the #23. Galullo rides the green line at 140 for free to pull alongside the Whataburger car. Burnett, also at 140, follows the path of the #96 then makes it 3-wide with the bonus.

Rae under-speeds the green Verriere line at 120. Haskell, at 140 and the line blocked, is pushed to the 120's for a wear. That opens up the line for Scarpino who is happy to take it at 140 for free.

*Gatlin could have upped his speed to 140 as he had come into the corner under the speed limit.

Turn 4 hard deadline: Thursday, November 2nd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
I will adjudicate within 24 hours if all plots are in.

[edit] Harley's speed should read 80 plus a slip, not 100.
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Post 02 Nov 2017, 5:36 am

Wow... two more NPR's.

This turn was a real wear dump...

Turn 4 Summary

Hoyt drops to 100 and clips 2 tires in Saint-Beaurne.

Swaine gets the initiative at 120. He drops another wear in the Chicane 80's then runs to the outside of St. Beaurne for 2 more. Snouffer maintains 100, dropping in below the #16 in the hairpin. He knocks down 2 tires for the privilege.

Harley scrapes off 2 wear in the Chicane 80's before the run-up to St. Beaurne, opting for the outer rail. Munies burns a tire in the Chicane at 100 and sits on the wing of the #27.

Bauska enters the Chicane at 100 on the outer rail before ceding 2 wear in the 60 spot*. Harrington takes the Chicane 80's at 100 for a wear.

Galullo takes an RM plot at 100, running his car into the Chicane 100's for free. Burnett, also at 100, has no place to put his car. He expends a wear to brake to 80, tucking in behind the #99 for free.

Rae runs up to the Chicane at 140 and selects the middle lane. Haskell burns another tire as he enters the Verriere 100 spot at 140. Scarpino takes his 2nd RM plot at 120.

*Gatlin was very specific in using the 100's instead of the 80. Please note that many of the these corners have opportunities to shift lanes mid-corner (where the rows line up).

Turn 5 hard deadline: Saturday, November 4th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
If all plots are in, I can adjudicate in 24 hours.
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Post 03 Nov 2017, 7:58 pm

The first cars are out of the hairpin and ready to show off their engines on the Mistral Straight.

Turn 5 Summary

Hoyt takes off at 160.

Snouffer increases speed to 120 to finish out St. Beaurne with wear already paid. Swaine, also at 120, runs out with the yellow Ford but swings wide to the rail to throw off the chasers.

Harley completes St. Beaurne at 120 and jumps on the wing of the #22. Munies clips 2 wear at 120 as he clings to the bumper of the Richmond Chevy.

Bauska burns a wear in the St. Beaurne 80's at 120 and is poised for a quick exit. Kennington takes his bright orange Ford onto the outer rail of the hairpin for a wear.

Gallulo keeps his speed at 100, costing a tire in the Chicane 80's. He runs out behind the #99 for a second wear in the hairpin. Burnett maintains 80 and scrapes off two tires, one in the Chicane 60 and another in the St. Beaurne 60.

Rae saves his tires at 80 through the Chicane. Haskell also drops to 80 and races in behind the #1.

Scarpino, at 100, takes the Chicane 100's before ducking in behind the #20 for a wear.

Turn 6 Deadline: Monday, November 6th @ 8 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 06 Nov 2017, 6:42 am

Some high speed racing along the Mistral Straight while the Dr. Pepper car red-lines his engine.

Turn 6 Summary

Hoyt motors along at 160 but it's not enough to keep the pack at bay.

Snouffer & Swaine both drop the hammer at 180 for some side-by-side racing.

Harley, at 180 and the coveted double bonus, passes two cars and slides in on the bumper of the NAPA Chevy. Munies, also at 180 and the double slip, makes it three-wide racing on the long straight.

Bauska pushes his engine to get to his top speed of 180 (naked 10) but never gets there. Smoke is pouring out from his damaged engine.

Harrington gets the initiative at 120. He takes the outer rail 100's with already paid for wear. Burnett speeds up to 100 and stays on the inner rail, wear payment previously deposited.

Galullo maintains 100 through the 80's and grabs the tailpipe on the #99.

Rae conserves wear at 80 through the St. Beaurne 80's. Haskell runs the hairpin at 120 on the outer rail for 2 wear. Scarpino clips a tire in the St. Beaurne 80's at 100.

Turn 7 Deadline: Wednesday, November 8th @ 8 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 06 Nov 2017, 5:15 pm

The sector 1 numbers. Quite a spread from fastest to slowest.
Castellet C4 summary.png
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Post 08 Nov 2017, 6:25 am

Crowds cheer on the high speed racing down the Mistral Straight while a new leader takes over.

Turn 7 Summary

Hoyt continues down Mistral at 160 with his undersized engine. Harley drops 2s on a top speed check (modified 4) to hit 200 and takes the lead.

Snouffer maintains 180 and tucks in behind the #24. Swaine, also at 180, earns the double bonus and shoots past the blue NAPA car. Munies pulls up to the side panel of the #22 at 180.

Bauska sits in a pocket of clean air and shoots down the Mistral at 180.

Harrington and Burnett trade paint down the long straight at 180 each. Galullo takes an RM plot at 180 but his distracted driving leaves him without a slip both this turn and next.

Haskell rockets out of the hairpin at 200 with his powerful engine. He tries to shake the red car in the middle lane. (Did you know Franklin's nickname at the WBC's is Rocketman?) Rae pushes his engine to 180 with 2s (modified 7) and is not fooled by the maneuver. He slots in behind the #20.

Scarpino comes out of the hairpin at 100, having been hung up last turn.

Turn 8 Deadline: Friday, November 10th @ 8 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 10 Nov 2017, 7:35 am

A third NPR from Galullo results in a disqualification from the race.

A couple of back markers use their powerful engines to play catch up.

Turn 8 Summary

Harley races into Signes on the line at 160 for 2 wear. Swaine clips a tire at 160 on the Signes outer rail.

Hoyt scrapes off 2 tires in Signes as he follows the #27 on the line.

Munies gets the initiative at 160 and sits on the line in front of Signes. Snouffer, at 140, also grabs the line.

Bauska cruises down Mistral at 180.

Harrington and Burnett continue to trade paint on the Mistral Straight at 180 each.

With his third NPR, the black flag comes out for the #96.

Haskell pushes his big engine to 220 with 2sp (modified 6). He tucks in behind the #99. Rae, at 200 and the double bonus, slides in behind the #19.

Scarpino loses some ground at 160 on the long straight.

Turn 9 Deadline: Monday, November 13th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 13 Nov 2017, 6:35 am

Rae makes a move in the back while the race leader continues to shred his tires.

Turn 9 Summary

Harley races into the Beausset 100's at 140 for 2 wear. Hoyt eases up to 140 and pulls up to Beausset on the inside rail.

Swaine takes his foot off the gas and, at 140, tucks in behind the NAPA Chevy. Munies clips a tire on the Signes line at 140 and pulls up on the side panel of the black car. Snouffer follows the M&M's Chevy through the Signes line at 140 for a wear before grabbing a bumper.

Bauska scrubs off a tire as he cruises through the Signes line.

Harrington pulls up to Signes on the line at 180. Burnett, also at 180, slots into the 2nd lane.

Haskell, at 180, opts for the Signes line over taking the bonus. Rae takes his 180 and the double slip to the outer rail for 2 wear, jumping ahead three positions.

Scarpino runs down the Mistral at 180. He's behind but has plenty of clean air.

Turn 10 Deadline: Wednesday, November 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Nov 2017, 6:38 am

Half the cars leave rubber on the track this turn.

Turn 10 Summary

Harley runs out Beausset, maintaining speed at 140. Hoyt conserves wear at 100 in the middle lane, allowing several cars to pass him on the inner rail.
Munies gets the initiative at 120 and burns 2 wear in the Beausset 80's. He has the #27's bumper. Swaine, at 100, clips a tire on the inner rail to nab 3rd position.

Snouffer runs in on the tailpipe of the #16 at 100 and a wear. Bauska races into Beausset on the middle lane, paying 2 wear for the privilege.

Rae maintains 180 in Signes before pulling up to Beausset on the inside. Harrington knocks down a tire on the Signes line at 140 before tucking into the red car's draft.

Burnett is locked into the Signes 120's. He runs the corner at 160, scraping off 2 tires, and sits on the side panel of the #99. Haskell takes the Signes line for free at 120 and, with the bonus, maintains contact with the Subway Chevy.

Scarpino pulls up to Signes on the line at 180.

Turn 11 Deadline: Friday, November 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 17 Nov 2017, 6:28 am

The field gets compressed through the slow part of the course.

Turn 11 Summary

Harley clips a tire in the Bendor 80's at 100. Munies stays hot on his tailpipe, burning off some rubber himself.

Swaine, also at 100 and a Bendor wear, hooks up to the bumper of the #38. Hoyt maintains 100 and drops a wear in the Bendor 80's, sliding in behind the Roush Ford.

Snouffer exits Beausset at 100 and enters Bendor on the outer rail. Bauska rounds Beausset at 140, wear already paid.

Rae scrapes off 2 wear in Beausset at 120 and pulls alongside the Dr. Pepper Ford. Harrington burns a tire in the Beausset 80's for a wear. The slip was not requested.

Burnett really wanted the 80's at 100 - he found the front part open for a wear then had to slide out to the rail to avoid the orange machine (there is row alignment midway through). Haskell conserves wear at 100 in the Beausset 100's.

Scarpino responsibly navigates the Signes line at 120 for free. He may be behind but he is the wear boss!

Turn 12 Deadline: Monday, November 20th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 17 Nov 2017, 4:33 pm

Rae is fastest this sector across all circuits.
Castellet C4 summary.png