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Post 17 Jan 2018, 6:15 am

The top four are into Beausset while the back-markers fumble the ball in one way or another.

Turn 37 Summary

Munies tackles Beausset on the inner rail at 80. He goes to the dice cup to exceed braking with his last skill chip (modified 9). A little smoke from the pads but the brakes survive. Haskell runs into Beaussett at 100 on the 100's.

Swaine, also at 100, stays on the bumper of the #20. Rae burns his last tire at 120 as he rolls into Beausett on the outer rail.

Harley pulls up to Beausset at 80.

Hoyt drops to 140 and clips a tire in the Signes 120's. Burnett, also at 140, drops a wear on the Signes line.

Bauska gets initiative at 180. His crew chief yells "Nooooooo..." into the comm as the car enters Signes at +40. With no wear to pay the fee, the result is an automatic crash. Snouffer over brakes to 120 and takes the line. He rolls the dice (naked 7) but still needs to toss in a wear chip to get there.

Harrington runs down Mistral at 180 but misses the line.

Turn 38 Deadline: Friday, January 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 19 Jan 2018, 6:54 am

Hoyt gets reckless but it pays off!

Turn 38 Summary

Munies rolls into Bendor at 80 on the 80's. Haskell finishes out Beausset before pulling in front of Bendor at 100.

Rae has initiative at 120. He comes alongside the #20. Swaine, at 100, tucks in behind the Dewalt Toyota.

Harley enters Beausset on the 100's at 100. Burnett drops to 80, taking the inner rail in Beausset.

Hoyt plots 120 and is determined to have his way. He clips one tire and goes to the dice cup for a chance roll as he enters Beausset on the 80's (naked 6). He manages to keep control of the wheel, but then encounters the green Subway car. A forced pass attempt ensues and Hoyt sneaks his car past the #19 (naked 4). Sometimes crazy works!
Note: The chart indicates a block by Tim. There was NO block and thus no wear damage to Tim's car. I will correct the chart when able.

Snouffer runs the Signes line for free at 120. Harrington cruises Signes on the outer rail at 140.

Mater takes the smoking Dr. Pepper Toyota off the track while Bauska and his crew chief have a friendly discussion about what went wrong.

Turn 39 Deadline: Monday, January 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 22 Jan 2018, 6:19 am

The dice cup is feeling generous again...

Turn 39 Summary

Munies finishes out Bendor at 80 and still has a wear to play with.

Haskell clips his last tire at 100 through the Bendor 80's. Rae's eyes light up as the #20 clears out of the corner. He runs the Bendor 80's for free at 80 and makes it to the exit row.

Swaine enters Bendor at 100 on the outer rail. Harley continues at 100, following the #16 in the Bendor 100's.

Hoyt finishes out Beausset at 120 and races into the Bendor 80's. He burns his last wear and prays to the dice gods on the chance table (naked 6). He barely manages to keep his car under control while moving up another position.

Burnett continues through Beausset at 80. Snouffer drops his last tire at 100 on the Beausset inner rail. Harrington pulls up to Beausset at 120.

Turn 40 Deadline: Wednesday, January 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 23 Jan 2018, 5:17 am

Haskell clearly fastest through sector 2.
Castellet C4 summary.png
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Post 24 Jan 2018, 6:24 am

Will anyone be taking chances next turn? The dice gods await...

Turn 40 Summary

Munies and Haskell trade paint at 100 up to the du Pont corner. Rae, at 120, burns off speed on the outer rail of Tours.

Swaine finishes out Bendor at 100. Hoyt continues at 120 to slide in front of the #16.

Harley reaches the exit row of Bendor at 100. Burnett drops his last wear on the Bendor 80's at 100 to move up one position.

Snouffer enters the Bendor 100's at speed for free. Harrington drops into Beausset on the 80's at 80.

Turn 41 Deadline: Friday, January 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 26 Jan 2018, 6:33 am

Four cars will cross the finish line on Monday! We might have a shootout on Wednesday after which I can auto-pilot the remaining cars. The expected due date for Estoril builds is Monday, March 12th for all circuits.

Turn 41 Summary

Munies burns off the last of his rubber at 100 through the du Pont 80's and is poised for victory. Haskell runs the outer rail at 80 and tucks in behind the #18.

Rae, also at 80, gets through du Pont on the outside. Hoyt is able to clear du Pont at 80. At 80, Swaine gets hung up in the corner behind the #24.

Harley gets the initiative at 140 then immediately brakes to 120 on the charts (naked 7). He pulls up to the du Pont on the inside. Burnett cedes the initiative at 120 and comes alongside the #27.

Snouffer finishes out Bendor at 100. Harrington enters Bendor on the outer rail at 100.

Turn 42 Deadline: Monday, January 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Jan 2018, 6:02 am

Munies takes the checkered flag!
A shootout for 5th place still to come...

Turn 42 Summary

Munies crosses the finish line at 160. Haskell takes second, also at 160 plus the bonus.

Rae runs across the finish line in third at 160. Hoyt pulls into fourth at 140.

Swaine finishes the du Pont at 80.

Harley goes the to dice cup one more time. He runs the du Pont 60 at 80 on the chance table (naked 4). Burnett rounds du Pont in the 80's before tucking in behind the #19.

Snouffer pulls up to du Pont at 120. Harrington finishes Bendor at 100.

Turn 43 Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 30 Jan 2018, 10:52 am

Three more cars finish, one with a smoking engine!

Turn 43 Summary

Swaine pushes his engine to 160 (naked 11) but his engine says 'No more!'. He settles for 6th. Harley's big engine gets him to 160 and a 5th place finish. Burnett grabs 7th, pulling up next to the #16 at 160.

Snouffer takes the outer rail in du Pont at 80. Harrington pulls up to du Pont at 100.
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Post 30 Jan 2018, 11:06 am

Turn 44 Summary

Snouffer rolls across the line in 8th at 120. Harrington takes the rail at 80.

Turn 45 Summary

Harrington closes out the race in 9th at 120.
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Post 30 Jan 2018, 3:56 pm

Hoyt outruns the field in sector 3. Munies carries a 0.845 second lead across the line.
Castellet C4 summary.png
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Post 31 Jan 2018, 5:24 am

Mike crushes the full field with a lead of more than 5.5 seconds. Only two drivers, Rando and Tatum, repeat in the top 10.
full field.png
full field points.png