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Post 08 Nov 2017, 11:49 pm

Pepe sneaks his way into Bendor, burning a little wear as he furthers his lead at 100.

RM Note: I've decided to color the numbers for position changes. Figured it would be a good idea to show shifts.

Turn 12 is Due Friday at 11pm Eastern

Rob finishes Beausset at 100 and pulls up to the lip of Bendor.

Mario powers out of Beausset at 120 and lines up beside Rob.

Claudio rolls out of Beausset at 100 and pulls in behind Rob on the setup to Bendor.

Tony follows Mario out of the corner and slides in behind Claudio as he runs the outside at 100.

Christina softly runs the inside of Beausset at 80.

Chris Brown out paces Jack and runs the outside of Beausset at 120, pulling to the outside of Christina.

Jack goes 100 and tucks in behind Chris Brown on the outside of Beausset.

Chris Brandt powers into the corner at 100 and edges ahead of Jack.

Joshua softly enters Beausset at 80
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Post 10 Nov 2017, 10:58 pm

Pepe rolls onto the short straight as the field bunches in Bendor

Turn 13 is Due Monday at 11pm Eastern

Pepe rolls out Bendor at 100 and onto the short straight.

Mario out duels Rob into Bendor at 100 and blocks the line, which Rob follows up on his outside at 80.

Claudio runs Bendor at 80 and tucks in behind Mario.

Tony powers into Bendor at 120 and tucks in behind Rob.

Christina powers into the inside of Bendor at 100 and pulls in behind Claudio.

Chris Brown runs Bendor along the outside at 120, pulling to the outside of Christina.

Chris Brandt dives inside behind Christina at 100.

Jack leaves Beausset at 100 and pulls to the Lip of Bendor.

Joshua finishes Beausset at 80
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Post 13 Nov 2017, 11:56 pm

Pepe blazes through Virage du Pont as the field bunches up in anticipation of the turn.

Turn 14 is Due Wendesday at 11pm Eastern

Pepe powers his way through the outside of Virage du Pont at 120, setting up for fly down the main straight next turn and start Lap 2!

Mario rolls his way out of Bendor and takes the tight line though Tour at 120 to setup for Virage.

Rob follows Mario out of the cornor at 100 and lines up for Tour and Virage.

Claudio rolls out of Bendor at 80 and pulls up behind Rob.

Tony completes Bendor at 100 and pulls up outside of Claudio.

Christina finishes Bendor at 100 and pulls up outside of Tony

Chris Brown flies out of Bendor at at 120 and pulls up behind Claudio

Chris Brandt finishes bendor at 100 and pulls to the outside of Chris Brown, in slip of Tony.

Jack runs Bendor at 80 and reaches the lip of the turn.

Joshua eases his way into Bendor at 80.
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Post 15 Nov 2017, 11:29 pm

The Field bunches up going into Virage Du Pont with clouds of tire smoke!

RM Note: Hey Guys, there may be a major edit to the turn as I don't know if I did the NPRs properly, so keep an eye out tomorrow as I may need to do a serious redit. If you don't hear anything though that this is the proper turn. Also, please remember what the schedule is so NPRs don't muddle things!

Also, please remeber to try to take the worst possible situation into account and post alternative actions should such happen.

Turn 15 is due Friday at 11pm Eastern

Pepe blazes down the starting straight at 160 to start lap 2!

Mario powers through Virage at 100 along the outside and tries to keep up.

Rob seems to loose a bit of concentration and has to refocus himself as he slows to 80 along the outside(NPR)

Claudio goes 120 anticipating the outside lane of Virage being open, but is wrong as Rob sits there and forces him to hammer the breaks to slow to 100 as he pulls in behind Rob.

Tony goes 100 and dive inside of Rob and Claudio at Virage, passing them and pulling onto the main straight!

Christina also seems to have a lapse in concentration and decides to pull up to the edge of the corner at 60.(NPR)

Chris Brown races into Virage Du Pont at 100, passing Christina and Claudio and pulling to the inside of Rob.

Chris Brandt goes 80 and pulls inside of Christina on the run up to Virage.

Jack pulls into Tour at 100 as he sees the mass of cars in front of him.

Joshua pulls out of Bendor at 80 and begins his setup for Virage.
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Post 17 Nov 2017, 10:54 pm

Pepe races through the chicane as the field flies down the main striaght

RM Note: My bad on taking so long to update the leader post! It's fixed now!

Turn 16 is due Monday at 11pm Eastern

Pepe rolls Verrire at 140 hitting his spots as he continues to charge ahead!

Mario follows in pursuit as he sets up for the twin corners.

Tony follows after Mario at 140 sliding inside on the lane.

Rob decides to ask for all he can of his engine as he slams the gas pedal to the floor. The engine answers(Acc Roll 9) and he powers his way past Tony and into slip range of Mario.

Chris Brown watches Rob take off before following at 160 and sliding into this slipstream.

Claudio finished Virage at 100 and prepares to try to catch back up.

Jack softly runs Virage around the outside at 80

Joshua goes 120 and blazes to the lip of Virage!
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Post 21 Nov 2017, 1:16 am

Sorry all for the later post. Just me derping

Turn 17 is due Wendesday at 11pm Eastern

Pepe keeps his engine chugging and plows into the chicane at 120 as he prepares for St. Beaume.

Mario takes Varriere at 140 hitting the double apexes. Rob follows him through and uses the slip to pull aside.

Tony also runs the Apexes through Varriere at 140 and Chris Brown follows him at 120.

Claudio races up the edge of Varriere at 140 and is met to the inside by Claudio who hustles up to the corner at 160.

Christina follows Clauidio's line up to the corner at 140.

Jack accelerates to 160 and pulls to the inside.

Joshua blazes down the main straight at 200 and pops himself in inside of Christina, passing Jack in the process.
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 4:56 pm

Torrezn with a comfortable lead at the line.
Castellet C3 summary.png
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 10:46 pm

Pepe makes a mistake as he clears the chicane, and the pack creeps up in the process!

Turn 18 is Due Friday at 11pm Eastern

It seems something went wrong as Pepe was rolling through the chicane as he quickly slows to 80 and clears the chicane and slides outside at Saint-Beaume. Can he recover before the fast moving pack catches him!?(NPR)

Mario powers into the Chicane ahead of Rob at 120 and runs it inside to outside. Rob follows him in at 100 and hits both inside apexes, tucking inside of Mario.

Tony races into the inside of the Chicane at 120.

Chris Brown follow Tony up to the edge of the corner at 120, electing to ease off and break the slip on him.

Claudio powers through the double apex of Verriere at 160, and pulls up just short of the chicane.

Chris Brandt runs through the inside lanes of the corner off line at 120 and works his way up to the next corner.

Christina decides to carefully run the double apexes of the corner at 120.

Joshua runs the inside lane at 100 off line and pulls to Christina's inside.

Anticipating a clean line out of the corner, Jack pushes his engine to 180. Unfortunently, he finds as he's approaching that Christina is slower than expected and is to come up short, preventing the safe line! Smoking the tires, he slows down to 160 before snaking through the corner around the outside and pulling aside Christina.
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Post 24 Nov 2017, 9:53 pm

The race heats up as the chase pack catches up with the leader!

Pepe recovers from whatever happens and decides to conserve his tires as he runs outside to inside at 80.

Mario does his best take advantage of Pepe's bauble and get an edge of Rob by going 120 before smoking the tires and pulling outside to inside into the corner at 100, pulling in behind Pepe.

Rob however makes a counter move, going 100 inside to outside and pulling back ahead of Mario as they prepare for the straight.

Tony had hoped the clear the corner by running it tight at 100, but with Mario in the way, he is forced outside past the apex, pulling behind Rob and short of corner exit.

Chris Brown also plays conservative as he manuvers through the chicane at 80 and sets inside for Saint-Beaume

Claudio follows Chris through at 100 and pulls up alongside him.

Without all that much degradation on his tires yet, Chris Brandt decides to push the envelope and powers his way through the inside apexes of the Chicane at 100, pulling up behind Claudio at pit exit.

Not wanting to deal with more of last turns traffic, Jack keeps on the gas pedal and flies down the straight at 140, pulling ahead of Joshua and Christina. As he approaches the chicane, he pads his breaks and slows to 120 before running outside.

Joshua and Christina in the meantime run side by side up to the edge of the chicane at 100.
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Post 28 Nov 2017, 2:20 am

And we have a new leader as Rob screams down the straightaway!

RM Note: For clarification of moves I have added the speed limits used for the changing speed corners.

Turn 20 is due Wendesday at 11pm

Pepe pushes his engine to give all it can as he accelerates down Mistral at 140(Acc Roll Mod 4)

Rob's Monster engine roars to life as they clear Saint-Beaume and he screams down Mistral at 180, pulling up in front of Pepe and retaking the lead!

Mario takes Pepe's slip out of Saint-Beaume and slingshots his way beside him as he races down the straight.

Tony carries himself out of Saint-Beaume at 140 and pulls inside, unfortunently findiing himself likely in a bit of a no mans land on the straight.

Chris Brown Powers through Saint-Beaume at 120, moving outside to inside as he rolls onto the Mistral Straight.

Claudio follows Chris Brown through at 100 along the same path and pulls in behind him as Mistral looms

Chris Brandt rolls into the corner trying to hang inside, unfortunently he finds Claudio's green car coming up too quick and has to face outside, still however reaching the end of the corner.

Jack continues through the Chincane along the outside as he sets up for Saint-Beaume along the inside(No addtl wear cost as you've already spent 1 entering the corner)

Joshua and Christina run the chicane inside to outside at 80. Christina seems to be having small issues with the car(NPR)
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Post 28 Nov 2017, 2:25 am

Ok, minor error notice before it comes up. Jack did not pay an additional wear as noted on the chart. He should be at 7 as the wear to run the 80s was already payed for. Will be corrected on the next turn.
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Post 28 Nov 2017, 4:57 am

Almost 50mph difference between fastest and slowest.
Castellet C3 summary.png
Last edited by JimOrlando on 30 Nov 2017, 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 28 Nov 2017, 8:41 pm

Ok so there is a second error of mine. Christina's NPR meant she ran wide through the entire chicane. So her move has been corrected. This does not change the move deadline however.
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Post 29 Nov 2017, 10:12 pm

The lead packs fall into slipstream lines as they race down the Mistral Straight!

Turn 21 is due Friday at 11pm Eastern

Be it to hold Pepe off or to just keep his advantage, Rob tries to get everyone ounce of speed out of his car he can as he pushes 200. His engine happily answers and he races down the straight at that speed. (Acc Roll 2)

Pepe on the other hand, keeps his car at it's limits at 160, and just uses the powerful slip stream coming off the car to keep on Rob's Six.

Mario also runs his car at its limit at 180, and dives in behind Pepe for a slip.

Tony works his way down the straight between the two packs at his top speed of 160.

Coming out of the corner, Chris Brown cranks it up to his full speed of 180.

Not wanting to push his engine yet, Claudio cranks it only to 160, but uses the slip off Chris Brown to keep at his rear.

Wanting to keep up with the two, Chris Brandt forces his engine into overdrive at 180, and is able to get the proper response as he powers out of Saint-Beaume and pulls in behind Claudio. (4s, Acc R Mod 5, Top R Mod 3)

Apporaching the corner, Jack decides to take the shortest path at ease, running the inside of Saint-Beaume at 60.

Joshua follow suit, though instead going 80 outside to inside.

Christina having recovered from her last bauble attempt to clear the corner at 80 coming inside, but with Joshua in the way, she is forced outside, short of the end of the corner. (Note: due to you have already spent 1 wear and are in a 100 speed limit space, you may exit the corner at 120)
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Post 30 Nov 2017, 9:25 pm

So I had a minor snafu. Claudio did request the double slip off of Chris Brown and thus is on the outside, not behind. Updated track map here, and deadline moved to saturday.