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Post 08 Nov 2017, 4:03 pm

Things string out a bit.

Turn 13 summary:
Mossman drops one wear in Virage du Pont at 100. Hancock gets the jump on Ling plotting 140 and taking the long way around Tour. Ling at 120 takes the short path and finishes outside Hancock. Kennington maintains 120 (wear already paid) and lines up right behind Ling.

Welage continues at 100 through the 80s for already paid wear and gives up one car length to the dark blue machine. Tatum finishes the outside lane of Bendor at 100 and tacks onto Welage. Bauska keeps steady at 100 around the 80s for already paid wear and keeps side by side with Tatum. Incorpora also maintains 100 and scrubs off one wear by shifting to the 80s, making it three wide with Tatum and Bauska.

Rando completes Bendor on the inside at 80. Blizzard keeps at 100 and stays on the outside for free. Miller slows to 80 and covers the 80s at no cost. Linneberg finishes Beausset at 100 around the 100s.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Friday, November 10 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 13.png
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Post 11 Nov 2017, 5:47 am

And we're back. Mossman gets into another zip code.

Turn 14 summary:
Mossman asks his power plant for a little extra acceleration (naked 2) and starts lap two with a tremendous lead. Hancock sheds one wear in du Pont at 100 and clears Ling into P2. Ling around the 80s at speed drops in behind Hancock. Kennington shed one wear in the 80s to make it two wide for third.

Welage flies around du Pont at 120 through the 80s scrubbing off two wear and making it three wide. Tatum follows Welage through the virage also dropping two wear in the 80s. Bauska plots 120 then a puff of smoke from the front wheels as he late brakes to 100 (modified 10) takes a wear off the brakes and another in the corner at 100. Incorpora takes the inside around du Pont at 100 and a cost of two wear but a gain of two positions.

Rando plots 120 and wants the du Pont 80s but, with them blocked, he takes the long way around Tour. Blizzard gets off Bendor at 140 and also takes the long route to bleed off speed and finish even with Rando. Miller at 120 has no choice but to follow the parade around the outside of Tour. Linneberg finishes Bendor at 100, wear already paid, and makes plans for entering du Pont.

Next deadline: turn 15 due Monday, November 13 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 14.png
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Post 13 Nov 2017, 4:34 pm

A couple of big moves and one bold one.

Turn 15 summary:
Mossman takes the Verriere line at 140 for free. Hancock grabs the start of the line at 160. Welage is first out of the three-wide at 180. He drops inside of Hancock picking up three positions. Ling uses one skill to coax a little extra acceleration from his engine (modified 5) and, at 160, hits the line behind Hancock.

Kennington also plots 160 and he slides inside grabbing onto Welage and pushing Ling down another spot. Incorpora winds up to 160 and, with a slip from Ling, the only place he fits makes it three wide approaching Verriere. Tatum wisely backs off, only going 140, and takes a slip from the blue machine. He chooses to finish in the middle in preparation for the corner. Bauska comes off of Virage du Pont at 160 and looks for a slip position, finding one behind Tatum.

Blizzard flies around the du Pont 80s at 140, scrubbing off two wear and using three skill. His tires barely hold him on the track (modified 6) to complete the big move. Rando drops one wear in the 80s at 100 finishing inside but not able to pick up the purple car's draft. Miller also sheds one wear at 100 in the 80s and holds onto Rando's wing. Linneberg chooses the 60 space of du Pont at 100. It's costs him two wear but he picks up Miller's draft.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Wednesday, November 15 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 15.png
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Post 15 Nov 2017, 4:07 pm

Verriere takes a lot of rubber. One engine barely survives a push.

Turn 16 summary:
Mossman slows to 80 for the Chicane, taking the 80 and 60 for one wear. Hancock runs the Verriere racing line at 160, shedding one wear. Welage takes the 100s at 140 leaving two wear behind but keeps on Hancock's tail. Kennington's inside position gives him the initiative as he scrubs off one wear in the 120s at 140 and finishes in the middle lane.

Ling duplicates Kennington's move but with a slip from Hancock is able to pass the dark blue race car. Incorpora opts for the 100s at 120, giving up one wear and in return picking up P5. Tatum follows Incorpora's tire tracks through the corner and uses the slip from Ling to make it three wide. Bauska drops one wear in the 120s at 140 but clears the corner.

Blizzard holds it at 140 and goes into the corner on the racing line for free. Rando's engine is tasked with getting him to 160 and responds but barely (two skill, modified 9). Miller plays it safe at 140. With the slip he's able to keep pace with Rando. Linneberg plots 160 to complete the line of cars snaking through Verriere.

Next deadline: turn 17 due Friday, November 17 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 16.png
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Post 15 Nov 2017, 4:17 pm

Mossman with the expected huge margin.
Castellet C2 summary.png
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Post 17 Nov 2017, 4:28 pm

A fairly quiet turn as the pack begins to snake through the Chicane for the second time.

Turn 17 summary:
Mossman drops one wear in the St. B. 80s, clearing the corner and preparing to get gone again. Hancock closes the gap slightly at 120 through the Chicane 80s, shedding two wear. Welage scrubs off one wear through the 80s at 100 using the slip to keep up with the silver car. Tatum comes out of the three wide first, plotting 140 then using one wear to late brake to 120. He knocks off two more wear in the Chicane 80s and picks up two spots in return.

Ling slows to 100 and takes the outside lane for free. Incorpora had the same idea but is now forced to the inside costing him one wear but allowing him to maintain P5, pushing Ling down another position. Kennington tests his fragile brakes to get down to 100 (modified 6) and finishes in the middle lane to keep his options open for next turn. Bauska plots 140, reaching the Chicane on the outside of Kennington.

Blizzard, Rando and Miller all plot 140 through the Verriere racing line for free; Miller getting a slip from Rando is able to pull even with him. Linneberg keeps the line intact with a 120 move and a slip from Miller.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Monday, November 20 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

For advance planning, since next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., turn 19 will be due Wednesday as usual, turn 20 will have a soft deadline of Friday and a hard deadline of Monday.
Turn 17.png
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Post 20 Nov 2017, 4:31 pm

The Chicane bunches up the back of the pack.

Turn 18 summary:
Mossman tromps on the gas and tries to get lost again. Hancock slows to 80, taking the inside lane of St. B. for one wear. Welage follows in his tire tracks also shedding one wear. Tatum holds at 120 coming out of the Chicane (wear already paid) and scrubs off two wear in the St. B. 80s to grab the tail of Welage's machine and put a gap between himself and Incorpora.

Incorpora keeps it at 100, finishing the Chicane's 80s (wear paid) and starts the St. B. 80s for one wear. Ling conserves his tires, dropping to 80 and taking the Chicane 80s for free. Bauska has other ideas as he hits the corner at 120, spending two wear but picking up two positions. Kennington nurses his damaged brakes down to 80 and takes the 80s, finishing next to Ling.

Blizzard knocks off one wear in the Chicane at 100 through the 80s. Miller plots 120 but there's nowhere for him to go. He uses one wear to brake to 100 then two more to take the 100s and 60. Rando at 100 wanted to fly the 80s but is forced outside to the 100s before switching lanes mid-corner. Linneberg slows to 100 and also had sights on the inside lane but saves a wear by being forced outside into the 100s.

Next deadline: turn 19 is due Wednesday, November 22 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 18.png
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 4:25 pm

Saint-Beaume takes on a lot of rubber.

Turn 19 summary:
Mossman enjoys the clean air, stretching his lead at 180. Hancock gets his silver machine up to 140 and keeps it on the inside. Welage also plots 140 and declines the slip, choosing to finish in the middle. Tatum gets his car up to 180 and pulls even with Hancock, giving Welage a slip opportunity next turn.

Incorpora holds at 100, finishing the St.B. 80s for already paid wear. Bauska sheds one wear in the St. B. 80s to hold onto the wing of the black machine. Kennington blasts through the 80s at 120, scrubbing off two wear and finishing even with Bauska for now. Ling drops one wear in the 80s at 100 and adds to the snake on the inside.

Miller attacks St. B. at 120, wanting the 80s all the way for two wear, but he's forced into the 100s by Ling. Blizzard drops to 80, leaving one wear in the 60 and making the line four deep. Rando wants to make up some lost ground but traffic only gives him the 60 for two wear then he's forced to bounce out the 100 lane behind Miller. Linneberg slows to 80, spending one wear in each of the 60 spaces to bring up the rear of the queue.

Next deadline: turn 20 due (soft) Friday, November 24 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(hard) Monday, November 27 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 19.png
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 4:38 pm

Hancock clearly the class of the field this sector.
Castellet C2 summary.png
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Post 24 Nov 2017, 4:27 pm

The fans on Mistral Straight are on their feet as engines roar, and one throws a tell-tail puff of smoke.

Turn 20 summary:
Mossman keeps the pedal down at 180 finishing inside but still has room to grab the upcoming line. Hancock maxes out at 180 staying inside. Tatum holds at 180 to keep even with Hancock. Welage plots 180 and with a double slip from Tatum he grabs P2.

Incorpora maxes his acceleration to 160. Kennington asks his engine for the oomph to get to 200, but it can't handle the request and smoke from the exhaust brings "ooh"s from the crowd. Bauska does his best to get to 160 and a slip from Incorpora lets him make it three wide. Ling gets to 160 with a slip to keep up with the cars ahead of him.

Miller catches that group in a hurry as his engine roars to 200. Blizzard exits St. B. at 140 and gets a slip from Ling but loses the draft for next turn. Rando is able to accelerate to 140 (two wear paid last turn) and drops to the inside. Linneberg finishes St. B. at 80 and prepares to attack Mistral Straight.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Monday, November 27 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 20.png
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Post 27 Nov 2017, 4:19 pm

Two passes on the Mistral Straight keep the crowd cheering.

Turn 21 summary:
Mossman slows to 120 to take the Signes racing line at speed. Welage keeps at 180 and starts the racing line. Hancock also holds it at 180, finishing in the middle to grab the line next turn. Tatum at 180 gets the double slip from Welage and slides up to the outside.

Incorpora gets up to his top speed and keeps position on the inside. Kennington does 180, wary of his damaged brakes. Bauska is NMR, he also gets to 180 to keep it three wide. Ling at 180 and a double slip makes a forced pass on Incorpora (naked 7) to jump from 8th to 5th.

Miller also uses a double slip at 180 and one skill to pass Kennington (modified 5) and take P6. Blizzard pushes his engine for 200mph but it won't hold (one skill, modified 10). He slows to 180 this turn and will be at 160 or slower the rest of the race (unless he grabs the dice again). Rando roars down the straight at 180 and sees the smoke from Blizzard's engine. Linneberg pushes his acceleration to 80 (naked 4) and does 160, losing a length to Rando.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Wednesday, November 29 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 21.png
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Post 27 Nov 2017, 5:42 pm

Is this racing or is this Diplomacy? John & Don, you two look like you're as thick as thieves.
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Post 29 Nov 2017, 9:22 am

Thieves? That is a little strong. i am of the belief that if you get a double slip,you should end in front of driver that gave you the slips. On first lap i gave a double slip, but that driver finished in front of another driver,why? Many may disagree. kid
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Post 29 Nov 2017, 4:45 pm

Some spreading out this turn.

Turn 22 summary:
Mossman completes the Signes racing line at 120 and drops inside. Tatum runs the 120s at 140 shedding two wear and also sticking to the inside. Welage uses one skill to get down to 120 (modified 5) and slides around the racing line at speed, gaining a one space slip from Tatum. Hancock plots 120 spending one wear to get down there, traversing the racing line at speed.

Miller gets the initiative and uses his big engine at 200 to approach the corner on the racing line. Ling used one skill to try to get the jump on Miller but a (modified 10) stutter from the engine indicates trouble. He slides down the racing line behind Miller at 180. Incorpora gets the double slip from Ling despite his engine problem and, with no room on the line, pulls even with Miller. Kennington slows to 160 and with the double slip from Miller finishes inside of Ling.

Bauska loses one wear getting down to 140 to prepare for Signes. He chooses to finish in the middle. Blizzard asks his engine for more speed once more (one skill, modified 5) and pulls up to the rear of Bauska's yellow machine. Rando keeps the pedal down at 180. Linneberg also winds up to 180 as he attacks the Mistral Straight.

Next deadline: turn 23 due Friday, December 1 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Two unexpected wear points used this turn by drivers exceeding deceleration, most likely unintentionally. As long as your moves are legal I am not allowed to question them.
Turn 22.png
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Post 01 Dec 2017, 5:33 pm

Half of the field spends wear, but only one significant position changed.

Turn 23 summary:
Mossman slides around the inside of Beausset at 80 for free. Tatum makes up a length on the leader at 100 in the 80 for one wear. Welage had the same idea but Tatum got there first, so he runs the 100 for free. Hancock holds steady at 120, reaching the entrance to the corner.

Miller slows to 140 and drops one wear on the Signes racing line, finishing inside. Incorpora also leaves one wear in the corner 120s at 140. Kennington rounds the corner in the 120s at 140 shedding one wear and using a slip from Miller to pull even with the black race car. Ling picks up two positions by scrubbing off one wear on the racing line at 140 and using a slip from Incorpora.

Bauska gets down to 120 on the racing line for free. Blizzard tries for the line but is forced into the 120s at 140, knocking off one wear. Rando hits the racing line at 140 ready to cover the corner next turn. Linneberg also picks up the racing line at 180, closing up two lengths on Rando.

Next deadline: turn 24 due Monday, December 4 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 23.png