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Post 08 Nov 2017, 6:59 pm

Turn 12

The leader is ready to run!

Doug spend 2W and cuts inside while going 100 on the 60s
Fabio follows and tucks behind Doug at 100
Marshall speeds to 120 and is forced to the side of Fabio

Mike breaks from the peleton at 100 and takes the outside just in case Tim tries to follow

Tim cuts back the engine to 80, taking the outside for 2 spaces, and the inside for 2 more
Jim speeds along at 100, but after spending 1W in the 80s is forced to the outside
Chris and Will both wait their turn through the corner at 100

Jeff takes the inside lane at 100 for 1W

Turn 13 due Friday 10NOV17 at 4PM Pacific unless all orders are in early
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Post 10 Nov 2017, 7:44 pm

Turn 13

As promised, the leader runs!

Doug comes out of the corner with a 140 and pulls away
Fabio and Marshall both fly around the outside for 1W going 100
Mike spends 2W in the 80s, going 120 and making up a space
Tim and Jim both pull away with 120s and ready themselves for du Pont!
Will, Chris and Jeff come out of Beausset at 100, with Jeff regaining contact

Turn 14 due Monday 13NOV17 at 4PM unless all orders are received early.
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Post 13 Nov 2017, 9:45 pm

Turn 14

A position change in the rear shows heart!

Doug eases through Vermiere at 140 on the R/L
Fabio and Marshall order 140 and request the line, but Fabio has initiative and gets the line
Mike orders 160 and regains contact
Tim spends 1W going through Du Pont 80s at 100
Jim tucks behind at 80 in the 80s
Chris (100mph) is looking hard for a slip, and it takes the long way in the kink, and 2W in the 60s
Will spends 1W in Du Pont in the 80s by cruising 100
Jeff decides enough is enough and spends 1 skill for a brake check after ordering 120 and brakes to 100 with a modified roll of 4. He spends 2W cutting inside of Will on the 60s.

Thank you for your patience.

Turn 15 due 4PM Pacific 15NOV17
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Post 15 Nov 2017, 5:13 pm

Turn 15

Jeff making his way up the ranks!

Doug preps for his entry into the corner with a 120
Fabio finishes up the R/L for free traveling at 140
Marshall spreads the Christmas cheer by going 100 and not stopping on the R/L
Mike (Color him astounded!) takes the R/L at 140 and passes Marshall with a thank you wave
Tim speeds down the straightaway at 160 and sits on the R/L
Jim follows with the slip at 140 and is on Tim's rear spoiler
Chris does the same and sits on Jim's rear wing
Jeff pushes the engine with 1S (8 modified) and cuts to the inside of Chris by roaring to 180
Will keeps pace with the pack with a 160 and follow the speeding Jeff

Turn 16 due Friday, 17NOV17 at 4PM Pacific (or earlier if all orders are in)
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Post 16 Nov 2017, 5:09 am

Schulz with a nice lead at the line.
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Post 17 Nov 2017, 6:05 pm

Turn 16

Two pack, for sure! (Rap pun intended)

Doug eases through the Chicane at 80
Fabio spends 2W and cuts the 60s at 100
Mike enters Chicane at 100 and spends 1W on the 80 space
Marshall follows Mike at 100

Tim takes Vermiere at 140 on the R/L
Jim follows at 140 with a slip to pull alongside Tim
Jeff spends the one wear on the line with 160mph
Chris and Will follow on the line with a slip and 140 each

Turn 17 due Monday 20NOV17 at 4PM or earlier if all orders are in
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Post 20 Nov 2017, 5:44 pm

Turn 17

The two packs meander safely through St. B and the Chicane

Doug and Fabio both spend the 2W and cut the corner St. Beaumere at 120 in the 80s
Mike catches the lead pack by going 100 and spending an extra wear in the Chicane 60 lane and the 60s in St. B

Marshall can't make the corner so he cuts back to 80 and conserves his wear
Tim and Jim both keep contact at 120 with 2W, Tim through the 80s, and since there is no room, Jim has to bleed the speed in the 100s
Jeff orders 120, but will smash into the front cars, so he late brakes to 100 and spends 2W in the Chicane 60s
Chris orders 100 and spends 1W in the 80s
Will sits outside at 120 and spends the 1W in the 100

Turn 18 due Wednesday at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are received

If anyone need a holiday break, let me know.
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 3:03 pm

Turn 18

The leaders fly!

Doug speeds to 160
Fabio follows at 160 and the slip brings him alongside Doug
Mike catches the slipstream also and follows Fabio at 160

Marshall rolls around St. B at 120 and spends 2W in the 80s
Tim B spends 1W at 100 in the St. B 80s, but cuts inside to the 80 lane to pull alongside
Jeff calls for 120 and wants a slip, but there is no room and he is forced to the end of the curve at 2W
Jim more cautiously orders 100 and is able to cut to the inside of St. B, following Tim for 1W
Chris comes out of the Chicane at 100, and spends 1W to come to the middle of St. B
Will makes a move at 100 and spends the 2W to cut inside of Chris

Turn 19 due 27NOV at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in. I will be able to adjudicate Friday, but this is only a soft deadline due to the holiday. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and find a reason in your heart to be truly thankful!
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Post 22 Nov 2017, 4:46 pm

Schulz maintains his lead despite being second slowest last sector.
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Post 24 Nov 2017, 9:48 pm

Turn 19

A new leader as Doug drops to 3rd!

Fabio orders 200 with a ACC test with 1 modifier safely with a 6
Doug chases with his 180 and sits behind Fabio
Mike calls for 180 with a double slip, taking 2nd!

Tim and Marshall both roar out of the St. B Corner, speeding up to 180 and Tim takes the middle lane
Jim and Jeff take advantage with a double slip and 180 mph

Will gets caught in the corner and tries to accelerate out to 140
Chris does the same , but can only get to 120

Turn 20 is due Monday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 27 Nov 2017, 5:44 pm


Another new leader, and everyone on the backstretch

Mike roars and tests his engine and successfully passes with a 4! 200mph for Mike and the R/L
Fabio eases onto the line at 160
Doug orders 160 and the slip pulling into 2nd alongside the Italian
Jeff and Jim saunter doe si doe down the straightaway at 180
Marshall asks his engine to come through for him with a 200 speed, and it answers "Yes!" with a 4
Tim calls for 180 and a double slip, but there is not any room, and he attempts a forced pass. His roll of 11 fails, the so he sits in the middle lane cussing on the radio!
Will spends his 3 chip for a 200 speed, and makes up a space on the second pack
Chris sits behind with a 160 mph and two slips

Turn 21 due Wednesday 29NOV17
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Post 29 Nov 2017, 5:57 pm

Turn 21

Mike get some clean air and takes off!

Mike speeds around Signes at 160 mph and spends 2W on the corner.
Doug conserves his wear and eases into the middle lane at 120
Fabio takes the R/L at 120 and pulls in front of Doug

Jeff speeds into the R/L position at 180 and takes the outside lane
Jim wants the R/L at 180 also, but is in second position for that and cuts inside.
Marshall follows with 180 and takes the middle lane remaining
Tim takes it easy at 160 with a slip and sits on the R/L behind Jeff

Will speeds along at 180
Chris follows behind at 180 but with the two slips cuts in front of Will

Turn 22 due Friday at 4PM Pacific 1DEC17
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Post 01 Dec 2017, 6:59 pm

Turn 22

Mike's on a breakaway!

Mike calls for a 2W move through the 80s at 120
Fabio spends 2W also at 120 but just enters the 1st 80 section
Doug wants to enter the corner as well, but can't. 120 mph
Jeff takes the R/L at 160 for 2W, looking to make up space on the leaders
Jim and Marshall continue the square dance around the corner in the 140s with Jim retaining the advantage
Chris takes the R/L at 140 for a wear
Will wants the slip, but foregoes the R/L to do that. He takes the middle lane at 140

Turn 23 due Monday 4DEC at 4PM Pacific
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Post 04 Dec 2017, 5:48 pm

Turn 23

Jim slips back in the pack!

Mike continues his torrid pace with 120, spending the 2W and clearing the corner
Fabio continues his 120mph through the Beausset
Doug eases through the corner at 80
Jeff spends 1W and takes the middle lane at 120
Marshall spends 2W and enters Beausset at 140
Jim chooses to not enter the corner and keeps it at 100
Tim flies past Jim at 120 with the slip, entering the corner for 2W in the inner lane
Chris and Will speed down the backstretch at 140 nose to tail

Turn 24 due Wednesday, 6DEC17 at 4PM unless all orders are in early.
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Post 05 Dec 2017, 6:00 am

Mike whiffs the field through sector 2.
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