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Post 12 May 2017, 2:29 pm

The starting grid for lap 1.

Turn 1 will be due Wednesday, May 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC.
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Post 31 May 2017, 3:24 pm

And the green flag flies!!

Turn 1 summary:
Harrington pushes for 80 (modified 6) and gets out to the clean lead. Schulz tucks in behind at 60. Ling pushes (modified 8) and gets beside Schulz, but without a drafting partner.

Barletta, Pellegrino and Mossman all start at 60, Mossman also ends up on the outside without a partner.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Friday, June 2 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 02 Jun 2017, 3:48 pm

The pack splits heading for Ese Moises Solana.

Turn 2 summary:
Harrington pushes his acceleration with 1 skill (modified 4) and gets his top speed. Ling also pushes with 1 skill (modified 7) and takes over P2. Schulz pushes with 1 skill (modified 5) and, with a slip from Harrington, keeps pace with Ling.

Barletta got a slip off Schulz and is able to stay on his wing. Pellegrino in turn got a slip from Barletta to keep tight on the yellow machine. Mossman, with no slip opportunity, does 120 and falls in at the tail of the line.

Next deadline: turn 3 due Monday, June 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 05 Jun 2017, 4:15 pm

The first corner splits the pack.

Turn 3 summary:
Harrington keeps to the inside at 100 stripping off 2 wear. Ling plots 120 then uses the dice to brake to 100 (modified 6), also shedding 2 wear on the inside. Schulz wanted the same move as Ling but with the inside now blocked stays at 120, dropping 2 wear on the racing line.

Barletta does 100 and sets up on the inside ready to take Solana. Pellegrino does 120 to end beside Barletta. Mossman punches to 140 and makes it three wide.

Next deadline: turn 4 due Wednesday, June 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Jun 2017, 3:10 pm

A new leader as the pack strings out

Turn 4 summary:
Harrington covers the straightaway at 160 and grabs the racing line for Del Lago. Ling also hits 160 and with a slip from Harrington moves inside to take over P1. Schulz comes out of Solana at 160 and keeps the leaders close.

Barletta sheds two wear in the Solana 60s at 100 and chooses the middle lane to try to foil a slip attempt. Mossman has the speed advantage to move next and he drops one wear on the racing line. Pellegrino drops inside at 80 and then slides in between the red and yellow cars.

Next deadline: turn 5 due Friday, June 9 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 09 Jun 2017, 3:58 pm

Del Lago does it's usual scramble as the group breaks in two.

Turn 5 summary:
Ling, Harrington and Schulz all plot 100; Ling starts with the 60s then picks up the second line; Harrington takes the first line then switches to the 60s, finishing on the Horquilla line; Schulz takes both lines. All three drivers use two wear.

Barletta covers the straightaway at 140 and grabs the racing line. Pellegrino plots 120 and with a slip is able to stay right on the rear of the yellow machine. Mossman plots 140 looking for a slip but he's faster than Pellegrino so he keeps the line intact, pulling up behind him.

Next deadline: turn 6 due Monday, June 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 12 Jun 2017, 3:38 pm

The leaders head towards the Esses side-by-side, Barletta breaks from the chase pack and catches the lead pack.

Turn 6 summary:
Ling finishes the Del Lago line and sheds one wear in the Horquilla 40 at 60. Harrington takes the Horquilla line for free to stay with Ling. Schulz holds on to P3 dropping one wear in the 40 at 60.

Barletta flies through Del Lago at 100 scrubbing off two wear and gaps Pellegrino. Pellegrino and Mossman both leave one wear on the Del Lago double racing line at 80.

Next deadline: turn 7 due Wednesday, June 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC.
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Post 14 Jun 2017, 3:11 pm

A change of position at the back while the leaders negotiate the Esses.

Turn 7 summary:
Harrington gets the initiative on Ling with a 120 plot and hits the S1 120s for free. Ling plots 100 and takes the racing line. Due to the configuration of the corner he retains the lead in spite of Harrington's faster move. Schulz does 120 into the 120s to keep the pack intact.

Barletta slows to 60 and rounds Horquilla on the outside for free. Pellegrino also does 60 into Horquilla at no cost. Mossman ducks to the inside of the corner at 80 shedding two wear and picking up P5.

Next deadline: turn 8 due Friday, June 16 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC.
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Post 16 Jun 2017, 3:23 pm

An easy turn as no positions change but the chase pack closes slightly on the leaders.

Turn 8 summary:
Ling slows to 80 and takes the line through S2 for free. Harrington takes the 100s through S2 for free. Schulz slows to 80 and hits the 80 space for free.

Barletta does 100 across the S1 line. Mossman follows at 100 also on the line. Pellegrino stays with Mossman at 120 into the S1 120 for free.

Next deadline: turn 9 due Monday, June 19 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 19 Jun 2017, 3:15 pm

Doug loses touch with the front two who are locked into a good battle.

Turn 9 summary:
Ling does 140 and reaches the entrance to the corner on the inside. Harrington does 160 to end in the middle lane alongside Ling. Shulz finishes S2 at 100 and keeps inside.

Barletta stays safe at 80 through the S2 80s. Mossman follows with the same move. Pellegrino plots 100 and wants the S2 line but with Mossman on it he's forced to the outside shedding one wear in the 80 space.

Next deadline: turn 10 due Wednesday, June 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 21 Jun 2017, 3:05 pm

Ling still leads but wore out this set of tires. The back three are three wide at the corner with Pellegrino on slightly fresher tires.

Turn 10 summary:
Ling takes his tires to bald by doing 80 through the 60 in both corners. Harrington save his tires by taking the 100 lane at speed. Schulz drops one wear in the 80s at 100.

Barletta, Mossman and Pellegrino do 120, 140 and 160 respectively to line up three wide at the corner. Pellegrino on the outside has a slight wear advantage. Will the dice be in play soon?

Next deadline: turn 11 due Friday, June 23 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 23 Jun 2017, 4:39 pm

A pass for the lead and the pack gets real tight

Turn 11 summary:
Ling takes his car into the 80s at 80 for free. Harrington flies the 40 in Foro Sol shedding two wear then sheds one more in the Peraltada 60 to take the lead and virtually assure himself of 9 points.

Schulz slows to 60 and uses his 3 skill chip to hit the 40 space. Barletta does 100 through the hairpin 60 for one wear and one skill then hits the Foro 60s for two more wear.

Mossman wanted either of the, now occupied, spaces in Foro so he saves his tires in the 100 lane and holds the inside line. Pellegrino also does 100 dropping one wear in the 80s and then two in the 60, taking over P5 for now.

Next deadline: turn 12 due Monday, June 26 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 26 Jun 2017, 3:48 pm

The dice are worn out. Unfortunately two rolls were to avoid a crash.

Turn 12 summary:
Harrington finishes Peraltada and heads for the start/finish line. Ling does the same but one car length behind. Schulz uses the last of his tires in the outer lane at 100.

Barletta plots 80 and runs into the middle lane with one skill on the chance table (modified 11) and crashes!

Pellegrino does 100 and follows Schulz around the outside for one wear. Mossman sheds two wear in the Foro Sol 40 at 80 then hits the Peratalda 40 for his final wear and a one skill chance roll (modified 3).

Next deadline: turn 13 due Wednesday, June 28 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 28 Jun 2017, 3:12 pm

The first three finish the lap.

Turn 13 summary:
As expected, Harrington and Ling both do 160 and cross the line in that order. Schulz wants to avoid any chance of losing P3 so he punches up to 180 rolling for both acceleration (modified 4) and top speed (modified 5), passes both rolls and reaches the line.

Pellegrino finishes Peraltada at 160, wear already paid, and drops inside. Mossman also finishes the corner at 120, wear already paid, and sits on the wing of the black car.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Friday, June 30 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Obviously this is just for Fabio and Tim. When I adjudicate that turn I will send the new map with the starting grid for lap 2 at COTA.
RROC turn 13.png
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Post 29 Jun 2017, 2:46 pm

Lap 1 in the books as Pellegrino and Mossman both finish lap 1 at 160.

The starting grid for lap 2.

Next deadline: turn 15 due Monday, July 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
RROC turn 14.png