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Post 31 May 2017, 6:46 pm

Gentlemen, builds are in and NOT A SINGLE CAR IS THE SAME!

Bid deadline: Monday, June 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 31 May 2017, 6:56 pm


7 cars of 10 have a start speed of 20.
7 cars of 10 have a top speed of 180+.

This might be one really interesting race...
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Post 31 May 2017, 7:14 pm

and RocketMan doesn't have the 200 top speed! What happened Franklin?
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Post 05 Jun 2017, 6:02 am

Bids are in and the grid is set. No surprise on the pole going to Rae and his front-runner set up. Dice rolls determined the positioning of the last four cars, all with zero bids.

Remember, you can push start speed by +20 on the start table. You may apply up to 2 single skill chips or 1 big chip to the roll.

The green flag drops on Wednesday!

Turn 1 Deadline: Wednesday, June 7th @ 3 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. GMT)
*If all plots are in by tomorrow, we can get an early start. That may be helpful as any adjudications from Friday through Monday look problematic for me.
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Post 07 Jun 2017, 5:42 am

I'm not sure I've ever seen a start like this: One car way out in front and the rest suffering from heavy traffic issues around the S/F line.

Lots of start pushes (all successful) and a few emergency brakes...

Turn 1 Summary
Rae pushes his start to 120 with his big chip (modified 6) and takes a commanding lead. Munies comes out of the block at 60.

Swaine and Scarpino 'race' out of row 2 at 20. This will cause some issues behind them!

Harrington pushes to 40 with 2s (modified 7) and makes it three-wide at the S/F line. Snouffer also pushes to 40 (naked 5) but has no place to park his car. He drops a wear for the late brake.

Haskell pushes with 2s to 40 (modified 3) and slides to the inside of the #94. Burnett pushes with 1s to 40 (modified 7) and closes up another row.

Bauska's start speed of 60 is a problem. With no place to put his car, he must late brake to 40 for a wear. Hoyt pushes to 40 with 1s (modified 8) and takes position on the tailpipe of the #28.

Turn 2 hard deadline: Tuesday, June 13th @ 3 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by tomorrow evening, we might be able to get a turn in. I'll be travelling from Friday morning through Monday night and won't be able to adjudicate during that time.
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Post 08 Jun 2017, 6:57 am

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Post 13 Jun 2017, 12:50 pm

Rae maintains his lead while the chase pack stays jammed up.

Turn 2 Summary

Rae takes the D938 through the 100's at 120 for a wear.

Munies pulls up to the speed restricted corner at 120.

Swaine, at 100, gets through the small kink on the inside. Harrington goes next, also at 100. He is pushed out to the middle lane in the kink. Scarpino grabs the tailpipe on the #25 at 80.

Haskell runs to the outside in the kink at 120 and pulls even with the #6. Burnett gets initiative at 100 and tucks in behind the white Ford. Snouffer sits on the bumper of the #17 after plotting 80.

Bauska tucks in behind the #18 at 100 (no slip requested). Hoyt brings up the rear at 100 and stays in contact with chase pack.

Turn 3 Deadline: Thursday, June 15th @ 3 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Jun 2017, 7:16 pm

Turn 4 looks pretty treacherous for the big chase pack. The narrow part of the track is coming up and I'm not so sure there will be room for all of you! Reminds of a comment from Brad Bauska a few years ago: It's going to be like stuffing 10 pounds of #$%@ into a 5 pound sack.

Turn 3 Summary
Rae extends his lead by clipping 2 tires in the Six Freres 100's at 140. Munies falls a bit behind at 120, burning a wear in the D938 100's.

Swaine doesn't want to play with the huge pack behind him. He drops 2 wear at 160 in the D938 120's. Harrington scrapes off 2 tires at 140 through the 100's.

Haskell, at 120, tucks in behind the #6 for a wear in the D938. Scarpino, also at 120, runs into the corner for free and gets the bonus.

Burnett races into the run-off lane at 140 for a wear and with the slip, pulls astride the #17.

Bauska gets the initiative at a whopping 160 and has to burn off speed in the slow part of the kink to avoid braking. He drops 2 wear as he rockets into the 120's behind the black & yellow Dewalt car. Snouffer gets the last spot in the corner for free at 120 and the bonus.

Hoyt hugs the inside rail at 120 and keeps up with the pack via the slip.

Turn 4 Deadline: Tuesday, June 20th @ 3 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. GMT)
I won't likely get a chance to adjudicate early but if I have all the plots, I'll try.
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Post 20 Jun 2017, 2:49 pm

Oh, Gatlin...

Turn 4 Summary
Rae pulls in front of Nouveau Monde at 140 on the inside. Munies scrapes off a tire at 120 in the Six Freres 100's.

Swaine drops 2 wear, hugging the inside rail in Six Freres at 140. Harrington enters the Six Freres 120's at 140 for a wear.

Burnett has the initiative at 140 and burns 2 tires in the Six F. 100's. Scarpino, at 120, sets up on the inner rail. Haskell slides in next to the #17, also at 120.

Bauska has the initiative at 160. The track is blocked and with no pass called for (nor defaults on file), he must brake down to 120 for 2 wear.

Snouffer tucks in behind the #38 at 120. Hoyt maintains contact with the field at 100 through D938 for free. He opts to grab the bumper on the #94.

Turn 5 Deadline: Thursday, June 22nd @ 3 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. GMT)
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Post 22 Jun 2017, 2:27 pm

No position changes this turn.

A few corrections: I forgot to take off a wear for Burnett in the D938 corner (now adjusted). Also, I had Circuit 3 instead of Circuit 4 on the track - sorry, no promotions yet!

Adjudications will be moving targets over the next several weeks. I will set deadlines with the hope of having time to do them but expect delays. My WIFI access will be very iffy.

Turn 5 Summary
Rae scrapes off 2 tires at 80 on the inside 40 of Nouveau Monde.

Munies pulls up to Nouveau Monde on the inner rail at 100. Swaine catches the side panel on the #29 at 140.

Harrington and Burnett finish out Six Freres at 140 and rub paint down the short straight.

Scarpino clips a tire at 120 in the Six F. 100's. Haskell follows on the inside rail at 120, also for a wear. Side by side racing ensues.

Bauska has the initiative at 140 and takes to the outer rail for a wear before tucking in behind the #17. Snouffer, at 120, is able to keep pace with the slip, using no wear in the Six Freres.

Hoyt hangs in there at 120 and the bonus as he puts himself on the tailpipe of the #28.

Turn 6 Deadline: Monday, June 26th @ 10 a.m. EDT (2 p.m. GMT)
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Post 10 Jul 2017, 8:07 am

Wow... we've made it to Turn 6! No change in car order but there was a nifty chance roll from Burnett.

Note: I failed to take off Gatlin's wear last turn - he has 9, not 10.

Turn 6 Summary
Rae pulls up D132 at 140 & maintains a sizable lead.

Munies & Swaine take turns through the Nouveau Monde on the inner rail at 80 for 2 wear apiece.

Burnett has the initiative at 120 and runs into the Nouveau Monde on the outer rail for 2 wear + a chance roll with his big chip (modified 5). He manages to keep his car on the track! Harrington drops to 80 and clips 2 tires in the 40 lane.

Scarpino & Haskell trade paint down the straight at 80 each, pulling up to the Nouveau Monde side by side.

Bauska makes it 3-wide going into the hairpin at 100. Snouffer tucks in behind the #17 at 80. Hoyt pulls even with the #94 at 100.

Turn 7 Deadline: Wednesday, July 12th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 10 Jul 2017, 3:47 pm

In case it isn't obvious, Rae is flying! He's almost 25mph faster than Burnett who's second fastest.
Rouen C4 summary.png
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Post 12 Jul 2017, 6:56 pm

The cut & paste job for the chart came out a little goofy. I used my wife's laptop instead of the PC at work. Still Photoshop but different outcome.

Anyway, we had a few position changes & a slight goof-up from Gatlin that saved Ty some angst...

Turn 7 Summary
Rae takes the D132 for free at 80.

Munies & Swaine trade paint at 140 to maintain their respective positions.

Burnett gets the initiative at 160 and grabs the tailpipe on the #29. Harrington falls in behind the #18 at 140.

Bauska gets the initiative at 100 and burns 2 tires on the outer rail of Nouveau Monde. He calls for row 3, giving some space for the cars in the row behind.

Haskell moves next at 80, dropping 2 wear on the inner rail. Scarpino comes last out of his row at 60 and clips a tire in the Nouveau Monde.

Snouffer, at 80, scrapes off 2 tires on the inside 40's and slots between the #17 and the generous #28. Hoyt plays a conservative 60 and cedes his first wear of the race on the inner rail.

Turn 8 Deadline: Friday, July 14th @ 7 p.m. EDT (11 p.m. GMT)
It's more likely I won't adjudicate until Saturday morning but just in case...
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Post 14 Jul 2017, 8:20 pm

I'm still working off my wife's laptop. I adjusted the Excel doc a bit so the chart looks better on the track. It won't get it truly back to form until I'm back at work (another month).

Anyway, a fairly uneventful turn...

Turn 8 Results

Rae clips a tire at 100 in the Samson 80's.

Munies & Swaine take turns at 80 on the D132 80's to maintain positions. Munies weak brakes require a test, which he puts 1sp towards (modified 8). Best buds, these two!

Burnett scrapes off a wear at 100 in the D132 and makes it 3-wide going into Samson. Harrington also drops a wear and tucks in behind the #29. (RM note: I forgot to take Kevin's wear off the chart. I'll adjust it next turn)

Haskell pulls up to the D132 at 140. Snouffer gets the initiative in the next row and pulls aside the #38 at 160.

Bauska moves next at 140, grabbing the tailpipe on the M&M's Ford. Scarpino stays with the #28 at 120 and the bonus (RM note on plotting - the slip was not specified in the plot but Federico had his defaults page filled out).

Hoyt stays with the chase pack at 120 and the slip.

Turn 9 Deadline: Monday, July 17th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 17 Jul 2017, 8:04 am

Rae jumps out again while the chase pack jostles for position.

Turn 9 Summary

Rae hits the backstretch at 160, lengthening his lead once again.

Swaine has initiative at 100 and sheds a tire in Samson. Burnett moves next, also at 100, burning a wear in Samson.

Munies conserves his tires at 80 and is hoping for one of the cars in front of him to hit the after-burners. Harrington hangs his car in the Samson corner at 80.

Snouffer plots 140 to get the initiative (he does) but has to roll on the chance table, along with 2 wear expenditures, to navigate D132. His defaults give him 2 sp on the dice (modified 4) and his car is able to hang on to the outer rail (his plot did not put him into Samson). Haskell clips 2 tires in the D132 at 120 before pulling up next to the #94.

Bauska runs the D132 at 100 for a wear but he fails to request the slip. Federico, also drops a wear at 100 but has his defaults in place to take advantage of the slip opportunity.

Hoyt completes the conga line at 100, scraping off a tire in the D132.

Turn 10 Deadline: Wednesday, July 19th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)