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Post 07 Sep 2017, 3:52 am

Rando easily fastest this sector
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Post 08 Sep 2017, 2:41 pm

The leaders open up the gap while two of the drivers that still have some rubber on their tires pick up positions.

Turn 39 summary:
Tatum uses his maximum acceleration to get to 140 around the kink. Bauska does the same and then uses the slip to move even with the leader. Incorpora drops one wear around Samson and moves inside. Ling gets the initiative at 100 and sheds one wear in the corner.

Mossman does 80 around Samson with no rubber left and starts for the inside. Rando gets the jump on Miller scrubbing off one wear at 100 and picking up P6. Miller holds 80 around the corner. Kennington hits the approach to Samson at 80.

Welage rounds D132 at 100 through the inner 80s for one wear and grabs the tailpipe of Kennington's race car. Blizzard follows Welage's tire tracks also leaving one wear in the inner 80s. Hancock finishes the straightaway at 140 and sets up for the corner.

Next deadline: turn 40 due Monday, September 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 39.png
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Post 10 Sep 2017, 5:11 am

A puff of smoke from a chaser as the leaders maintain their distance.

Turn 40 summary:
Tatum and Bauska match 160s as they hit the approach to Gresil. Incorpora and Ling also match 160s but Ling gets a slip enabling him to pull even with the black race car.

Rando attempts to exceed both acceleration and top speed with one skill each but double sixes on the acceleration roll foils his plan and damages his power plant. Mossman makes a naked acceleration roll (3) to reach 140 and settle in behind Rando. Miller keeps within his car's capabilities at 120 out of Samson and a slip keeps him behind Mossman. Kennington urges his bald tires around Samson at 80.

Welage grabs P8 shedding two wear in the Samson inner 80s at 120. Blizzard takes the inner 80s at 100 dropping one wear and getting a slip from Welage to keep with him. Hancock takes the inner 80s of D132 at speed.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Wednesday, September 13 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 40.png
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Post 17 Sep 2017, 9:08 am

Mostly friendly dice as we prepare for a shoot-out to the finish.

Turn 41 summary:
Bauska temporarily takes the lead back with a 140 move around the Gresil 140s, but Tatum's 120 move around the inside puts him back into P1. Ling drives hard into the corner shedding two wear in the 140s at 180. Incorpora goes in hard as well at 160 around the 120s dropping two wear.

Rando follows, knocking off two wear in the 120s at 160. Mossman stays on Rando's tailpipe at 160. Miller plots 160 and gets a slip from Mossman to pull even with the red race car. Welage must have appeased the dice gods as he makes two naked rolls; one for acceleration (7) and one for top speed (6) enabling him to hit 200 down the straightaway.

Blizzard also is in the dice gods good graces as he puts one skill each to his acceleration roll (modified 9, phew!) and his top speed roll (modified 3) to reach 180. He uses a double slip to pull alongside Welage. Kennington is not so lucky as his naked acceleration roll (10) results in a damaged engine and a speed of 140. Hancock preserves his last wear point by rounding Samson at 80 on the inside.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Wednesday, September 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 41.png
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Post 20 Sep 2017, 2:59 pm

This one isn't over yet as Bauska takes back P1.

Turn 42 summary:
Bauska plots 180 with a naked top speed roll (7) and is back In front. Tatum sticks to his car's maximum 160. Ling finishes Gresil at 180. Incorpora completes the same corner at 160 and sticks to the green car's wing.

Rando rounds the rest of the corner at 160 and sits two car lengths behind Incorpora. Miller gets the initiative at 140 and stays in the middle of the corner for free. Mossman chooses the short way around the 120s to maintain P6. Welage runs hard into the 140s at 180 shedding two wear and threatening P6.

Blizzard drops one wear in the 140s at 160 and keeps behind Welage for now. Kennington reaches the approach to Gresil at 140. Hancock makes a two skill roll (modified 3) for acceleration and coaxes 160 out of his race car.

Next deadline: turn 43 due Friday, September 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 42.png
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Post 20 Sep 2017, 3:27 pm

The top three speeds come from the middle of the pack. No surprise.
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Post 22 Sep 2017, 3:10 pm

Friendly dice, and only 1 of the top 7 has any rubber left on his tires.

Turn 43 summary:
Bauska leads the group rounding La Scierie at 120 for free. Tatum locks onto Bauska's wing at 120. Ling drops one of the two wear he has left in the 100s at 120 to join the line. Incorpora sheds the last of his tires in the 120s at 140.

Rando makes a big move into the corner 120s at 160 for his final wear and a three skill chance roll (modified 1) and reattaches to the black machine. Miller makes a naked top speed roll (5) to get his engine up to 180 and retake P6. Mossman comes out of Gresil at 160 and tucks in behind Miller. Welage continues at 180 (wear already paid) and pulls even with Mossman.

Blizzard finishes Gresil at 160 for already paid wear and loses the draft. Kennington covers the Gresil 140s at speed for free. Hancock approaches the corner at 160.

Next deadline: turn 44 due Monday, September 25 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 43.png
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Post 25 Sep 2017, 3:19 pm

The leaders hit the last corner but still plenty of jockeying going on in the pack.

Turn 44 summary:
Bauska hits Paradis at 120 through the inner 120s but can't quite clear the corner. Tatum follows right in his tire tracks at 120 also. Ling drops his final wear on the outside of Paradis at 140. Incorpora maintains 140 out of La Scierie and sticks to the inside.

Rando maintains his 160 and pulls even with Incorpora at the entrance to Paradis. Miller plots 140 and then makes a naked late brake roll (6) at the corner to safely round the inner 120s. Mossman gets whoa'd up to 120 and, with a slip from Miller, is now alongside the orange car. Welage picks up two spots as he covers the corner at 160, shedding two wear and passing both Miller and Mossman.

Blizzard makes a bold move around Scierie in the 100s at 160, shedding two wear and making a two skill chance roll (modified 5). He makes it three wide with Miller and Mossman. Kennington does 160 down the straightaway as his crippled brakes won't allow him to go faster. Hancock rounds Gresil on the inside at 120 for free.

Next deadline: turn 45 due Wednesday, September 27 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 27 Sep 2017, 3:35 pm

I'm no psychic but I foresee a lot of dice rolling next turn.

Turn 45 summary:
Bauska comes out of the corner and dives inside to hold P1. Ling finishes the corner at 140 for already paid wear and hangs to the outside. Tatum continues through the corner at 120 and sticks on Ling's tailpipe. Incorpora takes the 120s around the corner and keeps inside.

Rando babies his bald tires around Paradis at 120 and chooses to stay with Tatum. Welage drops his last wear at 140 in the corner and chooses to stay in the middle lane. Miller plots 140 and gains the initiative then late brakes to 120 (naked 9) and hits the inner 120s. A slip helps him clear the corner.. Blizzard keeps pushing with his final skill on a chance roll (modified 6) to clear the corner at 140 and move up two spots to P7.

Mossman plays it safe at 120 and fills the gap behind Blizzard. Kennington rounds La Scierie at 120 for free. Hancock unleashes the big engine to fly the straightaway at 180.

Next deadline: turn 46 due Friday, September 29 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Rouen turn 45.png
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Post 29 Sep 2017, 5:30 pm

An exciting finish with plenty of (friendly) dice as advertised!

Turn 46 summary:
Bauska pushes to 180 with a naked top speed roll (6). But Ling is able to push to 200 with a one skill roll (modified 6) and finish one car length ahead of the yellow machine. Tatum reaches for the dice and gets a naked top speed roll of 8. Add to that a two space slip and he manages to snatch P2 from Bauska. Incorpora takes the dice for top speed with one skill (modified 5) to seal fourth place.

Rando, with his crippled engine, forgoes the dice in favor of a double slip and holds on to fifth. Welage plots 160 and denies Blizzard the double slip. Miller, with no drafting help, makes naked rolls for acceleration (7) and top speed (6) and catches Welage but doesn't have the speed to pass him. Blizzard passes his naked top speed roll (8) but without the double slip can only make it three wide and hold eighth.

Mossman exits Paradis and tucks inside. He will finish ninth. Kennington nurses his wounded race car into the corner at 120 but is guaranteed the tenth and final points position. Hancock gives up the rest of his wear at 140 around La Scierie's 120s but doesn't have enough time or car to catch Kennington.

Drivers, I want to thank you for an interesting and exciting race. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Remember to post your comments at Redscape in the Rouen C2 Post-race forum.

And congratulations to Dave on his victory, as well as his victory in RROC!

Next deadline: Castellet builds due Monday, October 2 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 29 Sep 2017, 5:49 pm

Ling nips Bauska at the line by just over two tenths of a second.
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Post 18 Oct 2017, 4:01 pm

The full 44 car field (edited)
full field.png