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Post 05 Jul 2017, 3:11 pm

A new lead tandem and a spin!

Turn 14 summary:
Miller gets the initiative with a 160 plot and burns two wear in the middle 120s. He's in P1 now but he won't end up alone. Tatum conserves wear in Paradis by slowing to 120 and taking the middle lane. Mossman sheds one wear in the outer 120s to pull even with Tatum. Bauska gets a slip from Mossman at 140 and knocks down two wear to round the corner and say hello to the new leader.

Linneberg plots 160 and hits Paradis for two wear and a one skill chance roll. (modified 7) His tires almost hold but break loose at the last second and around he goes. Kennington at 140 takes the middle 120s for one wear and avoids the spinning Linneberg. Blizzard and Incorpora make identical 120 plots and cover Scierie through the middle 120s to stay side by side.

Welage and Ling match 180 plots as they drag race to the entrance of La Scierie. Rando takes advantage with a 160 plot and two slip spaces to make it three wide at the corner. Hancock finishes Gresil at 160, wear already paid, and keeps to the inside.

Next deadline: turn 15 due Friday, July 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2017, 3:04 pm

The front six stretch out a bit.

Turn 15 summary:
Miller tests his top speed once more with one skill (modified 6) and completes lap one. (Note: I had not deducted Kal's previous two skill points. His total is now correct. Thanks to Kal for pointing that out.) Bauska plots 160 and takes one slip space, foregoing the other in order to remain in Miller's draft. Tatum and Mossman come off Paradis at matching 160s and stay even.

Linneberg recovers from his spin at 60. (Note: After a spin you cannot test your restart speed.) Kennington finishes Paradis at 160, wear already paid and takes P5. Blizzard and Incorpora stay two abreast at 120 through the corner.

Welage, Ling and Rando all have identical plots as each covers the La Scierie middle 120s at 120 to keep the formation intact. Hancock burns two wear in the 100s at 140 and makes up a little more ground.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Monday, July 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 10 Jul 2017, 3:11 pm

Bauska makes a move to the lead.

Turn 16 summary:
Miller slows to 140 and hits the middle 120s dropping one wear. Bauska also slows to 140 but sheds two wear in the 100s and, with a slip from Miller, yellow is the new leader. Tatum and Mossman cross the line with matching 160 moves and set up for the next corner.

Kennington unleashes his big engine making up a space on the tandem in front of him. Linneberg is able to catch 160 thanks to a one skill acceleration roll (modified 2). Blizzard and Incorpora come off Paradis with matching 160s and complete lap 1.

Welage and Ling both plot 120 into the Paradis 120s for free. Rando anticipates their move and slows to 100, diving to the inside and passing them both to move into P9. Hancock comes out of Scierie at 140 and knocks down one wear in the virage 120s.

Next deadline: turn 17 due Wednesday, July 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 12 Jul 2017, 3:14 pm

The radios are alive with spotters and drivers making deals. Hancock's take on all that is WHEN he catches them, there are NO deals.

Turn 17 summary:
Bauska hits Six Freres at 140 on the outside shedding one wear. Miller enters the corner right behind him, also scrubbing off one wear. Tatum and Mossman work their plan to both do 120 around the middle 120s and remain side by side.

Kennington keeps pace at 120 around the middle 120s for free. Linneberg makes up a space on Kennington with a 140 move into the 120s, losing one wear. Blizzard and Incorpora match speeds at 160 and prepare to hit the corner.

Welage and Ling both roar out of Virage du Paradis at 180. Rando behind at 160 chooses the outer slip position. Hancock finishes Paradis at 160 for already paid wear and keeps close to the cars in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Friday, July 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 15 Jul 2017, 6:42 am

A fairly quiet turn.

Turn 18 summary:
Bauska and Miller finish Six Freres at 140, wear already paid, and stay nose to tail. Mossman gets the initiative on Tatum with a 120 plot, taking the Six Freres 120s. Tatum slows to 100 and rounds the corner on the inside for free.

Kennington sheds one wear in the 120s at 140 to catch the wing of Mossman's red machine. Linneberg is locked at 140 as he approaches the corner on the inside. Blizzard and Incorpora again match moves, both doing 140 through the middle 120s for one wear.

Welage plots 160 and takes the long way around the kink to finish at the entrance to the corner on the inside. Ling gets aggressive with a 160 plot into the middle 120s for 2 wear and clear possession of P9. Rando plots 140 and takes a slip to pull even with Welage. Hancock goes hard on the gas at 180 and makes up another space on the cars he's chasing.

Next deadline: turn 19 due Monday, July 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 15 Jul 2017, 6:52 am

Quite a difference between today's cars and that of Musso in 1957 I'd say.
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Post 17 Jul 2017, 3:48 pm

Bauska tightens his grip on the lead.

Turn 19 summary:
Bauska slows to 80 and dives inside dropping two wear but clearing Virage du Nouveau Monde and ready to accelerate off. Miller sheds two wear in the virage 60s at 100. Tatum runs the straightaway at 140 and sets up in the middle lane at the corner. Mossman takes a 120 move and keeps inside.

Kennington continues his 140, wear already paid, and pulls even with Mossman. Linneberg scrubs off one wear around the 100s at 120 and keeps inside. Blizzard also plots 120 but takes the 120s for free, using a slip to stay with Linneberg. Incorpora follows Blizzard around the 120s for free and keeps on the black car's wing.

Ling continues his 160 pace finishing the 120s for already paid wear and then knocks off two more wear in Six Freres 120s. Welage is NPR so he slows to 120 around the corner for free and finishes outside. Rando also takes the 120s for free and slides inside of Welage for the position. Hancock leaves one wear on the 120s at 140 and catches the pair in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 20 due Wednesday, July 19 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 19 Jul 2017, 3:20 pm

As expected, Bauska runs out his lead. The rest of the field breaks into 3 groups.

Turn 20 summary:
Bauska maxes his acceleration to 140 down the straightaway. Miller finishes the outside lane at 100 for already paid wear. Tatum sheds two wear in the 60s at 100 and starts for the inside. Mossman uses his inside advantage to move next, dropping two wear around the inner 40s at 80 and finishing inside of Tatum.

Kennington planned the same move as Mossman but with the exit of the corner now blocked he's forced to use those two wear points in the middle 40s. Linneberg approaches the virage at 80 on the inside. Blizzard does 100 to keep up with Linneberg. Incorpora also reaches the virage at 120 to make it three wide.

Ling continues the outside of Six Freres at 160 for already paid wear and covers most of the straightaway. Welage plots 120 to move before Rando and takes the outside lane for free. Rando at 100 stays inside in the corner and keeps the position. Hancock follows Rando on the inside and keeps on his wing for now.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Friday, July 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC.

NOTE: WBC begins the 22nd and runs to the 30th. So after Friday's move, the "official" deadline for turn 22 will be July 31st. However, if I get all moves for any turn(s) at any point during the week I will process the turn(s).
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Post 21 Jul 2017, 3:12 pm

Miller sees a lot of cars in his rear view even though he makes up a space on the leader.

Turn 21 summary:
Bauska slows to 100 shedding one wear in the inner 80s. Miller does 120 and finishes on the approach to the corner. Tatum drives down the straight at 140 catching Miller's wing. Mossman maxes his acceleration to 120 and forms up behind Tatum.

Kennington comes off Monde at 140 and gets a slip from Tatum to pull even with him. Incorpora comes out of the three wide first at 100 dropping two wear in the 60s and heads back towards the inside. Linneberg beats Bllizzard to the inside lane at 60 spending one wear and finishing inside Incorpora. Blizzard wanted the same line as Linneberg at 60 but with the corner exit blocked has to settle for the middle 40s scrubbing off one wear.

Ling joins this group with a one skill deceleration roll (modified 7) and a cost of two wear in the inner 40s at 80. Rando and Welage plot matching 140s and cover the straightaway side by side. Hancock is locked at 100 and loses a couple of spaces on the tandem in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Monday, July 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

As mentioned before, if I get all moves in before then I will resolve the turn.
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Post 31 Jul 2017, 3:20 pm

The lead stretches by another space while the chase pack strings out.

Turn 22 summary:
Bauska slides into Samson at 100 tor one wear and clears the corner. Miller saves tires, rounding the corner at 80 on the inside. Tatum outguns Kennington into the the corner shedding one wear and pulling even with Miller while Kennington saves wear by covering the corner at a safe 80mph.

Mossman keeps pace on the inside also at 80 for free. Incorpora uses his throttle to get to 160 and sets up for the corner on the inside. Linneberg is unable to stay with him, instead using all he has to get to 120. Ling comes off of Monde at 140 and catches Linneberg.

Blizzard heads down the straightaway at 120 looking for a slip but there is no room for the maneuver. Rando challenges his brakes into the corner (modified 6) and gets down to 80, scraping two wear off around the inside. Welage follows in his tracks and keeps up for two wear. Hancock takes the fastest way into Monde at 100 dropping two wear in the 60s.

Next deadline: turn 23 due Wednesday, August 2 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 01 Aug 2017, 3:59 am

Dave and Brad have the field covered
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Post 02 Aug 2017, 3:35 pm

Bauska gets gone for now, but the chase pack tightens up.

Turn 23 summary:
Bauska lays on the gas at hits 160 around the kink. Miller drops one wear on the Samson inside lane at 100 and heads for the inside. Tatum makes the same move and has to settle for the outside lane. Kennington scrubs two wear off in the Samson outer 80s at 120.

Mossman also hits Samson at 120 for two wear but the inside lane is available to him and it gives him P4. Incorpora closes on this group with a 120 around the inner 80 at a cost of two wear. Linneberg and Ling stay side by side with identical 100 moves, both dropping one wear around the inside.

Blizzard slows to 80 and starts the corner for free. Welage gets the initiative on Rando with a 140 plot and covers the entire straightaway, finishing on the inside. Rando at 120 takes up a position on Welage's wing. Hancock finishes the virage at 100, wear already paid, and keeps inside.

Next deadline: turn 24 due Friday, August 4 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 02 Aug 2017, 4:26 pm

I propose a solo victory, Survival point for all others.

(Sidebar: For those who don't know Diplomacy gaming, this is a Diplomacy joke)
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Post 04 Aug 2017, 4:12 pm

The chase pack forms up two by two, the rest string out.

Turn 24 summary:
Bauska holds 160 and hits the approach to Gresil perfectly. Miller uses his final skill point to accelerate to 160 (modified 4), a necessary roll if he wanted to hold on to P2. Tatum stays with Miller at 160. Kennington comes off of the corner at 180 but with Tatum and Miller side by side he takes the long way around the kink and grabs on to the orange machine.

Mossman tops out at 160 and is able to stay with Kennington after surrendering the position. Incorpora sheds one wear in the inner 80s. Ling picks up a space after dropping two wear on the inner 80s at 120. Linneberg also clears the inner 80s at 100 for one wear.

Blizzard, Welage and Rando snake through the corner with identical 80 plots all using the inside lane. Hancock closes in as he covers the straight at 120 and hits the entrance to the corner.

Next deadline: turn 25 due Monday, August 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Aug 2017, 3:22 pm

Some jostling in the back of the field.

Turn 25 summary:
Bauska takes the inside of Gresil at a safe 120, preserving what's left of his tires. The foursome of Miller, Tatum, Kennington & Mossman (I think they represented my ex in the divorce) remains intact as each does 160, Miller dropping two wear in the 120s and Tatum one wear in the 140s.

Incorpora tops out at 160 down the straightaway. Ling lets his engine loose to 180 and grabs the Italian's wing. Linneberg gets to 160 but loses contact with Ling (no slip requested).

Blizzard holds 80mph through the inner 80s of Samson and starts for the inside. Welage rockets around the inside of the corner at 120 scrubbing off two wear and also heads inside finishing in front of Blizzard. Rando gets a slip from Welage and spends one wear on the inner 80s but is forced to hang on the outside. Hancock uses one wear to cover the inside lane of the corner at 100.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Wednesday, August 9 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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