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Post 23 Aug 2017, 11:07 pm

Turn 32

Cody and Tim both order 120, leaving Cody with the lead
Will D938 at 100 denying the slip to Fabio and cutting to the inside
Fabio goes 120 and wants the 100s, but is forced outside
Jim orders 160 and late brakes (2S = 0) to 140 for initiative and burns excess speed at the kink
Marshall orders 140 and has to take the long way around the kink
Turyko orders 120 with a slip and makes the corner entrance on the outside
Simone gets a 120+slip to follow behind Turyko
Mike revs the engine to 180 (TS+0 = 7) and is making up ground
Jeff and Chris both order 160
Doug orders 120 through the 120 lane

I am having surgery tomorrow, but will try to adjudicate Friday. If not then Monday (Perhaps having Sir Gatlin (C4 driver) type for me
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Post 25 Aug 2017, 11:39 am

That is some wall. It's the biggest wall and the best wall but do you think you could build a beautiful door in that wall so I could come through?
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Post 25 Aug 2017, 2:56 pm

Turn 33

Thank you all for the well wishes. Surgery went well, but a good deal of pain in recovery now.

Jim O makes a major move!

Cody continues the lack of wear blues with a 120 in the 120s
Tim is forced to the inside with a 1W cost on the 1oos at 120mph, taking the lead!
Will K takes the inside of the corner at 100
Fabio takes the middle lane at 120 and sits next to Will K
Turyko cautiously slows to 100 and sits back
Jim orders 140 and pushes his way through the wall created by Will and Fabio with a forced pass. His roll of 4 gets him safely through!
Simone orders 140, expecting an opening and finding none. His late brake w/ 2S was successful with a 5.
Marshall orders 100 and finds no room also. His braking roll of 4 is successful.
Mike P takes the corner at 120 and makes contact with the peleton
Jeff H, Chris and Doug all order 160

Turn 34 Due Monday, 28AUG17 at 4PM unless all orders are in earlier
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Post 25 Aug 2017, 3:18 pm

SLOTerp wrote:That is some wall. It's the biggest wall and the best wall but do you think you could build a beautiful door in that wall so I could come through?

Were you paying attention, grasshopper?
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Post 28 Aug 2017, 3:32 pm

Turn 34
A puff of smoke! A squeal of brakes!

Tim B orders 120 and preps for Monde
Cody K orders 120 and pulls alongside for the slip

Jim O cruises the Six Freres at 100 and denies a slip to Will K
Will K wants the slip at 120 but is refused.
Fabio moves up to 4th place with 140 and the spending of a wear!
Simone takes initiative with a 120, gets the slip, and sits behind Fabio.
Turyko gets to the end of Freres with a 100
Marshall tries to get to the end of the corner with his 120, but cannot because of Turyko's 100mph.

Mike wants to make an amazing move! He orders 140 and wants to push through. Alas, there is no room, and he late brakes to 120. His brakes sizzle and crack the pad (12 rolled!) on his front right wheel! This costs him a wear for the fail, and a wear for the speed in the corner!

Jeff H orders 140 for a wear, and Chris follows dutifully behind.
Doug preps for the corner at 140mph

Please check these. I am still recovering, but moments of fog can creep in.
Turn 35 due Wednesday 30AUG17 at 4PM Pacific, unless all are received earlier.
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Post 30 Aug 2017, 11:36 am

Turn 35

8 cars dealing with Monde next turn!

Tim B spends 2 wear on the Noveau Monde and prepared to jump on the gas pedal!
Cody does not have any wear, and takes the outside at 60
Jim and Fabio both cruise the straightaway at 100
Will K takes to straight at 120 to make it 3-wide entering Monde!
Simone knows there will be no room, and reins in his engine at 100
Turyko, Marshall and Mike P all take their cars into the pack at 120
Jeff H takes the 100s at Six Freres, and Chris follows behind via the 120s to sit on Jeff's rear wing
Doug meanders the D938 curve at 120

Turn 36 due 1SEP17 (my 33rd wedding anniversary!) at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in.
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Post 02 Sep 2017, 6:55 am

Turn 36

Those 6 cars in Monde spend 11W

Tim stay in the clean air and roars down the straight at 120
Cody continues his 60 through the corner and ducks inside
Will K gets initiative at 100 for 2w, rips the outside of Monde and follows Cody's path
Jim goes next and takes his ride to the inside at 60 for 1W, pulling even with Will K
Fabio wanted the same as Jim, but with no place for the Italian's car he bleeds off speed in the middle lane (60mph/1W)
Simone takes the 60/1W strategy also and sneaks inside of Fabio
Turyko and Mike both order the 100 in a 60 for 2W and sit in file o the outside lane
Marshall orders 80 in a 40 for 2W and has to expend some speed energy in the middle lane like Fabio
Jeff and Chris prepare to enter Monde with a 120/140mph order, respectively
Doug takes the 120s for free

Turn 37 due Monday 4SEP17 at 4PM Pacific.

I appreciate the patience for yesterday's delay due to my anniversary.
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Post 04 Sep 2017, 4:59 pm

Turn 37

A quiet turn... Perhaps a rest after the tight Monde corner?

Tim B orders 80
Cody rolls to accelerate 140 (Naked 6) to fly down the straight.
Will K gets initiative and thus, the slip, at 140 to get even with Cody
Jim orders 120 and loses contact with Will and Cody
Simone, Fabio, and Turyko all order 120 with slips, but Simone gets the honor and pulls next to Jim O
Fabio and Turyko dutifully follow behind
Mike continues his 100 and tucks to the rail
Marshall orders 80 and the inside lane but that does not allow a slip next turn
Jeff and Chris both order 80 in a 40 for 2W each and Jeff gets the inside
Doug is daydreaming down the straight and NMRs with -20 mph penalty at 100

Turn 38 due 4PM Pacific 6SEP
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Post 06 Sep 2017, 8:42 pm

Turn 38

First day of physical therapy for me. Boy, am I tired!

Tim B orders 100 for 1W and finishes Sampson
Will K orders 100 for 1W and takes 2nd
Cody safely orders 80
Fabio orders 120 with 2W to pull even with Cody K
Jim safely moves 80mph on the inside
Turyko takes initiative at 100 (1W) with a slip to come alongside Jim
Simone spares the wear at 80 and ends inside
Mike orders 100, Marshall 120
Chris roars at 160 hoping to make the end of the straight, but no luck. He wanted to late brake w 2S, but had to spend the wear also. He is safe with a 6.
Jeff has the same idea, but only with 140. He is safe with a 5 after a 1S modifier.
Doug spends 2W in Monde

Friday at 4PM for orders...
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Post 07 Sep 2017, 3:50 am

Mike fastest for the second sector in a row.
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Post 08 Sep 2017, 4:50 pm

Turn 39

A big lead for Tim!

Tim tests his acceleration to 160 with a safe roll of 7 and extends his lead
Will K takes Sampson at 80 and cuts to the inside
Fabio spends his last 2W at 120 and cuts outside to deny next turn slip opportunity for Will
Cody keeps it conservative at 80 and sits behind Will
Jim speeds to 100, spending a wear, and enters Sampson
Turyko orders 80 and bides his time
Simone does the same with 80 mph, tucking behind Turyko
Mike and Marshall both order 100 for 1 wear
Chris pushes his car to 120 looking for another opening, but there is none, so he expends his energy on the wide line of the curve
Jeff H goes a cautious 80
Doug pushes his engine to 140 with a roll of 8 (+1 modifier used)

Let me know if any errors
Turn 40 due Monday 4PM Pacific
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Post 11 Sep 2017, 3:53 pm

Turn 40

11 drivers on the backstretch!

Tim maintains his lead with 160mph and prepares to enter Greisel
Fabio roars his engine to 180 with a +3 modified roll of 6 and closes on Tim
Will orders 120 and sits at the crux of the bend in the straightaway
Cody orders 140 and sits on the left rear wheel of Will
Jim O maintains his 100 out of Samson
Turyko orders 100 in the 80s at a cost of 1W
Simone spends 2W at 120 on the inside lane of Samson, and pulls next to Turyko
Mike orders 120 but there is no room, and he orders a late brake to 100 with 1W expended (naked 6)
Marshall cruises Samson at 100mph for 1W, and Chris spend 2W to try to pass traffic in front of him!
Jeff spend 1W at 100mph to maintain contact
Doug spends 1W, but has a lot of life left in those tires!

Turn 41 due Wednesday at 4PM Pacific 13SEP. If Jim O does not put in orders due to the hurricane, I will grant a delay. You are in our thoughts, Jim!
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Post 13 Sep 2017, 11:31 am

Turn 41

Dice gods are angry! 2 cars pay!

Tim orders 140 and prepares to accelerate. Chatter on the radios congratulating Tim on his victory!
Fabio also orders140 and is in the corner.
Will K orders 180 with a naked roll of 7, making up some gap on the leaders
Cody tries to follow behind at 180, but his power plant gives up (naked 12), and he eases it back to 160
Jim, Turyko, and Simone all order 160
Chris roars to 180 and spends 1S to do so (I missed noting his 2S expenditure on T27, as well), and the engine puffs out a grey cloud (roll of 11 modified) and eases to 160 also
Mike is gets initiative over the damaged Lime colored car at 160 and takes the inside
Marshall looks for a slip at 140, and can't find room
Jeff orders 160 and pulls next to Marshall
Doug orders 120 for 2W and starts to make his move

T42 is due Friday at 4PM Pacific 15SEP17
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Post 15 Sep 2017, 3:21 pm

Turn 42

The peleton leaders slow and cause undamaging chaos behind!

Tim speeds to 160
Fabio, Will K, Cody K and Jim O all order 140 all take 140 lane.
Turyko and Simone both order 120 and cause a flurry af late brake rolls behind them!
Mike orders 140, has to late brake with a 9! and his brakes whine, but hold (Phew!)
Chris has to do the same, braking from 140 with a 5
Marshall has to do the same, braking from 140 with a 5 as well
Jeff H orders 120 with a slip, but with no room, the slip is voided
Doug orders 180 and makes his over acceleration with a 5 also

Turn 43 due Monday 18SEP17 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 17 Sep 2017, 9:41 am

Schulz the fastest last sector, but too little too late?
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