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Post 21 Jun 2017, 3:55 pm

Kennard and Baker definitely the class of the field in sector 1.
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Post 23 Jun 2017, 2:32 pm

Turn 8

The amorphous blob called the pack only slightly changes form
Will K looks to his right and waves
Chris, Mike and Marshall form up
Doug spends his first wear

Will K takes the inside of the Samson at 80 and Tim B takes the outside of Samson at 120 waving as he is coming alongside.

The pack travels together the same speed and position 100 and 1W through the inside lane of D132 and keep the same position. Except for Simone, who decides to buck the trend and travels at 120 (2W) coming alongside Cody. Fabio cuts to the inside wall.

Marshall prepares for the D132 curve by easing in at 120, and Mike makes up the gap by roaring to 140. Chris follows behind at 140 sitting on Marshall's rear spoiler.

Doug takes the corner at 80 and spend 2W for the privilege.

Turn 9 is due Monday, June 26th at 4PM Pacific
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Post 26 Jun 2017, 4:33 pm

Turn 9

Will gets a mini-breakaway, Cody make a move and pack re-forms as a phalanx

Will takes it up to 140 and get away from the slip potential of Tim B
Tim B is stuck at 120 from the Samson curve and keeps 2nd.
Turkyo and Cody both spend 2W in the Samson and Cody moves alongside Turkyo with the slip.
Jim O gets passed by two cars while going 100 for 1W.
Simone takes it up to 120 and acknowledges Jim with a sidewards glance.
Jeff H eases through the curve at 100 for 1W, and Fabio sits on his left by going 120 for 2W

Marshall and Mike both take the D132 at 100mph for 1W, with Marshall keeping the inside.

Chris follows behind at 80 and conserving his wear.

Doug travels down the straightaway at 120.

Turn 10 is due 28JUN17 at 4PM Pacific, or earlier if all orders are in. Please let me know of any errors.
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Post 28 Jun 2017, 8:06 pm

Turn 10
Sorry for the delay, I set up the turn with Simone's first move (which would have been AMAZING!), and had to re-do the post and map. What a day at work!

Will keeps his lead and cranks it to 180 with a +1 modifier (Mod 4)
Tim takes it to 160 and leads the pack of wolves chasing the leader
Simone, Turkyo, Cody, Fabio, Jeff H and Jim O all cruise it at 160 and stay in close formation
Marshall and Mike take the Samson at 100 for 1W and are both ready to punch it!
Chris goes only 100 in the 80s for 1W, but cannot get out of Samson with that speed
Doug safely drives D132 at 80

Turn 11 is due Friday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 03 Jul 2017, 9:49 pm

Turn 11
Will readies for the straightaway,
The pack jockeys about,
Doug starts to make up the gap

Will K conserves his tires and takes the outside at 140
Tim B takes it up to 160 and makes up a space on the leader
Cody passed Turkyo for 3rd by taking the inside for 2W
Turkyo Takes the outside at 160 for 1W
Jim takes the slip at 140 to the inside for 5th for a W
Simone into the corner at 160 for 1W
Jeff cuts inside at 140 with the slip for 7th
Fabio eases to the outside for 140 and no wear
Mike edges in front of Marshall with the stronger engine at 160
Marshall sits back at 140
Chris maintains his 100
Doug spends 2W and starts the comeback at 120

We had a couple of delays. Please keep on the orders. Let me know if any errors. I do appreciate them.

Turn 12 due Wednesday 5JUL17 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 05 Jul 2017, 6:32 pm

Turn 12

The peleton increases in size

Will speeds down the straightaway at 160 followed by Tim B at 160. Cody regains contact with Tim B by taking the inside of the curve. Turkyo and Simone follow behind at 160 down the middle lane.

Jim, Jeff and Fabio all take the inside lane at 140. Jim's orders did not specify looking for a slip, but said inside lane, so he leads the inside lane conga line.

Mike comes into the corner by going 160, and Marshall ordered 160 and a slip, but now wear. If the slip was to be taken, let me know, and I will roll for a chance table. Without specification, I did what I thought was right, and did not make the slip.

Chris and Doug are 160 down the backstretch trying to regain contact.

Turn 13 due Friday 7JUL17 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in. If there are errors in adjudication please let me know.
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Post 06 Jul 2017, 4:05 am

Barletta almost 4mph faster than second fastest Kellison
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Post 07 Jul 2017, 9:53 am


Will rounds the corner with Tim chasing
The pack takes La Scieire wide
Marshall passe Mike
Doug is coming fast!

Will takes the La Scierie at 120mph spending a wear
Tim follows suit spending a wear also at 120
Cody comes into the corner at 140(1W), hoping to slip off of Tim but is denied, and Cody takes it outside to avoid the Green Machine
Turkyo gets the slip and 140 (1W) off of Cody's car, but takes it all the way to the outside
Jim revs to 160 and takes the inside lane of the 120s (2W)
Simone conserves his tires and sits on the outside of Jim at 140 (1W), with the slip bringing him alongside
Jeff takes a slip and goes 140
Fabio rolls at 160 and sits behind Jeff

Mike comes out of the corner at 160 and takes it outside to avoid any slip potential from Marshall
Marshall cruises the 120s at 140 (1W) and sits on the inside
Chris starts the Gresil corner at 120 in the 120 lane
Doug roars to 160 and is just about back in contact!

Turn 14 is due Monday 10JUL17 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in. Thanks for getting them in early this turn. Going to the in-law's ranch for dinner, and it would have been after that for adjudication.
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Post 10 Jul 2017, 10:36 pm

Turn 14
Busy day at work...

Will K takes the corner at 120 on the inside for 1W
Tim B Takes the curve hard with 2W going 160 through the 120sand sits on the outside of Will K
Cody and Turkyo are sitting right before the by going 140, and Jim comes alongside with his car screaming the 160mph straightaway
Simone sets up for a slip going 140 and settling behind Cody.
Jeff cruises the curve easily at 100 and Fabio makes up the difference at 120 for a wear. The glares are given in their peripheral vision to each other
Mike takes it down the straightaway at 160 and is followed by Marshall going the same speed
Chris maintains his 120mph through the corner and Doug makes up the gap by going 140 for a wear.

Turn 15 due 12JUL17 at 4PM Pacific
Please let me know if there are any errors. I think I got them all, but it has been a long day...
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Post 12 Jul 2017, 4:11 pm

Turn 15
The pack fractures!

Will K keeps the lead over Tim B by traveling at 160 and crossing the start/finish line for lap 2!
Tim B maintains his already paid for 160 and sits on the rear wing of the lead car
Cody K rips 2W worth of rubber off of the tires at 160 through the 120s
Turkyo spends just 1W and cuts around in the 100s at 120, but vaults to the outside to try to shake Jim
Jim doesn't shake... He easily cruises the corner at 120 and sits comfortably behind Turkyo
Fabio makes a move to get free by clipping 1W off of the tires at 140 through the 120s
Jeff H conserves his wear and takes the middle lane at 120
Mike P takes his grey car around the 90 degree turn at 100, while Marshall ramps it up to 140 with 2W, blowing right by a surprised Mike!

Chris and Doug take the backstretch at 160, with Doug getting a slip to come alongside.

I was doing the turn all day today, and hope that the disjointed moments I had did not cause an error. Let me know if it did!

Turn 16 due Friday 14JUL17 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 14 Jul 2017, 5:16 pm

Turn 16

The drivers spread out along the Straightaway!

Will K and Tim B both go 160moh and Tim B gets the slip to come alongside Will K

Cody, Turkyo, Simone, Jim Jeff H, and Fabio all roar down the frontstretch at 160 with Jim getting the slip.

Marshall flies through the 100s at 140, scraping 2W off of his tires. Mike gets the slip and takes the inside at 100 but with the slip, only losing one car length to Marshall.

Chris and Doug both take the middle lane for 120.

Easy turn! Turn 17 due Monday 17JUL17 at 4PM Pacific.
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Post 17 Jul 2017, 8:06 pm

Turn 17
Simone passes Jim!

Will K takes 2W off of his tires, and starts to breakaway.
Tim conservatively cruises the corner at 120
Cody creeps closer to the leaders at the expense of 1W by going 120 through the 100s
Turkyo, Simone and Jim all take it easy at 120, but the slip goes to Simone for the extra space
Fabio fronts up to the corner at 140, anf Jeff H pulls next to the Tootsie Roll colored car with his speed of 160
Marshall's car screams to 180, and puts some more distance between him and Mike P
Mike P doesn't push his car and 160mph down the straightaway is the result
Chris takes the inside at 100
Doug takes the middle lane at 120

Turn 18 is due Wednesday 19JUL17 at 4PM
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Post 19 Jul 2017, 10:03 pm

Turn 18

After an audit, it was discovered that Fabio was short 1W on turn 13 (corrected)

Will K eases through his corner at 100 and maintains his lead
Tim B, with his 140 takes the wing of Will at the expense of 1W
Cody catches the lead pack with a 2W expense 160 in the 120s
Turkyo, Simone, Jim, Fabio, and Jeff march lockstep at 120
Marshall spends 2W through the curve at 140 in the 100s and almost grabs the peleton
Mike does not spend the wear at 140, but stays on the straightaway
Chris and Doug cross the start/finish line at 160

Sorry for the delay. Work!!!
Turn 19 due Friday, 21JUL17 at 4PM
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Post 20 Jul 2017, 4:15 am

Quite a difference between today's cars and Musso's 1957 Ferrari.
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Post 21 Jul 2017, 3:48 pm

Turn 19

Will K does not enter the corner, but takes the inside lane at 100
Tim B takes 120 next to Will K
Cody goes 140 and sits on the outside for 3-wide!

Turkyo and Simone take the corner at 120, scissoring each other with no wear spent
Jim O gets a slip and saddles up behind at 100 with a slip.
Jeff H takes the corner at 120 and is in the outside lane
Fabio cuts inside at 100 and is in 7th position!
Marshall orders 140 through the 100s for 2W, wanting to come to the end of the corner, but Fabio and Jeff solved that problem. He slams on the brakes for a deceleration roll and passes with a 3 is forced outside for only one wear for the turn, instead of his ordered 2.
Chris and Doug both have 160 ordered and prepare to enter the corner.

Turn 20 is Due Monday 24JUL17 at 4PM Pacific.
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