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Post 18 Sep 2017, 8:55 pm

Turn 43

Lots of jockeying in the back!

Tim continues his cautious lead at 120
Fabio and Will take the straight at 160 and have their eyes on a podium!
Cody reins in his damaged engine to 140
Jim finishes the corner at 140
Turyko continues his 120
Simone speeds up to his allotted 140
Mike orders 160 through the 140s for 1W and cuts the the outside
Chris orders 160 (Naked 9) in the 140s for 1W, finds no room. His late brake is a 9 and he pulls up behind Simome
Jeff H orders 160 but no room for a slip for 1W through the 140s
Marshall orders 140 in the 140s and falls to 11th.
Doug orders 160 (Naked 7) and enters the corner for 2W

Doug ordered 180, but his top speed is 140. I capped his mis-order speed at 140, but upped it to a roll for 160. Sorry for the error, but Simone's corner speed change fooled me. The good news is that all of this is making me a better driver for when I get back in C1.

Turn 44 Due 20SEP at 4PM Pacific
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Post 20 Sep 2017, 4:16 pm

Turn 44

The wolfpack swallows Cody as 6 peleton cars are in his rear view mirror!

Tim cruises 120 in the middle lane
Fabio and Will K both meander around the 120 lane at 120mph
Cody enters the La Sciere corner at 120 in the middle lane
Jim flies into position at 140 for the inside lane
Turyko ans Simone roar those engines over the limit at 180 (+2 modifier each!) and both make the rolls at 6 and 5 respectively
Mike pulls a 160 and takes the inside of the second row of the pack
Jeff H orders 160 with a slip, and get initiative over Chris to take 9th position
Chris orders 140 with slip X 2 and sits outside of Jeff
Marshall maintains his 140 and loses ground to the pack
Doug maintains his 160 with a roll of 5

The dice were nice this turn, will next turn be just as cordial?

Turn 45 due 22SEP17 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 22 Sep 2017, 8:55 pm

With Turyko's NPR, it caused him not to have a chance roll, but a late brake for friendliest dice. I will keep his same roll, but the allows an opening for Jeff to move up. Here is an updated map and turn.

Turn 45

2 NMR and mostly friendly dice. The podium looks set!

Tim, Fabio and Will all order 120
Cody also orders 120, and is swallowed by the peleton
Turyko and Simone both NMR and Simone uses his wear at 140 and sits outside. Turyko does not have that luxury, but uses the friendliest dice possible with his 3 chip to exceed his deceleration and sits outside at 120..
Jim orders 120 and sits inside
Jeff flies into La Sciere at 160 with 2W, and slices up the middle for a big gain like a fullback!
Chris spends 1W at 140 in the 120 middle lane, but wanted more...
Mike orders 120 and can't get through the pack with any of his myriad options
Marshall orders 120 in the 140s with 2S applied and just misses with a 7. Spin on the inside lane!
Doug orders 160 and a naked chance on the inside lane. His top speed test holds on with a 5. The inside lane is blocked, and the naked chance is not needed.

Sorry for the error, but 2 NPR guys! You must be trying to make it hard!

Turn 46 due 25SEP at 4PM Pacific
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Post 25 Sep 2017, 5:59 pm

With Turyko's NPR, it caused him not to have a chance roll, but a late brake for friendliest dice. I will keep his same roll, but the allows an opening for Jeff to move up. Here is an updated map and turn.

Turn 45

2 NMR and less than friendly dice. The podium looks set!

Tim, Fabio and Will all order 120
Cody also orders 120, and is swallowed by the peleton
Turyko and Simone both NMR and Simone uses his wear at 140 and sits outside. Turyko does not have that luxury, but uses the friendliest dice possible with his 3 chip to exceed his deceleration and sits outside at 120..
Jim orders 120 and sits inside
Jeff flies into La Sciere at 160 with 2W, and slices up the middle for a big gain like a fullback!
Chris spends 2W at 140 in the 100s with a forced pass of Jeff! The forced pass is w/ a 1S modifier, but fails with an 11. He is now forced to late brake and rolls another 11 and spins in the lane!
Mike orders 120 and can't get through the pack with any of his myriad options
Marshall orders 120 in the 140s with 2S applied and just misses with a 7. Spin on the inside lane!
Doug orders 160 and a naked chance on the inside lane. His top speed test holds on with a 5. The inside lane is blocked, and the naked chance is not needed.

I am sorry I missed Chris's Force order, but the two NPR threw me a loop!

Turn 46 due 27SEP at 4PM Pacific
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Post 27 Sep 2017, 2:50 pm

Turn 46

Tim gets the checkers!

Tim and Fabio both cross at a safe 120 for Tim's victory and Fabio in second
Will orders 120 looking to take 3rd across the line
Jeff takes his car up to 160 in the last corner and sits on Will's wing
Cody orders 140, rolls a 7 and the car spins! I thought it was going to hold!
Simone, Jim and Turyko enter the last turn at 120 with Jim and Turyko getting the slip, passing the spun car of Cody
Mike orders 160 with a slip, but he exceeds the room available for a forced pass to get in the clear and has to late brake with a successful 6 roll
Chris comes out of his spin at 20 and moves 1 space
Marshall comes out of his spin at 40
Doug roars around La Scierie at 160 with a top speed roll 6, keeping his damaged engine in one piece!

Turn 47 due Friday at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are received.
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Post 28 Sep 2017, 8:42 pm

Turn 47

More cars cross the line!

Will K takes 3rd with 160, as Jeff tests his acceleration to 180 with a 5, hoping Will would give him a double slip. but no!

Both Simone and Jim test their speed to 180 successfully with a 4 and an 8.
Turkyo seems content to let Simone and Jim unchallenged by him by going 160
Mike orders 180 and a slip, but the dice say no with an 11. Back to 160, and a double slipputs him to the outside of Jim. His engine is falling apart before our very eyes!
Doug orders 140 spending 2W through the 100s, and flying past Cody, coming out of his spin at 60.
Chris and Marshall order 100 and pass the acceleration rolls with a 4 and 8 (modified -2). Good thing Marshall used his skill!

4 drivers left, Next turn should be the last!

I will adjudicate when I get the plots...
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Post 29 Sep 2017, 8:59 am

Turn 48

Doug maintains his 140 and crosses in 9th
Cody and Chris both order 140, Cody testing the ACC to get there, rolls a 7, and the engine holds
Marshall orders 100

Turn 49
Marshall crosses the line at 140

Stand by for build dates for Castellet
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Post 29 Sep 2017, 5:58 pm

Baker with a comfortable 2.68 second victory.
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Post 18 Oct 2017, 3:56 pm

The full 44 car field (edited)
full field.png