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Post 04 Sep 2017, 10:41 pm

So seeing that there were 2 NPRs in that last turn, I will quickly note I strive to keep to the MWF sched if I can give the two day leeway. If for some reason you need more time, you are more than welcome to contact me and I can shift stuff. I don;t hear from you though...well you see what happens.

Claudio seems to have a small bobble as the field races through the hairpin!

Turn 38 is due Wendesday at 10pm Eastern

Turn 37

Claudio seems to have had a minor bobble as he slides to the outside of the straight going 120. (NPR)

Chris Brandt get the initiative on the three car group going into Nouveau Monde and rolls through the outside of the corner at 100. Mario soon follows through the inside at 80 and skates up past Chris on the inside. Rob follows Mario through at 80, and finds the track getting thin between the two cars. Timing the move just right, he deftly snakes past Chris and pulls out to the outside of Mario (Force Pass Roll 8).

Out races Christina up to the corner edge at 100 before deftly breaking down to 80(Late Break Roll 5) and powering his way through the inside, pulling inside of Chris Brandt for the next straight.

It seems whatever happened with Claudio caught Christina as well as she suddenly slows to the corner and slides around the outer edge at 80. (NPR)

Jack and Chris Brown race up to the Hairpin at 80 and 100 respectively and setup for the corner. Pepe follows them at 120 and pulls up behind Jack.

Tony rolls through the outside of Six Ferens at 120
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Post 05 Sep 2017, 12:51 pm

Apologies for being so late on this, but I do have some NPR corrections. By the NPR rules Claudio went 100 and Christina went 60(and spent no wear). My bad for screwign that up. Updated image is below, and deadline has been extended until Thursday at 9 unless I get all drivers in beforehand.
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Post 05 Sep 2017, 1:03 pm

Hey all, one more correction as I missinterepreted Jack's move. My bad for all the mess. Deadline as noted has been moved to 9pm Eastern on Thursday.
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Post 07 Sep 2017, 8:24 pm

Alrighty, we are getting back on track and we should be back on a MWF schedule by Monday. With that in mind, I am going to quickly reinterate. If you do not get a "Rec'd" response from me, that likely means something failed with the email. So try to resend or poke another driver. I will also do my best to put out reminder mails the Midnight Before.

Regathering himself, Claudio glides his way through D132 as the pack tries to catch up on his bobble.

Turn 39 is Due Saturday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 38

Claudio rolls through D132 at 100 wearing on his rubber thin tires.

Racing out of Nouveau, Rob out runs Mario to the corner at 140 and runs up to the corner lip of D132. Mario follows at 120 and pulls in behind him.

Joshua follows the pair out of the Hairpin at 140 and races up beside Mario.

Chris Brandt attempts to use Mario's slip stream at 120, but has to break out of it as he sees the road ahead of him blocked by Mario and Joshua.

Christina regathers herself and pulls out of the corner at 60(Apologies for confusion but as shown on the last correction graphic, NPR is corner safe speed so that is speed maintained)

Chris Brown takes the tight line through the Hairpin and races up ahead of Christina at 80.

Jack slings it around the outside of the corner at 80 as he sets up for the next straight

Seeing Jack hogging the outside lane, Pepe rolls up to the corner at 100 and deftly hammers the breaks to go down to 80(9 Modified 7- I ended up breaking one of your 3s into 3 1s for use as you didn't have any 1s left). He dives down the inside for 2 and slots himself in the inside hole between Christina and Chris Brown.

Tony leaves Six Ferens and sets up for Nouveau Monde at 120
RC S4 C3R1V3T38.png
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Post 09 Sep 2017, 7:49 pm

Two drivers get what they ask from their cars as the pack starts to hunt Claudio

RM Note: Still looking for full confirmations from the 10 of you. If you answered the earlier email, you are good. If you haven't I'll poke soon. Looking at it, we are likely to be only to a field of 10 for the rest of the series as I have not heard back from either of the Hudson's and thus will mark them as withdrawn with the beginning of Castellet.

Also 1 minor edit, Jack was at 80, not 60 as listed on the chart. My bad there!

Turn 40 is Due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 39

Claudio weaves from inside cornoer to inside at 100 as he does his best to nurse his lead.

Rob, Mike, Joshua and Chris Brandt all push their cars through D132 at 100 as they try to keep up with Claudio. Joshua decides to hit the breaks late and is able to get his car to respond letting it slow to 80, and allow Chris to pull along side.

Chris Brown pulls ahead of Christina and down to D132 at 140.

Christina asks whatever he can from her cars belieagued engine and gets a response as she rolls down the straight at 100.

Pepe piggy backs off of Chris Brown and pulls down to the straight at 120, keeping in Chris' rear.

Jack sets his car into high gear and uses his power engine at 160 and races up beside Pepe on the straight.

Tony powers through the outside of Nouveau Monde at 100.
RC S4 C3R1V3T39.png
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Post 11 Sep 2017, 8:18 pm

The Chase pack squeezes their way through Samson as they continue to try to catch Claudio.

Turn 41 is Due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 40

Claudio rolls out of Samson at 100, seeming to be over whatever threw him off a few moments ago.

With his tires down to their bleeding edge, Rob runs samson at 80, ending in the middle lane.

Mario runs the corner at 100 and pulls out to the outside of Rob on the short straight.

Chris Brandt attempts to catch up them at 120, but as he approaches Samson, he finds his line to be blocked, and runs the outside to avoid smashing into Mario and Rob's rears.

Joshua follows Chris in at 100 and takes advantage of the block to dive inside.

Chris Brown, Pepe and Jack all take D132 at 100, their positions mirroring where they were as they entered the corner.

Christina runs through D132 at 100 ending at the lip of the turn.

Tony runs down the striaght to D132 at 140.
RC S4 C3R1V3T40.png
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Post 13 Sep 2017, 8:46 pm

The Chase pack squeezes itself tightly through the back straight as Claudio leads them into Gresil

Turn 42 is Due Friday at 11pm Eastern

Turn 41

Claudio hauls his car down the backstretch at 160 as he sets up for Gresil.

Rob tries to get an edge on Mario as he pushes his engine to give em all it's got. The car answers(Acc Roll 6), and he blasts through the soft corner at 160.

Mario follows after him and pulls up behind at 140.

Chris Brandt uses his momentum from Samson and his big engine to race through the soft corner at his top speed of 180, passing Mario and pulling to the side of Rob.

Joshua finishes the corner at 160 and tries to take a slip off Rob's moment. Unfortunently he finds the straight too narrow to take advatnage and eases up enough to simply pull behind Chris Brandt.

Chris Brown slings through Samson at 100 and pulls deep inside.

Pepe wrenches the car after Chris, running the corner at 120 and pulling alongside.

Jack runs Samson at 100 and tucks in behind Pepe.

Christina manuvers from corner to corner at 100 as her tires start to show that they are done.

Tony dives through D132 at 100.
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Post 15 Sep 2017, 9:45 pm

It seems one drivers luck runs out as the Arrows overshoots Gresil and crashes!

Claudio casually runs the outside of Gresil at 140, knowing his tires are near done.

Rob, believes however that he can get one more inch out of them and attempt to run the outside of Gresil at 160. Unfortunently he tires don't help him as his car understeers and careens into the outside embankment, crashing out and ending his race (Chance Roll 12)

Chris Brandt watches Rob loose it and tries to react as he dives outside at 160, straining whats left of his tires. His deft driving is successfull as he is able to dodge Rob and catch the top edge (Crash Avoidance Roll 8 Modified 3(-3 Skill, -2 for ending turn in crash row))

Mario and Joshua use the high speeds to slip up to the corner neck and neck at 140(Slip rule is based on starting speed, so Mario gets slip even though Rob binned it)

Further back, Pepe and Chris Brown drag race down the straight and though the soft corner at 160, keeping neck and neck. Jack follows behind them, as he shadows Chris.

Christina finishes her move though Samson at 100.

Tony slings his car though Samson at 120, using as best of a line he can to conserve his tires. With some strong wheel work, he is able to pull it off. (Chance Roll 8 Modified 5)
RC S4 C3R1V3T42.png
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Post 17 Sep 2017, 9:44 am

Coyle easily the class of the field through sector 1.
Rouen C3 summary.png
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Post 18 Sep 2017, 7:36 pm

Chris Brandt comes within tailpipe rang of the leader as the drivers work though the final corners!

Turn 44 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Claudio races out of Gresil at 140 and keeps to the outside to prevent the slipstream of the hard charging Chris Brandt.

Chris Brandt finishes Gresil at 160 and dives inside, missing the slip due to Claudio's feint.

Mario and Joshua run the corner at 140 and are back in line with each other at the end of the turn.

Chris Brown and Pepe race up to the corner at 160. At the last moments, Pepe pads the breaks, trying to slow to 140. His timing is right(1 modified 3) and he slows to 140 and slides in behind Chris on the outside.

Jack rolls up to Gresil at 140 down the inside.

Christina agian asks for more from her damage engine and it complies(8) accelerating to 140.

Tony rolls down the straight at 160 and edges closer the rear of the field.
RC S4 C3R1V3T43.png
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Post 19 Sep 2017, 3:56 am

Quite a spread of speeds this sector.
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Post 22 Sep 2017, 1:12 pm

So I somehow forgot to post to redscaoe, so here is the turn from Wendesday. Deadline tonight 11:59pm eastern (soft), tommarow 11:59 (hard.

Excitement at the front as there is now a 3 wide fight for the lead!

Claudio runs down the to corner at 140, pulling inside to setup for the turn.

Chris Brandt runs down to La Scierie at 160, pulling alongside Claudio as he prepare to try to make a pass for the lead!

Behind them, Joshua's radio is filled with arguing and yelling as the Driver and Crew Chief seem to be arguing about strategy, before Joshua is head yelling "NO GUTS NO GLORY" as he slams on the gas and races down to the corner at 200 pulling to the outside of the leaders! (Acc Roll 5)

Mario watches Joshua go off as he pushes down the straight at 180 and pulls behind Claudio.

Chris Brown finishes the corner at 160 and pulls inside on the straight. Pepe follows him out at 140 and works his way down to La Scierie.

Jack burns rubber as he runs Gresil at 140 though the insdie and lines up behind Pepe.

Christina runs the outside of Gresil at 140.

Tony starts using what remains of his Tires as he races down to the inside of Gresil at 160.

Ok, so due to I forgot to post the move to Redscape and I will be unable to post the image until after I get off work, I am moving the hard deadline until Saturday. Soft deadline though is tonight at midnight if everyone is in.
Show quoted text

Ok, so due to I forgot to post the move to Redscape and I will be unable to post the image until after I get off work, I am moving the hard deadline until Saturday. Soft deadline though is tonight at midnight if everyone is in.

On Sep 21, 2017 1:21 AM, "William Swiftfoot" <> wrote:
Excitement at the front as there is now a 3 wide fight for the lead!

Claudio runs down the to corner at 140, pulling inside to setup for the turn.

Chris Brandt runs down to La Scierie at 160, pulling alongside Claudio as he prepare to try to make a pass for the lead!

Behind them, Joshua's radio is filled with arguing and yelling as the Driver and Crew Chief seem to be arguing about strategy, before Joshua is head yelling "NO GUTS NO GLORY" as he slams on the gas and races down to the corner at 200 pulling to the outside of the leaders! (Acc Roll 5)

Mario watches Joshua go off as he pushes down the straight at 180 and pulls behind Claudio.

Chris Brown finishes the corner at 160 and pulls inside on the straight. Pepe follows him out at 140 and works his way down to La Scierie.

Jack burns rubber as he runs Gresil at 140 though the insdie and lines up behind Pepe.

Christina runs the outside of Gresil at 140.

Tony starts using what remains of his Tires as he races down to the inside of Gresil at 160.
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Post 22 Sep 2017, 10:43 pm

Joshua tries to slam his breaks to prepare for La Scierie at 140, but the Break Pedal goes to the floor!(R 12 - Breaks Fail). Quickly reacting, he shouts to his crew chief to get people out of the way as he tries to slow himself as he hurtles down N138, before he slams into an embankment at the bend, out of the race.

Claudio and Chris Brandt run the middle of Scierie at 120 and come out side by side as they approach the final corner.

Mario slams his breaks and gets a good response (R 5) following the other two through at 120 and using a slip off Claudio to pull along them on the outside!

Chris Brown pulls to the edge of La Scierie at 140. Pepe follows behind at the same speed, and watches Jack pull up beside at 160.

Christina finishes the corner at 140 before watching Tony race ahead of her at 160 and pull to the inside.
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Post 25 Sep 2017, 10:09 pm

The crowd is cheering as they watch for as a pass for the lead occurs in the final corner as Mario ducks ahead of Claudio and Chris Brandt as they approach the line!

Turn 47 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern.

Turn 46

Having had luck in slowing to enter La Scierie, Mario uses up whats left of his tires to haul his car through Paradis at 140 and dives to the inside as he prepares to cross the finish!

Chris Brandt and Claudio watch Mario pull away as the two mirror each other as they run through Paradis at 120.

Chris Brown does his best to keep up with the group as he runs the inside of La Scierie at 140 running the tires to their edge.

Pepe runs the corner at 160 through the middle as he edges ahead of Jack.

Jack with no wear left, runs the corner around the middle at a brisk 120.

Tony goes 160 and pounds pavement as he dives into the middle of the corner. He does his best to slide though the save wear and is successful (Chance 7 Modified 5).

Christina rumbles up to La Scierie at 160.
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Post 27 Sep 2017, 9:15 pm

And the checkered flag waves as they race to the line! Chris Brandt wins by a nose!

Turn 48 is due Friday at 11pm Eastern for unfinished drivers.

I expect that we will have a turn Monday to finish things up. From there, I will look to start dates for Race 2. At this time I have confirmations from 9 drivers. I will hope the last is a confirmation, but also at this point, I am Withdrawing S. Hudson and T. Hudson from the Circuit. Thus, we will be running with 10 cars through the end of the season. This will mean only the bottom 2 drivers will be relegated at Seasons end.

Turn 47

Mario powers down the straight at 160 racing for the flag, but from behind him, he hears the roar of Chris Brandt! Pushing his engine as hard as he can (Acc Roll 9, Top Roll 7), he blasts down the straight at 200 and pulls ahead at the line winning the race, leaving Mario in second as they cross.

Claudio goes 180 and reaches the line for third about a half car length behind Mario.

Chris Brown runs his way through Paradis at an easy 120.

Pepe burns the last of his rubber and pulls up behind Chris Brown at 140 after running the middle of Paradis.

Jack runs down to Paradis at 100, and is pulled alongside by Tony who carried his momentum out of La Scierie at 160, setting for a final duel in Paradis.

Christina runs La Scierie at an easy 120.
RC S4 C3R1V3T47.png