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Post 04 Jan 2017, 11:01 pm

Gentlemen, The green flag drops!

Tony moves to position himself on the R/L at 60, and Sean is forced inside to lane 2 with a successful start speed roll, Doug follows behind Sean with his own successful start speed roll.

Tim and Jim both push to 80 also with success, and Jack takes the safe route at 60.

Turn 2 is due Friday at 3PM Pacific
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Post 06 Jan 2017, 5:55 pm

RM Note:
I am actually getting this! Let me know if the chart and track looks better.

Tony takes the R/L for 2 wear, and Sean zooms around the R/L for 1 wear and a roll on the chance table with his 3 chip! the roll comes in at a two and he is safe and on the bumper of Tony.

Doug flies down the R/L at 80 and sits one space back. Tim follows the same as does Jim.

Jack winds up to 100 and gets ready to enter the corner.

Orders due Monday 9Jan17 at 3PM Pacific
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Post 09 Jan 2017, 4:58 pm

Turn 3:

Tony, Sean, and Doug all fly down the straightaway and onto the R/L for the next turn

Tim wanted to stay on the R/L, but with that blocked is forced to the inside

Jim wanted to go 140, but with Tim forced to the inside, there is no room and the emergency braking causes our first damage with a terrible roll (11). Orlando team sees the brakes sizzle and a chunk of pad comes off! He must slow to 120.

Jack Beckman takes the curve at 80 on the R/L
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Post 12 Jan 2017, 5:19 pm

I will adjudicate Friday at 3PM Pacific. Still waiting on 1 driver...
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Post 13 Jan 2017, 10:34 pm

OMG!!! Jim has angered the Dice Gods!!!

T5 due Monday at 3PM Pacific

Tony takes it to the inside of the corner by going 60 for one wear.

Sean NPRs and takes the outside lane for no wear and ends in lane 3
Doug takes the R/L at 80 for 1W and sits on the inside lane, followed by Tim going 80 in the 60 for one wear and fitting between Sean and Doug.

Jim, not anticipating the NPR and 3-wide, rolls the emergency brake and gets a 10!!! The brakes fail completely, and he rolls into the sand to avoid catastrophe in the next curve. (RM NOTE: Bad break, Jim. Sorry)

Jack winds up the engine to 120 and flies through the R/L
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Post 17 Jan 2017, 6:58 am

Turn 5
More dice cup and my arm is tired from all the rolling!

Tony takes the R/L calmly and looks at his rearview mirror in shock and disbelief.

Tim punches it for 100, flies through the Mirabeau for 2 wear and takes the next curve at 2 wear and a +2 skill roll (12-2=10), and the front wheel hub snaps from the stress! Tim curses as sliding off the track as the rest of the drivers see the danger looming!

Sean, already committed to his 100 mph move takes the Mirabeau for 2W and tries to take the next curve at the +1 skill modified roll on the chance table (4-1=3) PASS!, and he rolls to make sure he avoids Tim's sliding car (5-2=3) and takes position next to Tony

Doug shows a bit more caution and orders 80. He takes the Mirabeau at 60 for 1W and saddles into the next curve for 2W. His avoidance roll (4-2=2) allows Tim to slide off of the track and Doug is right behind Sean.

Jack takes Mirabeau at 80 (1W) and waits for his spotter's call with the smoke in the next curve blocking his vision.

Jim curses his luck and throws down his helmet into the sand on the side of the track.

Turn 6 Due Wednesday at 3PM Pacific.
Please check my work as this was a difficult turn
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Post 17 Jan 2017, 12:57 pm

You fellas are really putting the test to Brad. I think he'll be ready to run C1 at the Glen after you're done with him!

By the way, we could still use another permanent RM for season 4. Brad is helping out to get us through season 3 but can't commit to anything beyond that. While Jim and I aren't going anywhere (right, Jim?), we'll need more help if we wish to maintain the three circuits, much less expand to a fourth.
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Post 19 Jan 2017, 3:21 pm

Sloterp is right! You guys are tough!

Sean takes the initiative by going 100 and late braking to 80. His roll of 12 fails, reducing his brakes to nothing, and taking one more precious wear from him.

Tony slams on the brakes to 60 after ordering 80 and passes with a 7. He pulls up behind the crippled blue car.

Doug spends 2 wear and pulls inside lane of the Portier and takes the lead! (disregard the Emergency braking roll, Doug. That was for Tony)

Jack almost regains contact with 60 mph in the 40.

I was delayed by a person's not sending in orders. I will adjudicate on Monday 23JAN at 3 PM or as soon as I have all orders.
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Post 22 Jan 2017, 7:40 am

Sloterp is right! You guys are tough!

Sean takes the initiative by going 100 and late braking to 80. His roll of 12 fails, reducing his brakes to nothing, and taking one more precious wear from him.

Tony orders 80 on the outside but is forced to the inside of the smoking blue car for 2 wear

Doug spends 2 wear and pulls inside lane of the Portier and takes the lead!

Jack almost regains contact with 60 mph in the 40.

I was delayed by a person's not sending in orders. I will adjudicate on Wednesday 25JAN at 3 PM or as soon as I have all orders.
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Post 23 Jan 2017, 5:18 pm

Monaco turn 7 has 75% of the drivers using the dice roller!

Tony comes out of the corner into the straightaway and pushes to 140 (naked 8) to thunder down the straight. Doug tries to follow, but his engine puffs out some white smoke and he drops to 120 (naked 11)

Sean pushes the Blue streak to 120 and comes around the left side of topped out car of Doug

Jack takes the 40 lane of the Portier at 80 for 1 wear and a chance roll (modified 6) to come out unscathed.

Turn 8 due Wednesday, 25JAN17 at 3 PM Pacific or as soon as I get all orders.
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Post 26 Jan 2017, 9:34 pm

Sorry for the delay, was waiting on a driver.

Easy turn. All the drivers go 120 down the straightaway.

Turn 9 due Monday, 30JAN17 at 3PM Pacific unless all orders rec'd early.
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Post 28 Jan 2017, 5:46 pm

Turn 9

Tony rolls though the Chicane for a safe 80 and a 2 space lead.

Doug gets the initiative and takes the inside of the Chicane by ordering 100 and late breaking to 80. Sean takes his car down to 100 to negotiate the curve and rolls a 10! Sean's car cannot take the strain; wisely, Sean pulls the car off the track. Luckily he is closest to the start/finish line and should beat Tim or Jim there!

Jack makes up some distance on the straightaway, ready to take the Chicane.

Turn 10 due Monday at 3PM Pacific 30JAN17
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Post 31 Jan 2017, 10:05 am

Turn 10

Tony takes a cruise down the stretch lining up for the La Rascasse corner

Doug punches the accelerator to 120 and sits on the rear spoiler of Tony (note: I missed a wear from Doug last turn in the chart, corrected)

Jack Takes the Chicane at 100 with a 3 skill roll and make it with a modified 6! His skill held him on the track.

Sean, Jim and Tim meet in the race tent and clink glasses of Merlot.

I have been delayed in adjudicating due to people not sending in orders. As this is an exhibition game, I have been fine with it. When it comes to the C1, I will be doing my best to adjudicate on time
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Post 01 Feb 2017, 8:20 am

Turn 11

And then there were 2!

Tony takes La Rascasse's outside lane at 80 for his last wear and settles in lane 2 just past the curve.

Doug tries to take the lead by following Tony at 100 with a chance roll (+1) to to move up next to the lead car. Doug's car holds the lane solidly with a roll of a modified 1, and he slides into lane 3 for a battle on the accelerator for next turn.

Jack, now assured of third pushes his car into La Rascasse's outside lane at 80 and the left front tire collapses under the stress. His car slams into the wall, and he hammers his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.

Last set of orders are Due Friday at 3PM Pacific, but I will adjudicate early if both are received.
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Post 01 Feb 2017, 2:19 pm

I moved Doug to lane 1 because he had ordered the 60s through the curve and Tony ordered the outside lane. This puts Doug in Lane 1 and Tony at Lane 2. Sorry for the adjustment.