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Post 31 Mar 2017, 11:24 am

Thanks for taking the time to explain.
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Post 31 Mar 2017, 11:36 am

Fascinating stuff. This revelation about a HOF Redscape diplomat was jarring. I think it speaks more to the game driving the behavior rather than something inherent in the player.

As for LIng, he's taking a sabbatical on the race course. Perhaps some of you would like to do the same: Season 4 starts in May!
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Post 10 Apr 2017, 3:27 pm

I don't think I would want to ever play in a game with Ling again, after my efforts in this game were ruined by his cheating. This is as someone who's worked well with Ling in the past and liked him personally previously to this game. But maybe my stance will change with more's the GM's call in any case.

Steven (Italy)
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Post 12 Apr 2017, 12:11 pm

It would be a most unnecessary decision to ban David Ling from Redscape. He is an excellent player. And others can continue to learn from his style as the years roll on. His reasons for doing what he did are understandable if viewed from his perspective. However his reasons were not justified and he knows that. I think it's commendable that he owned up to the truth, admitted his wrongdoing and apologized to the group. Would he have done so had he not been caught? Hard to tell, but at least he was a man about it and offered his apology and rationale. That's rare but speaks to the kind of person he is.

Put the powdered wigs and gavels away.
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Post 25 Apr 2017, 3:31 pm

They were never out.
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Post 07 Mar 2018, 4:30 pm

Hi everyone, or anyone who is reading.

It's been a while since all of this and I don't wish to reopen it but during the game I believe I made some insuations/accusations that some players, and in particular Randy, were pushing play into areas of cross-gaming which drove some of my actions. It was no excuse but they were given as part of the explanation.

I would like to state quite clearly that whatever else happened I do not now believe any of the relationships in this or any other game on Redscape can be categorised as cross-gaming. This IMHO is an unjust accusation and it was a mistake to believe it; for the record I would like to rescind any statements I have made along those lines.

and for what it's worth I would like to see Randy allowed back at Redscape.

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Post 09 Mar 2018, 1:04 pm

Thank you David, for the apology.

Randy would be welcomed with open arms with an apology for the things he said that were outside of the scope of gaming. These personal attacks were uncalled for and unneeded. That being said, I would love to have his flair back on Redscape, but that is Randy's choice at this point.

We are here to forgive at his leisure.
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Post 23 Mar 2018, 11:13 am

Lingfish wrote:Hi everyone, or anyone who is reading.

It's been a while since all of this and I don't wish to reopen it but during the game I believe I made some insuations/accusations that some players, and in particular Randy, were pushing play into areas of cross-gaming which drove some of my actions. It was no excuse but they were given as part of the explanation.

I would like to state quite clearly that whatever else happened I do not now believe any of the relationships in this or any other game on Redscape can be categorised as cross-gaming. This IMHO is an unjust accusation and it was a mistake to believe it; for the record I would like to rescind any statements I have made along those lines.

and for what it's worth I would like to see Randy allowed back at Redscape.


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