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Post 10 Nov 2016, 6:37 am

Another early adjudication and... a new race leader!

Turn 13 Summary
Doug pulls onto the GM line at 100. Don, at 120, grabs the inside lane to take over the lead from the Ligier.

Jack saves wear at 80 on the Joe Louis line. Sean gets the initiative at 100 and clips a tire in the Joe Louis.

Will runs the JL line for free at 80. Tim, at 100, burns a tire on the Joe Louis groove.

John keeps it safe at 80, taking the RR line for free. Thomas continues to stalk the Toleman, also at 80.

Turn 14 hard Deadline: Monday, November 14th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT) tomorrow, I can get one more in this week.
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Post 10 Nov 2016, 5:21 pm

Five drivers averaging over 100mph. (And I'm doing about 100mph keeping up with you guys!)
Detroit summary.png
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Post 11 Nov 2016, 6:26 am

Another quick turn-around. Thanks for the speed check, Jim!

Turn 14 Summary
Don, at 80, clips a tire in the GM 60 before knocking off another in the Ford Corner. Doug runs the GM groove for free at 80 then burns a wear in the Ford.

Jack pulls up to the GM at 80 on the inside lane. Sean, at 100, slides onto the line next to the Brabham.

Will races out of the Joe Louis at 120 but has to tap the brakes (naked 10) to avoid the traffic. Smoke is seen coming from the Spirit causing wear loss and permanent brake damage. Tim continues the Joe Louis at 100.

John continues to save wear, taking the Joe Louis groove at 80 for free. Thomas drops a tire at 100 after being forced to the outside rail in the JL.

Turn 15 Deadline: Monday, November 14th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 14 Nov 2016, 10:44 am

Don & Doug gain a sizable lead while Jack & Sean muck up the peleton.

Turn 15 Summary
Don and Doug both run the Chicane line for free at 100.

Jack, at 80, takes the GM 80's for free and sits on the line. Sean also runs the GM on the outside rail at 80 for free.

Will, denied the line, takes the GM 80's at 80 for free. Tim, takes the GM groove at 80 and tucks in behind the Brabham.

John pulls up to the GM on the line at 120. Thomas finishes out the Joe Louis at 100.

Turn 16 Deadline: Wednesday, November 16th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Nov 2016, 12:33 pm

The lead cars are into lap 2!

Turn 16 Summary
Don runs the longest straight on the course at 140, pulling up to Riverwalk on the line. Doug, at 120, settles in on the tail of the Renault.

Sean and Jack race side-by-side at 80, each clipping a tire in Ford before entering the Chicane.

Will takes the Ford corner for free at 60 and eschews the Chicane line. Tim also runs Ford at 60 and is more than happy to occupy the line.

John takes the GM groove for 80 then scrubs a wear in Ford. Thomas takes it easy through the GM line at 80.

Turn 17 hard Deadline: Friday, November 18th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by tomorrow afternoon, I will be able to adjudicate early again.
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Post 17 Nov 2016, 6:24 am

Half the field in lap 2. Will anybody run down the leaders?

Turn 17 Summary
Both Don and Doug burn a tire on the Riverwalk line at 100 before hitting the @#$! line.

Jack pushes his engine with his last skill to sprint down the straight at 140 (modified 7). Sean, at 120, tucks in behind the Brabham.

Tim gets the initiative at 100 and runs the Chicane groove for free. Will takes the Chicane 80's at 80 before grabbing the rear spoiler on the Toleman.

John runs the Chicane line at 100 and pulls up next to the Spirit. Thomas saves wear at 60 through Ford corner.

Turn 18 hard Deadline: Monday, November 21st @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning (1 p.m. GMT), we can get one more turn in this week. There will be a prolonged pit stop next week for the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Post 18 Nov 2016, 9:18 am

I was able to squeak this one in. We've got a dogfight in the front!

Turn 18 Summary
Don grabs the St. Antoine line at 80. Doug takes the @#$! line for free at 100 and re-takes the lead, dropping inside of the Renault.

Jack drops to 80 and runs the Riverwalk groove for free. Sean does the same but needs the dice cup to get there (naked 6).

Tim pulls up to Riverwalk on the line at 120. John gets the initiative at 140 and runs to the outside of his Toleman mate. Will, at 120 and the slip, grabs the inside lane in front of Riverwalk and makes it three-wide.

Thomas runs the Chicane groove for free at 100.

Turn 19 Deadline: Monday, November 21st @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 21 Nov 2016, 11:17 am

Lots of wear falling off the cars this turn...

Turn 19 Summary
Doug clips a tire in the St. Antoine 60 at 80 then another on the Woodbridge line. Don, at 80, runs the St. Antoine groove for free then drops a wear in the Woodbridge 60.

Jack runs the @#$! line for free at 100. Sean follows the Brabham's groove, also at 100.

John gets initiative at 120, burns 2 tires in the Riverwalk 80's, and scrapes off another on the @#$! line.

Will, at 100, loses 2 tires on the Riverwalk 60 and pulls into @#$! on the outer rail. Tim takes a wear and burns off some of his 100 speed in the Riverwalk 80's. He grabs the @#$! line.

Thomas pulls up to Riverwalk on the line at 120.

Turn 20 Deadline: Monday, November 28th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
If I have all the plots by the same time tomorrow, I can get one more turn in this week. Otherwise, we go dark for the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.
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Post 22 Nov 2016, 5:04 am

All six cars break the lap record. (Think the design might be a bit liberal?)
Detroit summary.png
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Post 28 Nov 2016, 10:49 am

Hope y'all had a very nice Thanksgiving!

Turn 20 Summary
Don plots 100 to get the initiative then brakes down to 80 with the dice (naked 6). He grabs the line. Doug, at 80, is forced to the inside in front of the Hairpin.

Jack and Sean both run the St. Antoine line at 80 for free. John, also at 80, grabs the St. Antoine line. Will pulls to the inside of the Toleman at 100.

Tim rides the outer rail in @#$! for free at 100. Thomas clips a tire at 100 on the Riverwalk groove before taking the @#$! line for free.

Turn 21 Deadline: Wednesday, November 30th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Nov 2016, 6:27 am

Thanks for getting those plots in early! A few plots were unclear so I did my best to interpret...

Turn 21 Summary
Doug runs the outside rail in the Hairpin at 80 for a wear then blocks the line. Don clips his last tire in the Hairpin 40 at 60 and turns the corner onto Chrysler.

Jack slows to 60, taking the Woodbridge line for free. Sean follows the groove of the Brabham, also at 60.

Will rides the outer rail in St. Antoine for free at 80 before grabbing the Woodbridge line. John takes a ride on the St. Antoine line for free at 80 then burns a wear in Woodbridge.

Tim, at 80, runs the St. Antoine groove for free and pulls to the inside of the Spirit. Thomas burns a tire on the St. Antoine line at 100.

Turn 22 Deadline: Thursday, December 1st @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 01 Dec 2016, 6:23 am

Jack grabs the dice cup! :eek:

Turn 22 Summary
Don turns onto Congress at 80 for free. Doug, also at 80, stays on the Renault's tail.

Jack hits the Hairpin line at 80 and rolls on the chance table (naked 8). He spins out!*

John gets the initiative at 100 then brakes down with his last skill (modified 2). He grabs the Hairpin line. Sean, at 80 takes the inside position.

Tim clips a tire on the outer rail of Woodbridge at 80. Will runs the Woodbridge groove at 60 for free.

Thomas enters Woodbridge on the line at 60 for free.

*Jack is constrained by his ACC of 40 on his re-start.

Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, December 4th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in early, expect a quicker turn-around.
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Post 02 Dec 2016, 7:24 am

Sean grabs the dice cup this time (with better results)!

Turn 23 Results
Don grabs the Larned line at 80. Doug, at 100, runs to the inside of the black car.

Jack re-starts at 40 and blocks the Chrysler line. Sean enters the Hairpin 40 at 60 for a roll on the chance table (naked 4) creating total blockage in Chrysler.

John runs the Hairpin line for free at 60 then incurs a wear penalty as he slams on the brakes to 40. Tim clips a tire on the Hairpin 40 at 60.

Will pulls into the Hairpin on the line at 60. Thomas grabs the Hairpin line at 80.

Turn 24 Deadline: Monday, December 5th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 05 Dec 2016, 12:21 pm

Half the field is running on bald tires...

Turn 24 Summary
Doug burns his last tire at 80 in the Larned 60's. Don drops to 60, taking the Larned 60's for free.

Sean gest the initiative at 100 and clips his last wear as he turns onto Congress. Jack pulls in behind the green Williams at 80.

John gets initiative at 80 and runs the Chrysler line for free before hitting the Congress turn. Tim runs the Chrysler 60 for free at 60.

Will, at 80, takes the groove in Chrysler for free and pulls alongside the Toleman in front of Congress. Thomas scrapes off a wear in the Hairpin line at 80 then anchors the conga line.

Turn 25 Deadline: Wednesday, December 7th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 07 Dec 2016, 10:28 am

Not to make light of this anniversary, but it truly is a date of infamy if Don misses a plot!

Turn 25 Summary
Doug pulls onto the Woodward line at 80. Don takes an RM plot of 80 (he cannot land on the line per the rather punitive Redscape NPR rules).

Sean enters Larned on the line at 80. Jack grabs the Larned line at 80. John pulls to the inside of the Brabham at 100.

Tim and Will run side by side through Congress at 80 for free. Thomas stays on the tailpipe of the Toleman, also at 80.

Turn 26 Deadline: Friday, December 9th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)