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Post 16 Dec 2016, 3:56 pm

Grant is fastest through sector 3 by a good margin.
COTA C2 summary.png
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Post 19 Dec 2016, 4:16 pm

For the holidays, beginning this week there will be no deadlines on Friday or Monday until after January 2. As always, if I get all turns early I will squeeze in a move as long as I can set the next deadline on a day other than Monday or Friday and at least 48 hours.

Next deadline: turn 37 due Wednesday, December 21 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 36 summary:
Jeff stretches his lead a bit at 140 as he approaches the Triangle. Cody slows to 100 to take the S2 line for free. Simone gets the jump on Kal exiting S1 at 120, dropping one wear on the S2 line and pulls even with Cody.

Kal saves his last bit rubber by slowing to 100 across the S2 line. Brad takes S1 on the line at 120 and starts the S2 line. Will gets a slip from Brad and makes the same move through S1, pulling alongside Brad.

Ken comes out of the Bridge before Chris and hits the S1 line at 120 for free. Chris slows to 100 dropping a space behind Ken but starts the S1 line with him. Grant approaches The Wall cautiously at 100 and starts the racing line.
COTA turn 36.png
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Post 21 Dec 2016, 3:55 pm

The races for 2nd and 5th continue to be close.

Next deadline: turn 38 due Wednesday, December 28 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(Note the due date. As always, if I get all turns early I'll process early.)

Turn 37 summary:
Jeff takes the Triangle line at 100 dropping two wear. Cody outguns Simone down the straight at 160 and sets up on the line. Simone wisely anticipates Cody's move and plots 140 finishing in the middle to keep the racing line an option.

Kal gets a slip off Cody and at 140 pulls to the outside of Simone. Will and Brad both plot 100. Will with the inside moves first, taking the outside of S2 for free. Brad then follows on the racing line and takes 5th place back.

Ken finishes S1 and uses the S2 line to pull up on Will's tailpipe. Chris makes the Esses in one turn using both lines at 100 and stays right with Ken. Grant rounds The Wall at 80 on the line for one wear.
COTA turn 37.png
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Post 28 Dec 2016, 3:45 pm

Three wide heading into the Triangle.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Wednesday, January 4 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 38 summary:
Jeff winds it up to 140 after exiting the Triangle. Cody sheds two wear around the Triangle line at 100. Simone gets the jump on Kal and duplicates Cody's move to stay right behind him.

Kal plots 100 then late brakes to 80 (naked 8) using the last of his wear on the racing line. Brad, out of wear, can only approach the Triangle at 140. Will has better brakes and some wear and is able to pull alongside Brad at 160.

Ken maxes his car's engine at 160 and with a slip from Will makes it three wide. Chris looks like he's going to save some rubber in the Triangle as he only goes 140. Grant uses all of his acceleration to zip through the Bridge racing line at 140 for free.
COTA turn 38.png
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Post 30 Dec 2016, 2:56 pm

The pack strings out a little more.

Next deadline: turn 40 due Wednesday, January 4 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(Good job on getting turn 39 in. If I get all turn 40s by Monday I will resolve then)

Turn 39 summary:
Jeff keeps his foot down at 140 and grabs The 90 racing line. Cody makes up a little on Jeff at 160. Simone hits his top speed of 140 but with a slip stays with Cody.

Kal makes a naked acceleration roll (9) and gets to 140 but loses the draft. Will careens around the inside of the Triangle at 80 shedding two wear grabbing 5th with a slight gap. Ken uses all of his brakes to get down to 80 and scrubs off one wear in the outer lane of the Triangle.

Brad plots 80 and uses his last skill to late brake to 60 (modified 7), taking the racing line for free. Chris slows to 100 and follows Ken around the Triangle's outside lane. Grant slides through S1 at 120 for free.
COTA turn 39.png
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Post 04 Jan 2017, 4:18 pm

Hope all had good holidays. We're back to the Mon/Wed/Fri schedule.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Friday, January 6 at 6pm EST/11pm EDT

Turn 40 summary:
Jeff slows to 100 taking The 90 outer racing line for one wear. Cody closes up on the leader at 160 and grabs the outer line. Simone plots 140 and with a slip stays right on the wing of the green machine.

Kal plots a cautious 120 as he approaches The 90. Will maxes his acceleration to get to 140 down the straight. Brad uses his inside position and a naked acceleration roll (8) to come off of the Triangle before Ken and slides to the inside.

Ken also comes off the corner at 140 and keeps pace with Brad. Chris save his wear slowing to 60 and diving inside after the corner. Grant also is thrifty with his wear as he covers the S2 line at 100.
COTA turn 40.png
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Post 04 Jan 2017, 4:24 pm

A tie for third fastest and quite a gap from there to the next highest speed.
COTA C2 summary.png
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Post 06 Jan 2017, 5:09 pm

The top 3 clear The 90 as the next 4 approach it.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Monday, January 9 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 41 summary:
Jeff sets up on the inside for the Hairpin. Cody sheds his final wear around the outer racing line in The 90. Simone uses his last skill point to get down to 80 (modified 5) and tracks the outside line for free.

Kal slows to 100 and grabs the outer line for The 90. Will punches up 160 and takes the line behind Kal. Brad and Ken drag race down the straight at 160, Brad staying inside and Ken picking up the outside racing line.

Chris uses his maximum acceleration as he drives the straight at 120. Grant approaches the Triangle at a cautious 120.
COTA turn 41.png
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Post 09 Jan 2017, 4:27 pm

Things are looking good for Jeff. Will Simone get Cody for 2nd?

Next deadline: turn 43 due Wednesday, January 11 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 42 summary:
Jeff spends one of his last two wear point around the inside of the Hairpin and sets up for the Amphitheater. Cody is out of wear so he slows to 60 around the Hairpin. Simone does 80 and chooses the middle lane.

Kal slows to 80 and covers the outside racing line for free. Will follows Kal's tire tracks with an identical move. Brad gets the jump on Ken by plotting 100 and takes the outside lane around The 90.

Ken moves after Brad but he ducks to the inner racing line at 80 dropping his last wear but taking 6th from Brad. Grant starts the Triangle line at 80 shedding a wear.
COTA turn 42.png
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Post 11 Jan 2017, 4:16 pm

The crowds around the Amphitheater are cheering the front three, but waiting to see how 4th-6th shakes out.

Next deadline: turn 44 due Friday, January 13 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(If you suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia, you can send your turn on Thursday the 12th.) :grin:

Turn 43 summary:
Jeff conserves the last of his rubber by covering the Amphitheater 80s at 80. Cody takes the outside route around the corner at a safe 100. Simone also is in conservation mode as he safely takes the Hairpin 80s at 80.

Kal enters the Hairpin 80s at 80 being that he has bald tires. Will sets up for the inside lane of the Hairpin. Ken comes off of The 90 and finishes alongside the black car. (RM reminder: due to the way the Hairpin is drawn, neither Will nor Ken can change lanes and Will will move first regardless of plotted speeds.)

Brad finishes the outside lane of The 90 at 80, also running on bald tires. Chris sheds half his remaining wear on the outer racing line at 100. Grant finishes the Triangle for already paid wear and prepares to attack the straightaway from the middle lane.
COTA turn 43.png
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Post 12 Jan 2017, 4:17 pm

Looks like we wanted to avoid Friday the 13th. Things look good for Jeff, but Simone has caught Cody. Kal, Ken and Will are locked in a nice battle for 4th-6th (do I see dice in the near future?).

Next deadline: turn 45 due Monday, January 16 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 44 summary:
Jeff sets up for the final corner on the inside with a good gap. Cody finishes the outside lane of the Amphitheater at 80 for free. Simone comes around the Amphitheater 80s at 100 stripping off one wear and catching second place Cody.

Kal finishes the Hairpin at a safe 80 and ducks inside. Will slows to 60 and takes the inside lane around the Hairpin, finishing on Kal's tailpipe. Ken covers the 80s at speed to keep alongside Will.

Brad maintains 80 around the Hairpin for free. Chris holds steady at 100 hitting the outside lane of the Hairpin. Grant uses his full acceleration to dive down the straightaway at 140.
COTA turn 44.png
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Post 16 Jan 2017, 4:17 pm

Jeff rounds the Paddock for the final time and he will avenge his close 2nd place finish at Mexico City.

Next deadline: turn 46 due Wednesday, January 18 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 45 summary:
Jeff drops his last wear in the Paddock and slides inside in sight of the checkers. Cody and Simone both set up for the Paddock, Cody on the inside but Simone with two wear points.

Kal takes the Amphitheater 80s at speed. Will scrubs off his last rubber diving inside of Kal in the corner and taking over 4th place. Ken follows Kal through the 80s at 80 for free.

Brad, also out of wear as are the two in front of him, enters the Amphitheater 80s at 80. Chris finishes the Hairpin 80s at 80, keeping inside. Grant grabs the outer racing line for The 90 at 100.
COTA turn 45.png
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Post 18 Jan 2017, 4:23 pm

Jeff takes the checkered flag! Still a few positions undecided.

Next deadline: turn 47 due Friday, January 20 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 46 summary:
Jeff flies across the start/finish line at 140 for the win. Simone sheds his last two wear around the Paddock 80s at 120 and is staring down a second place finish. Cody on bald tires is forced to slow for the final corner and settles into third place.

Will and Kal both plot 120. Will has the inside advantage and maintains it as the two of the set up for the Paddock. Ken finishes the Amphitheater corner at 80 and stays inside.

Brad also out of wear does the same as Ken, finishing inside two spaces behind the yellow machine. [*]Chris plots 120 but with only one wear left must late brake using 2 skill (modified 6) and drops that last wear in the 80s. Grant scrubs off two wear in order to clear The 90.

[*]Chris did not specify a route through the corner. The defaults used to resolve his move were "fastest possible lane" and "friendliest dice available". Technically the outside lane is faster but he would have hit an 80 space anyway, making the 4 space middle lane "faster" than the 5 space outer lane.
COTA turn 46.png
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Post 20 Jan 2017, 5:41 pm

Simone grabs 2nd with Cody in 3rd. The next two turns could be interesting as drivers battle for position down the main straight.

Next deadline: turn 48 due Monday, January 23 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 47 summary:
Simone crosses the line in 2nd, Cody finishes 3rd.

Will and Kal both plot 80 and take the middle lane through the Paddock. Will holds on to his inside advantage. Ken dives to the inside of the corner at 80 using two skill on the chance table (modified 5) and is prepared to secure a 6th place finish.

Brad sets up on the inside at the Paddock. Chris plots 120 out of the Amphitheater and gains the outside lane beside Brad. Grant comes out of The 90 at 100 and sets up for the outside lane of the Hairpin.
COTA turn 47.png
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Post 23 Jan 2017, 4:11 pm

Three more finish, only one battle left but it should be a good one.

Next deadline: turn 49 due Wednesday, January 25 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 48 summary:

Will uses his inside advantage and better acceleration to outrun Kal to the line for a 4th place finish. Kal tests his acceleration with 0 skill just in case (10) and a puff of smoke from the exhaust as he crosses the line tells the results of that attempt. Ken is all alone as he crosses the finish line in 6th.

Brad comes around the Paddock corner at 80 through the 80s and grabs the inside. Chris follows the same path and stays right beside Brad. Both cars have a 60 acceleration and 160 top speed. Should make the next turn interesting. Grant covers the Hairpin on the outside for free and, despite spinning twice, will still garner 2 points.
COTA turn 48.png