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Post 16 Feb 2017, 4:44 am

Mike's speed shows his rise through the field this sector
COTA C1 summary.png
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Post 18 Feb 2017, 7:52 pm

Turn 44 from Chris

Apologies, the last two days unexpected issues here caused a short delay. Yesterday was a wild day out here! Fortunately no damage. Due for another bout later today.

The chase pack closes in on Doug, but dice will be needed!

Doug heads into Paddock at 80 for 0w.

Turyko goes 100 up to Paddock on the inside, while Giovanni successfully pushes his accel to move alongside Turyko.

Jim maintains 100 while Rando goes 80 and tucks in behind Jim.

Mike uses 1w to go 100 and moves alongside Rando. Note: I should have 2 wear left.

Fabio maintains 80 for 0w.

John plots 80 for 0w.

Marshall goes 80.

Dave plots 100 into the middle lane of the Hairpin for a chance using 1s. He rolls 6+2-1=7 and unfortunately spins!

Turn 45 Deadline is Tuesday at 6pm PST.
COTA C1 Turn 44.png
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Post 21 Feb 2017, 6:50 pm

Turn 45 from Chris

Mike only has 2w left going into this turn.

Lots of dice rolled!

Doug leads the way through Paddock at 80 through the 80s. Turyko, Giovanni and Jim all follow at 80 ready for the drag race across the line.

Rando and Mike both plot 120 with Rando having the initiative. He moves one space and late brakes. He is successful with a roll of 4+1. He re plots to 100. He takes the 60s for one wear and a chance, the latter using his last skill. However, he rolls 6+5-1 and crashes!

Mike takes the outer lane using his last 2w! Now he makes a crash involvement roll. His modifier is -3. He rolls 6+2-3=5 and is OK. Correction to follow.

Fabio goes 100 and John maintains 80.Tim goes 60

Tim takes the inside lane at 60 for 0w. Marshall winds things up going through the 80s at for a chance. He makes it with a roll of 1+1=2! He ends besides Tim.

Dave starts off at 40.

So the front five are all through Paddock and surely will try to get the most out of their cars! Behind them there are some places to be determined still.

Deadline for Turn 46 is Wednesday at 6pm.

Correction from Chris

Wow, have I learned a lot in this game!

I had left Rando's car on the track thinking it would remain there throughout the turn. Wrong, it should have been removed immediately.

Mike was happy with what I had done, except it was his third choice if the inner two lanes were blocked, which I thought they were.

His second choice was to late brake brake down to 100 and then take the inner lane for 2w. He ordered to go to the middle lane.

His late brake roll was 3+3=6 which he passed. He ends up in the middle lane in front of Jim.

I doubt this affects anyone other than Jim who will think he has received a great gift!

Now I was sailing and other important things yesterday so I apologize for the delay. Not come with me!

I will wait until tomorrow evening to adjudicate the move.
COTA C1 Turn 45rev.png
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Post 24 Feb 2017, 12:06 pm

I want to start the Watkins Glen race, but in the interest of fairness, will wait until the COTA race is completed.
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Post 24 Feb 2017, 12:15 pm

No problem. With this group, you'll probably be able to accelerate turns to catch up a bit to C2 & C3 (assuming you're willing and able).

Now, we just gotta get Chris to multi-task sailing his boat and adjudicating turns. "Anchors away!"... roll dice... "trim those sails, ya land lubbers"... roll dice... "thar she blows!"... save new turn file... "Aaargh, it's a mutiny!"... publish turn.
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Post 25 Feb 2017, 5:24 am

No summary from Chris, so here's the quick & dirty rundown:

Doug pushes to 160 (naked 2).
Turyko pushes to 140 (naked 6) and gets the slip.
Giovanni pushes to 140 (naked 8).
Mike pushes to 180 (naked 8 for acc then naked 8 for top).
Jim pushes to 140 (naked 4) and gets the double slip.
Fabio plots 80 through the Paddock.
John pulls up to Paddock at 100 and opts for the middle lane (?!).
Marshall is at 120.
Tim goes 80.
Dave pushes acc to 100 (naked 7), drops 1 wear & chance roll in 60's (naked 8). Spin!

Finish (so far)
1st Doug
2nd Turyko
3rd Mike
4th Giovanni
5th Jim
COTA C1 Turn 46.png
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Post 28 Feb 2017, 6:19 am

T47 from Chris

Turn 47 sees Fabio finish, Marshall, John and Tim all go 80 through Paddock. Dave starts off again.

I just need Marshall and John to send me what they are doing and the race can be adjudicated. Drag race anyone?

Deadline Wednesday March 1 at 6pm.
COTA C1 Turn 47.png
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Post 28 Feb 2017, 10:27 am

T48 from Chris

This brings the game to an end!

Congratulations to Doug S!

Thanks to all for getting moves in early to allow us to catch up, or at least finish as early as possible.

Action this turn with Marshall and John drag racing to the end!

Marshall pushed top and succeeded with a roll of 4+5=9 and actually takes 7th.

John planned to push accel and top, but failed his acc with a roll of 6+5 so didn't roll for top.

Thanks also to Tim and especially Dave who had a tough race with the dice but kept going to the end.

Note to Jim: Dave should finish at 80 then 100. Looking forward to the final cross-circuit speed tallies!
COTA C1 Turn 48 Finish.png
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Post 28 Feb 2017, 4:16 pm

The final speed numbers.
COTA C1 summary.png
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Post 28 Feb 2017, 4:18 pm

And the full field numbers. Tatum with a full 4.515 seconds on second place.
Also the points if awarded for the full field results.
COTA Full Field.png
Redscape Full Field Points.png