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Post 01 Jun 2016, 5:15 am

Builds are in. Harrington & LIng have identical set ups while Incorpora, Orlandi, & Brandt jump into the same ride. All the others are unique.

Start Bid Deadline: Friday, June 3rd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 03 Jun 2016, 7:34 am

The Italians dominate the front rows looking to get out to an early lead with their 100 start speeds. Many teams will be attempting to run from the back with bids less than 1. The dice come out...

Starting Grid (Sponsor / Car)

Row 1: #18 C.Orlandi (Interstate Batteries / Pontiac)
Row 1: #2 T.LaMorte (Miller Lite / Ford)
Row 2: #88 M.Ales (Ford Quality Care / Ford)
Row 2: #8 G.Incorpora (Budweiser / Chevrolet)
Row 3: #17 D.Ling (DeWalt Tools / Ford)
Row 3: #84 D.Galullo (Carquest / Chevrolet)
Row 4: #50 K.Harrington (U.S. Flag Car / Chevrolet)
Row 4: #25 C.Hancock (U.S. Marines / Ford)
Row 5: #38 C.Brown (M&M's / Ford)
Row 5: #94 G.Bauska (McDonald's / Ford)
Row 6: #14 T.Mossman (U.S. Navy / Pontiac)
Row 6: #5 C.Brandt (Kellogg's / Chevrolet)

Turn 1 Deadline: Monday, June 6th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)

*Note: Doug has completed alterations to the start speed table. However, for this race we will using the ORIGINAL table. In subsequent races we will move to the new table.
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Post 06 Jun 2016, 9:29 am

Turn 1 Summary
The green flag drops and the cars sprint out to the Recta Principal!

Ales, LaMorte, Ling, & Galullo successfully push their start speeds. Mossman gets left behind as the only car with 20 ss but I'm thinking he's more than happy to have clean air for a while.

Turn 2 Deadline: Wednesday, June 8th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 08 Jun 2016, 9:05 am

An NPR! Christina, are you still with us?
The front-running Italians are scoffing at that first racing line...

Turn 2 Summary
Ales gets the initiative at 160 with the 1sp push to top speed (modified 8). He takes an inside track to the Solana Ese. Orlandi tucks in behind the #88 at 140. LaMorte leaves his options open at 140 by taking the center lane. Incorpora, at 140 and the bonus, veers around the #2 car and stays off the line.

Ling punches it to 140 along the Recta. At 120, Galullo grabs the tailpipe on the #17 car. Bauska pulls even with the #84 at 140.

Brandt comes out of the 3-wide with the initiative at 140 and parks it behind the Carquest Chevy. Harrington tucks in behind the #5 at 120. Hancock uses the NPR plot at 120, putting the car on the outside rail.

Brown, at 120 plus the slip, slides in between the #50 and the distracted #25. Mossman brings up the rear at 80, hoping to witness some fireworks in the Moises Solana.

Turn 3 Deadline: Friday, June 10th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 10 Jun 2016, 6:44 am

The dice just turned ugly and Ales' race became extremely difficult.

Reminder: You may put in some defaults in the event your plot does not cover unexpected situations. These may be edited any time. If you choose not to submit preferences, Redscape defaults are used. This is not intended to replace quality plots! The link has also been posted in the 'Driver/Track' thread.

Turn 3 Summary
Ales plots 120 then brings the car down to 100 on the tables with his last sp (modified 10). The failed brake test costs a tire and some brake damage - ouch. He clips 2 tires in the Moises Solana and keeps his lead... for now. Incorpora also hits the tables with 2sp as he late brakes his car from 120 to 100 (modified 7). The #8 gets the initiative and drops 2 wear in the Ese. Orlandi, at 100, burns 2 wear in the Moises Solana on the inside and with the slip stays on the tail of the #88.

LaMorte takes the Solana line for a ride at 100 and a wear. Thanks to the #8, the #2 car gets the bonus and can escape from the corner. Ling pulls up to the Moises Solana on the inside at 100. Galullo comes alongside the #17 at 120. Bauska makes it three-wide, starting the groove at 120.

Brandt tucks in behind the DeWalt Ford at 120. Brown gets the initiative at 140 and grabs the line behind the #94. Harrington, at 120 gets in line behind the #38. Also at 120, Hancock picks up the bumper of the #5.

Mossman enjoys his coffee as he drops it into top gear at 140.

Turn 4 Deadline: Monday, June 13th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 13 Jun 2016, 9:36 am

Four cars are ready to plunge into the Ese Del Lago while the peleton runs accident-free through the Ese Solana.

Turn 4 Summary
Ales grabs the line for the Ese Del Lago at 140. Incorpora stays with the #88, also at 140. Orlandi cuts to the inside of the blue Ford at 140 and the bonus to become the new leader. LaMorte tucks in behind the #8, also at 140.

Ling clips 2 tires in the Solana 60 at 100. Galullo burns a wear at 80 in the Moises Solana 60's. Bauska takes the Solana line for free at 80.

At 100, Brown uses the Ese Moises Solana 80's for a wear and stays on the tailpipe of the #94. Brandt drops a tire in the Solana 60's at 80 to move up a spot.

Harrington runs the Moises Solana groove at 80 for free. Hancock drops to 60 as she enters the Ese for free. Mossman makes contact with the chase pack at 140, pulling up to the Solana on the inside at 140.

Turn 5 Deadline: Wednesday, June 15th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 15 Jun 2016, 9:15 am

The Horquilla could get a bit testy for the front four next turn...

Note: The summary and track have been corrected after the RM error. This only affected Mario's car.

Turn 5 Summary
Ales plots 120 for the initiative then rubs off some brake pad (1 w) to get down to 100. He follows both lines for 2 wear. Orlandi runs the Del Lago at 100 for 2 wear. He takes the middle 60's then grabs the 2nd line. Incorpora clips 2 tires in the Ese as takes the first groove then stays to the outside behind the #88. LaMorte, at 100, drops 2 wear in the Del Lago on the lines.

Ling pulls up to the Ese Del Lago on the line at 140. Galullo takes the straight at 120. Brandt tucks in behind the #84 at 120. Bauska, also at 120, brings up the rear of the mini-conga line. Brown jumps the line at 160 and pulls alongside the #5.

Harrington must continue through the Moises Solana at 80. Hancock finishes the corner at 60 and pulls alongside the #50. Mossman takes the opportunity to pass the hung cars, running the Solana at 100 through the 60's for 2 tires.

Turn 6 Deadline: Friday, June 17th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 17 Jun 2016, 5:12 am

Rubber continues to fly off the tires in the slow corners...

Turn 6 Summary
Ales drops into the Horquilla 40 at 80 for 2 wear. Orlandi rounds the Horquilla in the 60's at 100, also clipping 2 tires. Incorpora has the initiative at 100 and takes the Horquilla line for 2. LaMorte takes his car into the 40 at 60, pulling out 2 chips for the chance table (modified 6). Wear saved!

Ling runs the dual grooves in the Del Lago at 80 for a wear. Galullo follows the same path at 80, also dropping a wear. Brown gets the initiative at 100 and opts to save his wear on the Del Lago 100's. Brandt, at 80, takes the racing line for a wear.

Bauska overbrakes down to 60 for wear then grabs the Del Lago line. Mossman flies past the #94 at 140. Harrington, also at 140, tucks in behind the #14. Hancock completes the conga line at 120.

Turn 7 Deadline: Monday, June 20th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 21 Jun 2016, 6:04 am

Hoo boy, this turn had it all. Rain delay, mis-plot, and I even had to call in the brain-trust on some default moves. Anyway, here we finally are and I thank you for your patience!

I don't wish to pressure you with a 24 hour turnaround so I'm setting the official deadline for Friday (Thursday is a no-go). If, however, I get all the plots by tomorrow around noon, I will adjudicate. I will be traveling a lot over the remainder of the summer and deadlines will become a bit chaotic for the duration. Expect lenient hard deadlines, more aggressive soft deadlines, and late adjudications.

Turn 7 Summary
Ales runs the S1 line for free at 100. Orlandi takes the 120's through the S1, cost free. At 120, Incorpora is denied both the 120's and the S1 line. He runs through the 80's for 2 wear and with no instructions for S2, finds an open space in front (I brought in the brain trust on this one).

LaMorte bypasses the line and pounces on the S1 80's at 100 for a wear (mis-plot?). LIng runs the Horquilla 60 at 60 for free. Galullo finishes his line then clips a tire in the Horquilla 40 at 60. Brandt, at 80, takes the 2nd line in Del Lago and runs up to the Horquilla on the outside.

Brown gears down to 40 and occupies the front of the 2nd Del Lago line. Mossman, at 80, burns 2 tires in the Del Lago 40 followed by the 60's. He parks it on the Horquilla line.

Harrington races through the Del Lago 60's at 100 for 2 wear. Bauska uses the first Del Lago line for free at 60 then continues on the outside 60's. Hancock takes a free ride on the Del Lago 100's at 80.

Turn 8 soft deadline: Wednesday, June 22nd @ 11 a.m. EDT (3 p.m. GMT). Hard deadline is Friday, June 24th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 24 Jun 2016, 7:32 am

After half a lap, the field is really spread out. Let's see if the chicane slows down the lead pack...

Turn 8 Summary
Incorpora clips a tire in S2 at 120 on the 100's. Ales runs the S2 80's for free at 80 and tucks in behind the #8. Orlandi takes the groove in S2 at 100 for free, pulling alongside the blue #88. LaMorte finishes S1 in the 80's before jumping onto the S2 line at 100 for free. He ends on the tailpipe of the #18 Pontiac.

Ling races through S2 on the line at 100 for free. Galullo pulls into S2 on the line, also at 100 for free. Brandt takes the Horquilla 60 for free at 60. Mossman runs the Horquilla on the line at 60 for free.

With his line blocked, Brown takes the Horquilla 60 at 80 for a wear. The Horquilla line is open for Harrington who obliges at 60 for free. Bauska continues Del Lago at 60 before grabbing the Horquilla line. Hancock, at 80, burns a wear on the 2nd Del Lago line.

Turn 9 Deadline: Monday, June 27th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
If I have all the plots, I may be able to adjudicate sometime over the weekend.
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Post 24 Jun 2016, 5:19 pm

Quite a range of speeds for the first sector from a top of 152.999 to a low of 83.750
MC C3 summary.png
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Post 27 Jun 2016, 6:59 am

The spread on the track seems to support the spread on the speeds (thanks, Jim!).

Turn 9 Summary
Incorpora enters the chicane at 100 on the outside. Ales and Orlandi rub paint as they both pull up to the chicane at 100. LaMorte makes it three-wide going into the corner at 120.

Ling finishes the S1 line before taking S2 for free in the 80's at 80. After completing the S1 line at 100, Galullo hits S2 in the 80's for a wear but must take the 100 at the exit.

Brandt runs the S1 80's at 80 for free, causing a bit of pain behind him. Mossman was looking for the line at 100 but has to settle for the 120's. Brown plots an aggressive 140 for the initiative then brakes down to 100 for a wear and a 2sp brake roll (modified 8). He tucks in behind the #14.

Harrington, at 120 and 2 wear, gets through S1 on the 80/120 combo. Bauska clips 2 tires on the Horquilla line at 100 then grabs the S1 line. Hancock takes an RM plot at 60, taking the Horquilla for free.

Turn 10 Deadline: Wednesday, June 29th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
Early adjudication may be possible with all orders in.
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Post 27 Jun 2016, 9:19 am

Tim's car is backwards on the track. RM error only - it has no other meaning.
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Post 28 Jun 2016, 6:57 am

That's pretty funny! :laugh:
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Post 29 Jun 2016, 8:30 am

Christina Hancock's busy schedule is forcing her out of her car (#25). Pericle Sopalajo de Arrierez y Torrezn (a.k.a. Pepe) will be jumping in for turn 11.

Turn 10 Summary
Incorpora finishes the chicane at 100 before entering the Foro Sol 60's for 2 wear. Ales clips a tire in the chicane 80's at 100 then brakes down to 80 for another wear. Orlandi, at 100, takes the 100's for free. At 80, LaMorte has no place to park his Ford and burns off some speed in the 100's.

Ling pulls up to the Ovalo Chicane at 140. Galullo pushes his engine to 160 with 2 sp (modifed 3) and comes alongside the #17.

Brandt takes the S2 line for free at 100. Harrington drops a tire in the S2 line at 120 and pulls alongside the #5. Mossman finishes S1 in the 120's at 100 before running the S2 groove for free.

Brown takes the S2 120/80 combo at 80 for free then jumps on the S2 line. Bauska runs the S1 groove for a wear before racing into S2 in the 100's for another wear. Hancock takes a final RM plot at 120 through the S1 120's for free.

Turn 11 Deadline: Friday, July 1st @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)