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Post 12 May 2016, 3:39 am

Speeds down as expected as we all wear our tires out.
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Post 13 May 2016, 6:22 am

One more comes in. Thanks for those who have responded regarding Season 3. Turyko & Simone - your responses are the only ones I have not yet received.

Next Deadline: Turn 49 plots due Monday, May 16 at Noon EDT/4pm UTC (hard deadline). Since the end is close, send your plots ASAP and I'll turn them around as fast as we can in order to be ready to start Season 3 after the Memorial Day Holiday (May 30). Feel free to send multiple turns if you are confident.

Turn 48 Results
Turyko plots 140 and roars across the finish line to take second. Dave and Doug each go 120 (Doug for the already-paid wear in Gallery) and then take the 120s for free in Promenade.

Jim continues at 80 in the Gallery 60s for the wear paid last turn and finishes outside. William plots 60 for free through the 60s. Marshall goes 80 and takes the 60s for a wear.

The rest of the field all plots 60 and takes the Raffles racing line where possible, except for Simone, who recovers from his spin at 40 (lower of ACC or Start Speed).

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Post 15 May 2016, 11:22 am

The dice come out en force, this turn, with half of the field using them on either a Top Speed test or a Chance roll. Everyone is successful but there were some close ones! And, we've got a shootout for 6th place gearing up next turn.

Next Deadline: Turn 50 plots due Monday, May 16 at Noon EDT/4pm UTC (soft deadline). Hard deadline is Tuesday at the same time, but I encourage you to send your plots quickly so we can put this one to rest and gear up for Season 3. Feel free to send multiple plots if you're confident. I already have 2 Turn 50 plots in. :)

Turn 49 Results
Dave plots 160 and uses his last skill point for the Top Speed test (mod 8). Doug has the same idea only plotting 180 and testing Top Speed (naked 8). They both cross the finish line with Dave just ahead of Doug.

Jim goes 120 and sheds his last wear in the Promenade 100, just a car-length short of crossing the finish line this turn. William goes 100 through the Promenade 100s and finishes inside. Marshall plots 140 and uses one 3-skill chip to avoid the Top Speed roll, and uses the other 3-skill chip on a Chance roll (Mod 5) to take the Promenade 120s, he finishes outside, in the same row as William.

Joe goes 60 and takes the Gallery 40 for a chance roll with one of his 3-skill chips (mod 6), finishing on the inside 60 space. Ken goes 60 and takes the 40 space in Gallery for a wear. Chris goes 60 and takes the Raffles line for free. Grant plots 80 on the Raffles line for Chance with a skill chip (mod 6) and pulls up next to Chris. Simone goes 60 on the line for free.

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Post 17 May 2016, 5:26 am

Some excitement in the race for 6th as William gets burned on an Acceleration roll.

Joe & Ken - I'll advance the turn as soon as I get your plots. If you want to send 51 and 52 at once I'll advance to the end. If turn 51 seals the order, I'll advance everyone. The other places are basically set but you guys have skill points left and could conceivably cross at the same time. Deadline is Tomorrow at Noon EDT/4pm UTC.

Grant & Chris - if you want to take chance, submit plots, otherwise I will advance you guys with safe moves. I already have plots for Simone.

Turn 50 Results
Jim plots 120 across the line to finish 5th. William plots 160 but needs an ACC roll to get there, but rolls a Naked 10! He replots at 140 and suffers engine damage (-20 ACC). Marshall also plots 160 and uses a Top Speed test with 2 skill to get there (mod 4). He goes before William, pulling up beside Jim for 6th and William ends behind Jim for 7th.

Joe goes 80 through the last Gallery 60 space for the already-paid chance and ends inside before Promenade. Ken does the same for the already-paid wear and lines up behind him. Chris goes 60 in the Gallery 60s. Grant also goes 60 but takes the 40 space for a wear and clears the corner in a single turn. Simone follows Chris at 60 through the 60s.

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Post 18 May 2016, 3:11 pm

Not quite done yet guys! A couple of very lucky guys narrowly avoided spinning in Promenade. Fortunate for them, they had some skill points left.

Next Deadline: Turn 52 plots due from Friday at Noon EDT/4pm UTC (hard deadline). I'll process as soon as I have plots from Joe, Ken, and Grant. My apologies, last turn I misread the possibilities. Chris can submit a plot if he wishes, but I don't believe it's possible for him to catch Grant. As mentioned previously, I have plots from Simone.

Turn 51 Results
Joe takes the Promenade 100 space at 100 and sticks to the inside. Ken plots 140 and heads for the 120s for chance using 2 skill points (mod 6), he pulls up right next to Joe! Grant has the same idea and hits the Promenade 100 space at 120 for chance using his last skill (also mod 6). Chris speeds up to 80 through the Gallery 80s, while Simone continues at 60 through the Gallery 60s.

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Post 19 May 2016, 5:55 am

We made it folks! Thanks for sticking through this season to the end with minimal NPRs. Enjoy your small break before Season 3 begins!

Turn 52 Results
Joe, Ken, and Grant all take the safe route, plotting 120 across the finish line and claiming 8th, 9th, 10th, respectively. Chris and Simone each take the 100 space in Promenade at 100.

Turn 53 Results
Chris and Simone plot 140 across the finish, and Simone pulls even with a slip to finish 11th and 12th, respectively.

