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Post 11 Jan 2016, 11:16 am

There were 4 ties for starting position, including the pole. Chris, I think you should avoid dice in this race at all costs...

Turn 1 Deadline: Wednesday, January 13th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 13 Jan 2016, 11:13 am

Awww man! The defending champion rolls some bad dice (combined with inadequate skill usage) to put himself in a tough spot.

Turn 1 Summary
Chris gets the intiative in the front row as he pushes the start to 120 with 3sp (modified 4). He sheds 2 wear in the 80 on Sheare's Corner. Tim pushes to 80 with 3sp (modified 3). Fabio gets the initiative out of the 2nd row by pushing to 120 with 3sp (modified 5) and ducks in front of the #21. Brad pulls up next to the Air Force car at 100.

Tim C. grabs the tail on the #50 at 100. John pulls to the inside, also at 100. Will gets the initiative out of the 4th row at 100 and pulls into the exhaust of the #28. Todd pushes to 80 with 2sp (modified 3) and takes the bumper on the #6.

Mike pushes to 40 with 2sp (modified 9) but misshifts and has to bring it back to zero. Kal takes it to 40 with 3sp (modified 6) and leads the rear chase pack. Rando gets the initiative out of the last row by pushing to 40 with 2 sp (modified 2) and tucks in behind the #3. At 20, Cody pulls up next to the immobile #25.

Note: Per Doug, the #25 can use accel next turn but may not slip.

Turn 2 Deadline: Friday, January 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Jan 2016, 7:33 am

Only one emergency brake through Sheares. Note that RFR is using a different approach to emergency braking - we will be braking the cars prior to paying wear in corners. You no longer have to specify that condition (a nicer, kinder, RFR).

Turn 2 Summary
Chris drops his speed to 80 and takes the 40 in Sheares (wear paid in T1). Fabio sheds 2 wear in Sheares on the 80/60's route. Tim B. drops 2 wear following the groove of the #17. Brad tries to do the same at 100 but, without anywhere to go, has to pull up short with 1 wear for the brake and 1 for going 80 into the 60's.

At 100, John takes the Sheares 100's for free. Tim C., also at 100, takes the same route to stay on the numbers of the #28. Will takes the Sheares 100's for free at 100. Todd burns a wear in the Sheares 80 spot at 100.

Kal pushes his engine to hit 100 with 2 sp (modified 6). Rando stays on the bumper of the #3 at 100. Cody gets the initiative out of the back row at 100 and grabs the tailpipe on the #18. Mike brings up the back of the conga line by pushing to 80 with 2sp (modified 5).

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, January 20th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Jan 2016, 10:15 am

Two graphics notes:

1. I've been making the chart bigger for improved readability. Don't worry, I won't let it consume the track.

2. Cody's car has been chameleon-like. The 38 has multiple paint schemes. He's using the white base this race, not yellow or orange.
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Post 20 Jan 2016, 11:52 am

Some cars breakaway from the peleton...

Turn 3 Summary
Chris takes the Boulevard line for free at 100. Fabio goes heavy on the gas and sheds 2 wear in the Boulevard 100's at 140. Tim B. pulls up to Boulevard on the line at 120. Brad finishes Sheares at 80.

John burns 2 tires in the Sheares 60's and pulls even with the #50. Tim C. drops down to 60, taking the 60's for free. Todd takes the Sheares 60's at 80 (wear paid) to come alongside the #5. At 80, Will has no place to go. He taps the brakes on the table w/ 2 sp (modified 2) and tucks in behind the #84.

Kal uses the Sheares 100's for free at 100. Rando drops a wear in the 80 spot and grabs an outside lane next to the #3. Cody loses a wear at 120 in the Sheares 100's. Mike clips a tire in the 80 spot at 100 plus the bonus.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, January 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 22 Jan 2016, 7:43 pm

Snow... yay!

Shoveling snow... boo!

Turn 4 Summary
Chris & Fabio pull out of Boulevard at 140 rubbing paint the whole way. Tim B. takes the Boulevard line at 140 for 2 and tucks in behind the #20.

Brad drops 2 tires in the Boulevard line at 140. John burns 1 wear in the line at 120.

Tim C. grabs the Boulevard line at 120 and a wear. Todd pulls up in front of the corner on the line at 100. Will is pushed to the inside at 120 and misses the line.

Kal sheds 2 wear at 100 in the Sheares 60's. Rando takes the 60's for free at 80 (wear already paid). Mike burns a wear in the Sheares 60's at 100 (1 wear already paid) and grabs the bumper on the #3. Cody tucks in behind the #18 after using the 60's at 80 for free (pre-paid wear).

Turn 5 deadline: Monday, January 25th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Expect delays. We'll still be shoveling out of the storm.
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Post 25 Jan 2016, 10:38 am

Wow, three wide going into the Memorial!

Turn 5 Summary
Chris grabs the inside lane at 140. Fabio takes the line in the middle, also at 140. Tim B. fills in the third and final slot at 120 plus the slip.

Brad and John both hit 140 with the #28 lining up behind the #50.

Tiim C. comes out of Boulevard at 120. Will sheds 2 wear in the Boulevard 100's for 2 wear and tucks in behind the #5. Todd takes the Boulevard line for free at 100 and completes the mini-conga.

Kal takes the Boulevard line at 100 for free. Mike gets the initiative at 140, burns 2 tires in the 100's and grabs the inside lane on the #3. Rando hits the Boulevard line for free at 100. Cody pulls in front of the corner on the line at 100.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, January 27th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 27 Jan 2016, 11:31 am

Turn 6 Summary
Chris sheds a wear in the Memorial 60 and another on the Stamford line at 80. Fabio takes the Memorial line for free at 80 then drops 2 tires in the Stamford 40. Tim B., at 80, takes the Memorial 80's followed by the Stamford line for a wear.

Brad burns a tire in the Memorial line at 100. John, also at 100, follows Brad's groove for a wear.

Tim C. grabs the Memorial line at 120. Will continues at 120 and ends on the inside lane. Todd continues the 120 trend and pulls even with the #6 with the slip.

Mike tests his engine at 160 and 1sp (modified 1). Kal, at 140, tucks in behind the #25. Rando comes out of Boulevard at 140 and with the slip sits on the numbers of the #3. Cody sheds a tire in the Boulevard line at 120.

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, January 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Jan 2016, 12:02 pm

Fabio plays aggressive and jumps out to a sizable lead - wow!

Turn 7 Summary
Fabio drops 2 wear in the Rec Club line and should enter the slingshot unopposed. Chris takes the 80's in Rec Club for free at 80 and moves to block the line. Tim B. finishes the Stamford line at 80 and takes the Rec Club 80's for free.

Brad drops to 60, sheds a tire in the Stamford 40's, and takes the Rec Club 60 for free. John eases up on the gas to 60 as he finishes the Memorial line and burns a tire in the Stamford 40.

Tim C. starts the Memorial line at 80 then jumps off for a wear to grab the Stamford line for another tire. Will, at 100, takes the Memorial 80's for a wear and grabs the Stamford line. Todd takes the Memorial line for free at 80 and has inside position on the #6.

Mike hits the Memorial line at 100 for a wear. Kal pulls up to Memorial at 100 on the line. Rando, also at 100, ducks inside of the #3. Cody is back in contact with the peleton at 140 while grabbing the upcoming line.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, February 1st @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 31 Jan 2016, 4:42 am

Sector 1 numbers. And they're only going to get lower.
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Post 01 Feb 2016, 12:09 pm

Do not forget to include conditional orders (errr... Will)!

Turn 8 Summary
Fabio pulls into the Sling on the line at 80 for a wear. Chris grabs the line on the Sling at 120. Tim B. and Brad are in hot pursuit, also at 120.

John takes the Rec Club line for free at 80. Tim C. finishes the Stamford line at 80 followed by the Rec Club 80's for free. At 80, Todd burns 2 tires in the Stamford 40. He then uses the Rec Club line for free and pulls alongside the #5. Will takes the Stamford line for a wear at 80 then has to brake down to 60 with another wear before entering the Rec Club line. No alternative route was offered and the RM is now braking prior to corner entry.

Mike sheds a tire in the Stamford 60's at 80 then grabs the line in front of Rec Club. Kal gets the initiative at 80 and takes the Memorial 80's for free prior to spending a wear on the Stamford line. At 60, Rando gets through Memorial for free and gets pushed to the outside 60's in Stamford. Cody hits the Memorial 80's for free at 80 before grabbing the Stamford line.

Turn 9 Deadline: Wednesday, February 3rd @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 01 Feb 2016, 12:26 pm

I have most wear. Mwah ha ha ha ha.
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Post 03 Feb 2016, 12:59 pm

The signature feature of the track didn't bite but looks to come into play next turn...

Turn 9 Summary
Fabio sheds a tire in the Fullerton line at 80. Chris burns a wear at 80 in the Singapore Sling followed by another on the Fullerton line. Tim B. follows the groove in the Sling for a wear at 80 and grabs the next line. Brad follows the leaders at 80 with a wear to stay on the bumper of the #21.

John pulls up to the Sling on the line at 100. Tim C. cuts inside of the #28 at 140. Todd plays it safe at 120 and grabs the tailpipe on the #5. Will brings his car to 120 and with the bonus tucks in behind the #28.

Mike takes the Rec Club line for free at 80. Kal finishes Stamford on the line followed by the Rec Club 80's for free. Rando, at 60, completes Stamford and uses the Rec Club 60 for free. At 60, Cody uses the Stamford 60's for free and grabs the Rec Club line.

Turn 10 Deadline: Friday, February 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 04 Feb 2016, 5:30 am

SLOTerp wrote:Todd plays it safe at 120 and grabs the tailpipe on the #5.

I fully expected to not be able to get the start of the racing line and backed off to avoid the screeching of tires and crunching of fiberglass.
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Post 05 Feb 2016, 12:39 pm

The Sling is forcing some interesting plots...

Turn 10 Summary
Fabio races towards the Esplanade at 120. Chris stays hot on his tail, also at 120. Tim B. drops a tire in the Fullerton line at 80. At 80, Brad follows the groove in Fullerton and stays on the bumper of the #21.

John gets the initiative at 100. He burns 2 wear on each of the lines in the Sling and Fullerton. Tim C. sheds 2 wear in the Sling and another on the Fullerton line at 80. Todd brings it down to 60 and takes the line in the Sling for free. Will also plots 60 (and uses a wear for the privilege) but with the line occupied has to drop another tire in the Sling.

Mike pulls up to the Singapore Sling on the line at 100. Kal, at 120, sits a space behind the #25 on the inside. Rando pulls alongside the #3 at 120 plus the bonus. Cody traverses the Rec Club line for free at 80.

Turn 11 Deadline: Monday, January 8th @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)