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Post 13 Dec 2015, 2:14 pm

It's a 4 car break with 2 packs of 3 cars following and another slow corner coming up, play nice guys. :wink:

Next Deadline: turn 8 due Wednesday, December 16 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 7 rusults:
Kal burns 2w on the Variante Della Roggia racing line at 120. Brad slows to 100 but gets the slip so he enters the racing line using just 1w. Willy gets the initiative on Tim as they both jump to 160 and prepare for the corner, Willy on the racing line and Tim on the outside. Tony hits the gas getting up to 160 and leaving Gatlin behind for now.

Gatlin does his best to coax his racecar to 120 and moves inside. John tries to slip the slower Tony but has to settle for 180 and pulling along side. Rando stomps on the right pedal to blast up to 180 using 2s to roll a modified 4 and, with the slip from John, moves up 4 spots in one fell swoop. Chris uses all the engine he has to get to 140 setting up for a slip. [RM note: Chris can slip either car] Will safely gets to 140 but with the big 2 space slip off Rando is able to pull up along side Gatlin.
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Post 15 Dec 2015, 4:48 pm

Kal gets a gap up front while Tim blocks Variante Della Roggia and causes a bit of a back up behind him.

Next Deadline: turn 9 due Friday, December 18 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 8 results:
Kal uses all his acceleration to get to 160 spending 1w through the entrance to Curva Di Lesmo A. Brad finishes this line at 100 and lines up to enter the next corner on in the groove. Willy punches through the corner at 120 and slides inside of Brad for 2nd place. Tim takes the 80s through the corner at 100 and spends 1w. Rando wanted 120 through the corner but with Tim blocking he late brakes to 100 to stay on the line.

Tony wants to follow through the racing line at 120 but with Tim's block things start backing up. John had the same plan but is forced to late brake to 100 and fall in behind Rando. Gatlin's inside position give him the initiative to race to the corner at 120, while Will goes 120 to stay on Gatlin's right side. Chris foregoes the slip and pulls up behind Gatlin on the racing line.
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Post 18 Dec 2015, 4:44 pm

A lot of rubber flies this turn. Willy is the first of the big engines to hit the straightaway.

Next Deadline: turn 10 due on December 21 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 9 results:
Kal continues to cruise through Lesmo B at 140 using 1 wear. [RM note: Kal should have been 1 space farther than he was. Corrected this turn] Brad flies around Lesmo at 160 dropping 2 wear on the line in A and 1 on the line in B while Willy slows to 140 shedding 1 wear in the A 120 space and 1 more on the racing line in B. Tim takes the A racing line for free at 140 and Rando follows in his tracks doing the same.

Tony uses the two wear he already banked in Roggia to finish through the 80s at 120 and sets up on the Lesmo A racing line. John finishes the Roggia line at 100 and with Tony on the racing line slides inside. Gatlin plots 120 through the Roggia racing line but with the track blocked has to spend 1 more wear to late brake lining up to grab the next line behind Tony. Will screams through Roggia on the 80s at 120 scraping off 2 wear and finishing inside. Chris drives the racing line at 100 getting a slip from Gatlin which gives him enough to slide into 8th for now.
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Post 18 Dec 2015, 5:24 pm

Since everybody started in the same row the speeds pretty much reflect the positions on the track.
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Post 21 Dec 2015, 5:02 am

The back five cars still all in a bunch. Willy starts a move on Brad while Kal remains comfortable in front for now.

Next Deadline: turn 11 due Wednesday, December 23 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 9 results:
Kal uses 2s to get up to 180 and keep his cushion for now. Brad gets his top of 160 while Willy gets his top of 180 and pulls along side. Tim slows to 120 to run the Lesmo B line for free with Rando following in his tire tracks.

John swings outside through Lesmo A safely at 140 and takes up residence on the B line. Tony swings across the line in A and with the B line blocked does a slide job on John for 1w in the B 120s. Chris tries to clear A and B in one shot at 160 but with the B line blocked has to settle for sliding inside John. Gatlin does 140 around the outside of A and avoids running up anyone's tailpipe which gives Will at 140 the chance to take the A line and reach Gatlin's wheels.
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Post 23 Dec 2015, 4:29 pm

Kal maintains, Willy and Brad swap places as Tim and Rando do the same. The trailing pack shuffles a bit but stays tight.

Next Deadline: turn 12 due Monday, December 28 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 11 results:
Kal keeps driving like hell as he runs the 120s in Variante Ascari at 140 taking 1w. Brad uses the initiative to follow suit hitting the 120 at 140 and also dropping a wear. Willy had the same idea but with Brad already there dives inside shedding 2 wear but taking 2nd place. Tim throws the carbs open and maxes out at 180. Rando takes advantage as he also grabs high gear to hit 180 and with the double slip moves into 4th sliding in front of Tim.

Tony continues around the Lesmo B outside at 140 for his already paid tire scrub. Chris gets the jump on John as they both do 140 but Chris is forced outside through the corner since John has and uses the racing line also for 1 wear. (Chris' hand is still hovering over that horn) Gatlin tries to make a move at 160 but with John and Tony side by side is forced around the outside of Lesmo B for 2 wear while Will plays it safe going 120 through the racing line for free.
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Post 23 Dec 2015, 5:21 pm

kidegan wrote:we have a chance. rando missed the break

Ouch. That was a bit harsh! I just saw this.
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Post 24 Dec 2015, 9:49 am

rando, i made up for the harshness by giving you the double slip, a few turns back. merry xmas to all drivers. i am rooting for you all to finish second
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Post 24 Dec 2015, 9:55 am

kidegan wrote:rando, i made up for the harshness by giving you the double slip, a few turns back. merry xmas to all drivers. i am rooting for you all to finish second


Merry Christmas to one and all.
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Post 27 Dec 2015, 5:22 pm

[RM note: on turn 11 John used a wear point in Curva Di Lesmo B. Although it was noted in the narrative and below the data box, it was not deducted from his total. That has been corrected this turn]

Kal stretches his lead a space. The rear pack makes it exciting heading into Variante Ascari. This was one of the few turns that no positions changed.

Next Deadline: (soft) turn 13 due Tuesday, December 29 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(hard) turn 13 due Wednesday, December 30 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 11 results:
Kal maxes his racecar as he approaches the parabola. Willy and Brad both finish Ascari at 140 for already paid wear; Brad sliding in behind Willy. Rando starts the outside of Ascari then dives inside to use all 120s at 140 for a wear. Tim takes a slip from Rando through the inside 100 space for a wear.

Tony and John both lay on the power to approach the corner side by side at 180mph. Chris misses his first chance to let that huge powerplant loose and instead opts for 160 but with a 2 space slip off Tony makes it 3 wide at the entrance to Ascari.

Gatlin hangs onto the pack at 180 choosing the center lane. Will slips back a space as he tried to slip Chris but was unable to do so with his faster plot.
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Post 27 Dec 2015, 9:54 pm

Tim please don't be a dope!

I gained a 2-space slip from you. What did I do? Promptly jumped in front of you to return the favor.

Now you are next to me. Why? Gahhh!
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Post 30 Dec 2015, 5:14 pm

You can still throw a blanket over the back five. The rest of the field tightens up just slightly on the leader.

Next Deadline: turn 13 plots due Monday, January 4 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 12 results:
Kal cruises through Curva Parabolica safely at 140 as Willy blasts in at 160 on the inside taking 2 wear. Brad takes a slip from Willy and slides into the corner for 1 wear. Rando and Tim match 180 moves to stay side by side.

Tony and John have the same idea as they both take the shortest way through Ascari, each dropping 2 wear. The third member of that group, Chris, takes the safety of all 120 spaces dropping 1 wear and lining up behind John. Gatlin also takes the 120s but with a slip off John is able to slide inside Chris and take the 8th spot. Will Follows Gatlin's and Chris' path through the corner also shedding a wear point.
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Post 30 Dec 2015, 5:22 pm

Kal is fastest again, Rando coming alive, Willy and Brad neck and neck for third fastest.
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Post 04 Jan 2016, 4:52 pm

The rear pack breaks up a bit in the Curva Parabolica. Rando takes an RM plot.

Next deadline: turn 15 due Wednesday, January 6 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 14 results:
Kal uses 2s to coax 180mph out of his engine. Willy slides to the outside of Curva Parabolica to finish the corner at 160 for free with Brad continuing on the outside at 160 to line up right behind him. An RM plot for Rando takes him around the outside of the parabola at 140 staying side by side with Tim who takes the cautious 120 plot around the inside for free.

Tony gets the initiative and flies into the corner at 180 stripping 2w off the tires. John had the same idea but with Tony in the way late brakes to 160 and moves inside taking 2w and probably 2g. Chris outruns Gatlin to the corner using a slip from John. Gatlin meanwhile takes the slip off Tony and moves outside (he was eligible for 2 spaces but only had room for 1). Will approaches the corner on the inside at 180.
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Post 06 Jan 2016, 4:43 pm

We get Rando back and lose Will. The back "pack" has finally gotten somewhat in line.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Friday, January 8 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 15 results:
Kal slows to 140 and sets up on the Rettifilo racing line. Willy runs out at 160. Brad doing the same gets a slip to pull outside of Willy's dark blue racer. Tim and Rando continue to harmonize at 180mph.

Tony finishes Curva Parabolica on the outside at 180, wear already paid. John on the inside does the same and takes aim at Tony's wing. Chris finishes the parabola at 160 and joins the conga line. Gatlin rolls around the outside of the corner at 140 and just misses grabbing onto Chris. Will takes an RM plot safely around the outside of the corner at 140.