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Post 21 Feb 2016, 2:56 pm

Damnable engine failure...
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Post 22 Feb 2016, 4:48 pm

Things get tight up front. This could be an exciting finish!

Note: Season 3 has been set beginning at Mexico City, moving to Austin, Texas and the Circuit of the Americas and finishing in the backyard of my boyhood Watkins Glen. We are projected to begin in May. (RM assignments have not been finalized so if you feel a need to butter me up please feel free)

Next deadline: turn 36 due Wednesday February 24 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 35 results:
Kal saves precious rubber by taking Ascari at 120. Brad also does 120 with his crippled engine. John scrubs off the last of his tires taking the chicane's 120s at 160.

Rando flies down the straightaway at 180 closing a space on John. Chris gets that big engine out one more time using 2s to grab the tailpipe of Rando's machine. Will maxes out at 180 losing a space to Chris.

Gatlin rounds Lesmo B at 140 and his final wear point. Tony negotiates the A side at a safe 140.
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Post 22 Feb 2016, 7:56 pm

in 3 turns it will be 3 wide for 2nd
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Post 24 Feb 2016, 5:14 pm

Two drivers plotted speeds that exceeded their deceleration without any mention in the plot. So the rules say use wear.

Kal's lead stays the same but the pack is coming.

Next deadline: turn 37 due Friday, February 26 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 36 results:
Kal maxes out at 160 approaching the final corner. Brad does the best he can with his crippled engine. John continues through Ascari at 180 for already paid wear and pulls along side the silver race car.

Rando drops 2 wear in the chicane and chooses the outside lane to try to shake the draft. Chris plots 120 but with a slip and a wear in the 100 lane is able to keep on the tailpipe of Rando's machine.

Will plots a 60mph slow down and must use a wear to reach it. He drops another wear in the corner and has 1 left to try to catch Chris.

Gatlin winds up to 180 down the straightaway while Tony stays safe through the B side at 120.
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Post 25 Feb 2016, 4:53 pm

I got everybody's move so we're early. Note the soft and hard deadlines.

Kal gets clear and seals the win. P2-P5 are bunched up in the Curva Parabola. A maniacal cackle is heard from the cockpit of the yellow machine

Next deadline: (soft) Turn 38 due Friday, February 26 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
(hard) due Monday, February 29 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 37 results:
Kal comes out of the final corner and just needs to keep the shiny side up to win. Brad plots 140 then makes a naked roll to brake to 120 entering the parabola forcing the next two cars to make adjustments. John wanted 140 on the outside but with Brad blocking makes a naked brake roll to slow to 120 around the inside. Rando plotted 180 but there's no room at the inn so he sheds some rubber both braking and hitting the corner.

Chris goes 160 and takes a slip off Rando to move inside using his last wear and 2s on the chance table. Will finishes the chicane accelerating to 140 for his already paid wear. Gatlin takes the 120s at 120 to stay safe and Tony plots 160 to again give himself room to safely slow to the corner speed.
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Post 25 Feb 2016, 8:43 pm

I guess I will just keep driving :cool:
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Post 25 Feb 2016, 8:45 pm

HOW DID KAL DO THAT! :confused:
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Post 29 Feb 2016, 5:28 pm

Kal wins it but it's going to be quite a drag race for the next few spots.

Next deadline: Wednesday, March 2 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC

Turn 38 results:
Kal glides across the finish line for the victory but look at that pack behind him. All four cars have already paid their wear for the parabola and continue around the corner lining up with John and Chris side by side and Brad and Rando right behind them. Who will reach for the dice?

Will enters the final corner at 160 spending his last wear. Gatlin put-puts through the Variante Ascari at a safe 120 while Tony tempts fate at 120 into the 100 space...and spins.

Congratulations Kal!
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Post 02 Mar 2016, 4:17 pm

As promised the finish was exciting and no one can blame the dice, they were quite kind.

Turn 39 results:
John makes a naked roll to get to 200 and passes but Chris' naked roll for 220 gets the better finish. Rando uses his final skill to push to 200 and gets the 2 space slip from Chris but it's not enough to pass the yellow racer and Rando settles for 3rd. Brad's sick engine costs him at least 3 spots and maybe the win as he pushes across the line in 5th.

Will completes the parabola at 160 for already paid rubber. Gatlin enters the final corner at a safe 140 and Tony starts back from his spin at 60.

I see no need to finish since the final 3 spots are fixed. I will run those drivers out for the sake of the speed chart. I'd be interested in any thoughts about the start system we used. I'll post mine later in a separate message. You may post them in the forum or send them to me and I will post them if any of you are not members.
I would also like to thank you guys for putting up with my rookie race as RM. We had some rocky moments early in the race but as you saw I have no problem correcting things. I really enjoyed it, especially you guys that send comments with your moves.
For those of you either in or just entering the Redscape Grand Prix I wish you good luck.
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Post 02 Mar 2016, 4:28 pm

No surprise that Chris, John and Rando are the 3 fastest in the final lap.
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Post 02 Mar 2016, 4:37 pm

Thoughts on the alternate start system:

It eliminates the start bidding which I don't think is all that bad. I like the idea of starting with the wear and skill that you bought.

I think the start section is too long. Some way to shorten the time from start to track would be better.

The packs formed pretty much according to performance; 100 start speed cars followed by 60 starters with 60 accel, etc. Might as well just use that as the starting lineup criteria. Years ago when I played this we usually ran qualifiers but then got to mount new tires for the race. When we didn't qualify we used the AH system with an extension. First criteria was start speed, first tie breaker was acceleration, second tie breaker top speed, and finally die roll. This is pretty much how the start of this race shook out.

Overall I'm not impressed and wouldn't want to use it again.
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Post 02 Mar 2016, 6:39 pm

JimOrlando wrote:First criteria was start speed, first tie breaker was acceleration, second tie breaker top speed, and finally die roll. This is pretty much how the start of this race shook out.

Overall I'm not impressed and wouldn't want to use it again.

I would 100% agree.

First of all, great race everyone! I have to admit I was extremely surprised that I was the only one who chose the Max start and then rolled to test start speed. I sacrificed flexibility on the ACC/DEC stats for the start speed and wear. I knew I wanted that 3-skill chip, and the SP to test top since I opted for the 160 top speed.

The goal was to build an impenetrable lead. It was barely enough, and only then because of unfriendly rolls for Willy and Brad. So I'm happy for the win, definitely, but I kinda feel like I got away with something here.
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Post 03 Mar 2016, 1:25 am

The start was a bit to drawn out, maybe half that or less. I think having a 2 abreast random starting grid would make for a more realistic start ( with cars going every which away). Kal your right on the bad dice rolls, I know if mine would have been good you would have had to run me down. Maybe another day. congrats on the win kal
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Post 03 Mar 2016, 4:47 am

From Chris B.

I think the start method didn't work very well, but a small tweak to make start bids matter more would probably be interesting
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Post 04 Mar 2016, 3:14 pm

In my opinion the hole shot idea may have worked better with one of the tighter grids(something like 2 lines of 4 on the front piece. As it is yea, it makes bidding completely useless, though I think if done as is bidding should allow drivers to select their position in the line. Race was good though.