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Post 18 Dec 2015, 9:10 pm

From Doug's email...

Next turn due Monday at 9 pm US ET.

Doug enters the Hairpin on the line at 100 for 2 wear. Turyko and Giovanni rocket out of Degner at 140 and both could clear the Hairpin next turn as they continue to reel in the leader.

Chris runs Degner at 120 for a wear. Dave uses a chance roll through Degner at 120 with 2 skill -- signalling full faith that skill can be wear. Jim enters Degner at 120 in the 120 space again blocking Ken who by now is likely swearing up a storm in his radio as he takes his 140 into the first 140 space instead.

Grant clears S-Curve B at 120 through the 120 spaces. Marshall follows at 100 through the 100 space. Joe clears both halves of the S-Curves at 120 on both lines in part A and through the 120s in part B.
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Post 26 Dec 2015, 1:03 pm

Somehow I forgot to post this one... (from Doug).

Next turn due in a week, Monday the 28th, noon US ET. I don't know what everyone's holiday plans are but if I get all moves earlier I'll try to get another update out.

Doug exits the Hairpin at 100. Turyko tests his decel with a skill to get down to 80 then spend 1 wear on the line in the corner. Giovanni was aiming for the line but with Turyko's over brake he is forced outside into the 60s for 2 wear and is stuck at 100 next turn as well.

Chris goes 120 on the line right in front of the Hairpin. Dave closes in on Chris at 140. Jim stays at 120 through Degner Curve and so must spend a wear as the speed slows along the line. Ken took a Ghost plot of 100 to exit Degner at no cost.

Grant enters Degner in the 120 space at 120. Marshall takes a slip and enters the 140 space at 120. Joe test his top speed to get to 160 and closes right up on Grant and Marshall.
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Post 28 Dec 2015, 11:55 am

Turn 35 from Doug...

Next turn due Wednesday at noon US ET. Then we'll take some more time to accommodate New Years.

Doug spends 1 of his 2 remaining wear entering Spoon at 140 in the 120s. Turyko tests his acceleration coming out of Hairpin to close up the gap to first. Giovanni exits the Hairpin at 100 and falls behind Turyko.

Chris takes the line through Hairpin at 60 for free. Dave went 100 and took the 60s with his line blocked by Chris, spent 2 wear, and ended up inside Chris.

Jim enters Hairpin at 100 on the line for 2 wear. Ken goes right up to Hairpin on the line.

Grant and Marshall both exit Degner at 120. Neither spent any wear entering the corner. Marshall spends a wear on the line as he exits. Marshall spends a wear through the 100s. Joe goes 100 through the 120 and the line for free and tucks in right behind Marshall.
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Post 31 Dec 2015, 9:11 pm

Turn 36 from Doug...

My apologies for the delay. Next move is due Monday, January 4th at noon US ET.

Doug exits Spoon at 120, slowing as he exits through the 100 spaces. Turyko goes 120 through the outside of Spoon for a wear. Both Doug and Turyko have 1 wear left but Turyko has the bigger top speed and a skill.

Giovanni enters Spoon at 140 for a wear through the two 120 spaces. Dave takes a ghost plot (sorry, just a little late) at 140 through 200R. Chris follows at 120.

Jim exits the Hairpin at 100. Ken blows through the Hairpin at 100 for 2 wear to stay on Jim's tail.

Grant enters the Hairpin at 100 for 2 wear. Marshall and Joe follow at 100 on the line just outside the corner.
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Post 08 Jan 2016, 7:09 pm

Turn 37...

Doug saw Turyko in his rear-view mirror and tested his top speed to get to 160 and stay out of slip range in case Turyko pushed his top speed. Turyko did push his top speed to 180 and closes up to 2 spaces behind Doug.

Giovanni slows to 120 as he exits Spoon. Dave takes a chance through the outside of Spoon at 120 and makes it, using his -3 skill chip in the process. Chris H dives inside in Spoon at 120 for 2 wear and gets an extra space from the slip of Dave.

Jim goes 140 for wear into the 120 spaces of Spoon. Ken takes his 140 inside for 2 wear and gets a slip from Jim to pull ahead in the corner.

Grant exits the Hairpin at 100. Marshall goes 100 for 2 wear to stay on Grant's tail. Joe slows to 80 through the Hairpin for only 1 wear. Joe still has 5 wear left.
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Post 08 Jan 2016, 7:09 pm

Turn 38...

Next turn due Friday at noon US ET. But, there are not many turns left here. I'll turn around turns as quickly as I can. Feel free to send me instructions for multiple turns if you feel comfortable doing that.

Doug slows to 120 and coasts through 130R. Turyko goes 140 and closes up on Doug's gear box. Turyko still has the bigger top speed and acceleration so he may still get a chance to pip Doug at the finish.

Giovanni goes 160 toward 130R. Chris and Dave follow at 160.

Ken and Jim both slow to 120 as they exit Spoon. Jim tucking in right behind.

More action in Spoon as Grant enters the first 120 space at 120. Marshall takes the slip and enters the first 100 space for a wear to nudge ahead of Grant. Joe goes 140 to close in on that pair with his 5 wear in hand.
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Post 08 Jan 2016, 7:11 pm

Turn 39...

Next turn due Monday at noon US ET, but I will process sooner if able.

Doug slides into Casio at 100 on the line for his last wear. Turyko sets up behind him on the line. The crowd in the grandstands rises in anticipation of a photo finish.

Giovanni slows as he runs 130R at 120 and lines up his entry to Casio. Chris goes 140 and closes in on Giovanni. Dave runs the outside of 130R at 160 to end up right behind Chris again.

Ken and Jim go 160 down the straight toward 130R. Jim gets a slip and pulls even with Ken.

Marshall exits Spoon at 100. Grant sees Marshall pull past him, stays at 120 into the slower half of Spoon for a chance using 3 skill but spins it. Grant will go 40 next turn (the slower of his accel and start -- no option to test that turn). Joe ducks under the spinning Grant at 120 through the inside of Spoon for 2 wear to pull in behind Marshall.
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Post 11 Jan 2016, 4:56 pm

Turn 40 (from Doug)...

Next turn due Wednesday at noon US ET.

Doug and Turyko clear Casio at 80 each. Turyko spends his last wear as he tucks in behind Doug with the finish line in sight.

Both drivers will likely end up pushing their acceleration here. If Doug succeeds, he will win. If Doug fails and Turyko succeeds Turyko will win the race. (If they both fail, Doug will win.)

Just behind them, Giovanni enters Casio at 100 for a wear. Chris slides over for the racing line just outside the corner. Dave dives inside Chris right in front of the corner. Well. That could get dicey :)

Ken stays at 160 through the inside lane of 130R for a wear. Jim runs wide in 130R and tucks in behind Ken.

Marshall runs down the back straight at 160. Joe uses the slip to stay on his tail.

Grant exits Spoon after recovering from his slip.
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Post 13 Jan 2016, 12:37 pm

Two cars come home (from Doug)...

Next turn due Friday at noon US ET.

Doug tests his acceleration to get to 140. He succeeds (and I cc'd Turyko on that roll) which means Turyko can't catch Doug. Turyko goes 140 to finish 2nd.

Giovanni exits Casio at 80 -- slowing as the line slows. Chris goes 100 so that he can move before Dave, enters the corner on the line for 1 wear, then late brakes naked down to 80 as the line slows to end up right behind Giovanni.

Dave takes a chance through the 60s in Casio using 2 skill and makes it.

Then some mayhem.

Ken was aiming for the line but with Dave blocking his exit, takes the 60 lane at 100 for a wear and a chance and spins. Ken will go 40 next turn.

Jim discovers that he is going too fast and does what he can... he tests his decel to get down to 100, then enters the 80 spaces with Ken on the line. He rolls his chance and makes it... then runs out of options. By rule you can not voluntarily spin and he now is required to spend a wear in this corner that he does not have and so crashes.

Marshall and Joe run 130R at 140. Joe takes a slip to pull even with Marshall.

Grant gets up to 80 in the back.
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Post 15 Jan 2016, 1:05 pm

Turn 42 from Doug...

Next and probably last turn due Wednesday at noon US ET due to MLK day monday. Although if I get everyone's move who matters (Joe and Marshall at this point and maybe Grant depending on what Marshall does this turn.)

Giovanni cruises across the line for 3rd. Chris knew there was no way to catch him but the slip puts him even at the line for 4th. Dave gets over the line for 5th.

Ken recovers from his spin at 40. Joe comes flying into the corner at 120 for 2 wear and a chance on the line. He actually only needed 2 wear for the first space of the line and takes his chance on the second space of the line... and spins. Joe will go 60 next turn by rule. Marshall goes 100 on the line for 1 wear.

There is no way for Joe to catch Ken next turn but Marshall and Joe could end up in a drag race for 7th.
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Post 19 Jan 2016, 5:02 am

The final numbers for Suzuka C2 along with the composite 24 car finish.
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Post 19 Jan 2016, 11:43 am

... and the race ending which Jim has already incorporated into his stats.

Marshall was the only person here who could really affect the outcome of the rest of the race. He plotted 80 on the line, which is actually just a continuation of the 1 wear he spent last turn in this corner. That put him next to Joe.

Logical next turn is for Marshall and Joe to push as hard as they can across the line. So I will do that for them. Ken is on autopilot because he can not be passed and Grant is on autopilot because he can not catch any one.

The result of the tests was that Joe made his test and went 140. Marshall failed his and went 140 and so Joe kept 7th.

Final Results:

1) Doug
2) Turyko
3) Giovanni
4) Chris H
5) Dave
6) Ken
7) Joe
8) Marshall
9) Grant