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Post 03 Apr 2017, 10:25 am

Damn, we need some more standard games to start...
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Post 03 Apr 2017, 4:53 pm

I agree. I am planning on starting another invitation game in a month or so, but if anyone else wants to get one started, the more the merrier.
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Post 04 Apr 2017, 6:35 pm

sweet. count me in.
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Post 15 Apr 2017, 12:39 pm

Perhaps we could call it Dipxit? :cool:
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Post 11 May 2017, 2:13 pm

I'm in a standard game elsewhere that I suspect I may not be in for much longer.

If so, I'd probably be interested in joining a standard game on here.

How do they usually run - is it PBEM or do you submit orders via the site?
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Post 11 May 2017, 2:35 pm

Hey Dippy!

We're a PBEM only outfit. That means we require volunteer GM's which are a bit scarce these days. I don't believe George's potential game is an open invite so you might be waiting awhile. When we do get games going here, though, they are of high quality.
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Post 13 May 2017, 1:35 pm

Thanks SLOTerp.

I'll keep my eyes out for an opening.

Am registered on DC (another PBEM site) and a web-based site too so if nothing crops up here, chances are they will there.

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Post 17 May 2017, 12:12 am


Are we there yet???????
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Post 06 Jul 2017, 2:05 pm

I would be interested in a standard game as well...

Will try to check in occasionally to see if one pops up.

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Post 19 Jul 2017, 5:33 am

JimHackerMP wrote:Geojanes:

Are we there yet???????

I plan on hosting a game to start in the fall, I already have a name "Over there" to commemorate the USA's entry into the Great War.
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Post 12 Oct 2017, 12:29 pm

I missed it. Damn....