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Post 18 Aug 2015, 4:18 am

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Post 18 Aug 2015, 11:46 am

FTF ...none (though the number of FTF games played is quite near zero)
Email freaking idea, once upon a time it was a lot but since then it's been quite few
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Post 18 Aug 2015, 1:30 pm

I've only played a handful of ftf house games and never even sniffed victory. I tend to find that after about 6 hours, the remaining players pretty much decide to call it an informal win for the SC leader.

I've won 2 Redscape games, one in PG and the other was a variant. I feel pretty good about that given the paucity of games I've played.

After the reboot this thread was started but only Todd, Gjanse, and I listed our games. I keep mine current for the sports stuff, more as a personal repository of info than anything else.
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Post 18 Aug 2015, 2:19 pm

FTF, 1
Online, I think there was 1 but it was before Redscape.
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Post 19 Aug 2015, 12:39 pm

I assume you mean a solo as the definition of 'won'. If so then I think it's probably only one email game, but the standard wasn't great. I've never actually played FtF.
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Post 24 Aug 2015, 5:24 pm

What about sharing in a DIAS?
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Post 25 Aug 2015, 1:24 pm

Oh, I've done that loads of times.
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Post 25 Aug 2015, 8:58 pm

I forget which game it was, it was on Redscape but the old one, and there were 4 or 5 of us left that were trying to keep Turkey from snatching the last few centers that turn he needed to win. We put together Operation TURKISH BATH: an alliance to stalemate Turkey to prevent the aforementioned center-grab but it failed, partly my fault for not understanding Italy's (or someone else, I forget who I was, might have been England) explanation of how to form the necessary counterattack to push him back. The goal was to prevent his solo so we'd all share in a DIAS. I dunno, in retrospect, if that was terribly sporting of us but the attempt failed anyway, as I explained.

I don't think I ever shared in a DIAS, even. :frown:
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Post 26 Aug 2015, 11:34 pm

JimHackerMP wrote:I forget which game it was, it was on Redscape but the old one, and there were 4 or 5 of us left that were trying to keep Turkey from snatching the last few centers that turn he needed to win. We put together Operation TURKISH BATH: an alliance to stalemate Turkey to prevent the aforementioned center-grab but it failed, partly my fault for not understanding Italy's (or someone else, I forget who I was, might have been England) explanation of how to form the necessary counterattack to push him back. The goal was to prevent his solo so we'd all share in a DIAS. I dunno, in retrospect, if that was terribly sporting of us but the attempt failed anyway, as I explained.

I don't think I ever shared in a DIAS, even. :frown:

Not "sporting"? Stopping anyone else who might solo by any means is the game.
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Post 27 Aug 2015, 1:26 pm

Very true. And it's always sporting to not go down without a fight.
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Post 03 Mar 2017, 1:18 pm

FTF: 2
Email: 3
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Post 31 Mar 2017, 7:38 am

FTF; 0
I've mostly played live ftf games. I don't think we ever finished one! Sometimes they ended in a legit 3 way split. Other times everybody would concede to the leading 2-player alliance. This was kind of lame because I'm a "drawer" not a "placer".

FTF Colonial Diplomacy: 1
Only played this twice, and only with the Short Game rules. I won as Turkey.

I've played 4 games online. I took a solo win as Italy (turned out to be unrated). I was in on a 3-way draw, a 4-way draw (PPSC), and the other game was a loss (but a survival).