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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 10 Nov 2014, 11:39 am

Please add to the list!

The Diplomatic Pouch:

Board Game Geek:
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 8:17 pm

Rules might be handy!

Hasbro 4th ed. (2000)
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Post 23 Aug 2015, 10:43 am

I have found a lot of resources for Diplomacy on Board Game Geek (but many you have displayed here that they don't mention).

Someone was nerdy enough to make "covers" for the custom order pads they made up, for each power. I have actually become nerdy enough to make my own. I guess one could print them out on card stock and use 'em. I don't see why, but it's just that others did it so I followed suit. :razz:

Pretty much a cut-and-paste job from Wikipedia, and everything was in the public domain. I wasn't sure whether to use the countries' flags or their great seals but I decided the latter looked prettier.

I could have included the heads of government and foreign ministers up to 1914 (or whenever games of Diplomacy typically end). But that would have been nerdier than necessary, so it all reflects the information current as of the Spring of 1901.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 23 Aug 2015, 2:30 pm

That's pretty cool, Colin. You should send that to Hasbro - maybe they'll include order covers in the next edition.

I didn't realize how common the Redscape double eagle is (those copycat scoundrels). I didn't recognize the Austrian one at first because of all the ornamentation. I agree that the crests are a much better choice than the flags.
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Post 23 Aug 2015, 2:49 pm

You think? Cool...

I was pretty bored that day LOL.

Speaking of the flags (not a real important question) but I have always wondered why Diplomacy (like Deluxe Diplomacy, the 1999 Hasbro version, etc) use the Russian naval jack for Russia instead of the tricolor, which was the official Russian flag under the tsars as well.

And actually, I do have another version of the covers with the flags on them instead of the crests; as an oval shape with "faded" effect, and the pictures of the Heads of State on the right. Might post that one, too.